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VCSE Health Initiatives 2016/17. Starting Point VCSE strengths – local, flexible, experienced People & communities we are already in contact with…or know.

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Presentation on theme: "VCSE Health Initiatives 2016/17. Starting Point VCSE strengths – local, flexible, experienced People & communities we are already in contact with…or know."— Presentation transcript:

1 VCSE Health Initiatives 2016/17

2 Starting Point VCSE strengths – local, flexible, experienced People & communities we are already in contact with…or know about Organisations already supporting health outcomes Knowledge of Stockton and Hartlepool

3 Role of the VCSE Innovative projects that deliver specified health outcomes Not the same as what is already in place Collaboration and imagination If smaller then scalable Coherent with future funding plans

4 VCSE Health Initiatives 2016 Commissioning project from Hartlepool & Stockton CCG Managed by Catalyst Stockton and Hartlepool Voluntary Development Agency (HVDA)to facilitate a VCSE response to the challenge of improving health outcomes. Up to £50,000 per project Projects live from 1 st Oct 2016 – 30 th September 2017. Encourage small but highly effective bids Also encourage multi-agency bids

5 Strategic Drivers Strategic Drivers for these initiatives: Joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) for Stockton-on-Tees and Hartlepool Stockton-on-Tees and Hartlepool Health & Wellbeing Strategy Hartlepool & Stockton Clinical Commissioning Group Clear & Credible Plan Stockton-on-Tees and Hartlepool Better Care Fund (Strategy in Development)

6 Success! Healthier Individuals and Communities Health Initiatives in the VCSE but… … tied to priority strategies Reducing pressure on current NHS Services Reduced emergency admissions … … and Readmissions

7 The Health Outcomes Achieving Health outcomes: Contribute to the reduction and prevention of childhood obesity - to reduce the percentage of children who are obese in our communities Promote self-management through education and support of individuals with one or more long term condition to reduce the risk of deterioration and potential for unplanned admissions e.g. Diabetes, Chronic Respiratory Disease and Cardiovascular Disease

8 The Health Outcomes Achieving Health outcomes: Improvement in the health related quality of life for people including young people with a long term mental health conditions with sign posting to IAPT services where appropriate. Support people with Learning Disabilities and their families so that they can maintain a community based lifestyle and avoid re-admission to inpatient settings.

9 The Health Outcomes Achieving Health outcomes: Supporting Discharge – befriending, addressing isolation and loneliness Supporting people through the cancer pathway All projects will be underpinned by an ethos of promoting access to health screening services.

10 Stockton Project Successes Take Heart – user led-approach Health Initiatives BCF Funded Projects: –MIND ‘Close 2 Home’ –Age Uk Teesside ‘Better Health, Better Wealth’ –Arc ‘Staying Out’ –Alzheimers Society Teesside University Evaluation – SROI & HE across the programme Lots of new ideas tried with mixed success but lots of learning

11 Hartlepool Project Successes Epilepsy Outlook – support to people with epilepsy Hartlepool Blind Welfare –support to the blind community Hartlepool Carers-GP referral scheme Hartlepool Deaf Centre- support to the deaf community Parents in Need of Support- parents and carers of people with drug/alcohol issues West View Advice and Resource Centre-specialist advice work Hartlepool Families First- referral route to health services

12 Bidding Process Bidding process open Wednesday 23 rd March 2016 Closing time/date: 5.00pm Tuesday 3 rd May 2016 Mobilisation Phase: June 2016 – September 2016 Projects expected to start delivery by 1 st October 2015 Please send applications to Stockton- Hartlepool -

13 Application Pack Application pack and more information available Catalyst website: HVDA website:

14 Contacts: Stockton- Catalyst 01642 733906 Gemma Clifford: Priya Manoharan: Hartlepool – HVDA 01429 262641 Keith Bayley: Jimmy McKenna:

15 Any Questions?

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