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Facilitating high-level understanding in engineering education through STE inspired examples Christian Claudel Assistant Professor Department of Civil,

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1 Facilitating high-level understanding in engineering education through STE inspired examples Christian Claudel Assistant Professor Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering The University of Texas at Austin Keywords: interdisciplinarity, example-based learning

2 Why? Engineering is by essence applied, on real-life scenarios But: theoretical foundations of engineering are sometimes obscure Difficult to motivate why some concepts are studied, given that alternatives could exist (but do not apply to our specific engineering field)

3 When? Fall 2011: ME 221A (Linear systems theory): some of the math foundations have no real-life counterpart in engineering (but have in other stem fields) Fall 2012: Start building a database of real-life examples of math foundations of ME 221A, possibly spanning multiple disciplines Spring 2015: CE 391F (Advanced traffic flow theory): examples are also very useful to motivate the choice of why specific concepts are taught in engineering subfields. These examples are usually outside of the field of interest

4 Where? King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST): Linear systems University of Texas Austin: Advanced transportation theory Applicable to full courses

5 What? Developed a database of examples and counterexamples applicable to class concepts (both for motivations and real-life examples) Theory: having real-life examples of obscure theoretical concepts helps understanding, even if these examples are picked from non-related fields Showing limitations of theories/concepts (even if there is no limitation in the given subject) greatly helps motivating and creating interest.

6 Prognosis? Impact documented from student assessments Main takeaways: – Students are usually not afraid of other STEM fields (provided that examples are short/require not much context) – Examples taken out of taught subject help creating interest and curiosity. Future objectives: having all taught concepts properly motivated through examples/counterexamples Need to develop database/share among other faculty

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