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Example #1 Heavy Rain-In this game you play a character that has to complete a story, while making choices throughout the game. The game offers several.

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3 Example #1 Heavy Rain-In this game you play a character that has to complete a story, while making choices throughout the game. The game offers several different endings, so depending on how you play the game you could be a winner or a loser. Example #1 Heavy Rain-In this game you play a character that has to complete a story, while making choices throughout the game. The game offers several different endings, so depending on how you play the game you could be a winner or a loser. Example #2 Bio- Shock- In this game you are play through the entire game following the voice of Atlas, who gives you instruction. At the end of the game Jack “you” realizes you have been following a voice that is trying to get you to do its bidding, and was not really helping you. This shows players that average games really give them no control. Example #2 Bio- Shock- In this game you are play through the entire game following the voice of Atlas, who gives you instruction. At the end of the game Jack “you” realizes you have been following a voice that is trying to get you to do its bidding, and was not really helping you. This shows players that average games really give them no control.

4 The idea of the fifth dimension, and choice and agency has been explored in theatre for a long time. These can include having the audience make suggestions at the beginning or middle of the show as to how the show should occur, or having the audience actually become part of the play and interact with the actors and actresses.

5 Example #1 The Author -This is a play that engages the audience and yet tries to convince them not be engaged at the same time. The actors start by having a conversation with the audience in a likeable way, but they turn to tactics to anger and drive the audience away from participating. Example #1 The Author -This is a play that engages the audience and yet tries to convince them not be engaged at the same time. The actors start by having a conversation with the audience in a likeable way, but they turn to tactics to anger and drive the audience away from participating. Example #2 Tony and Tina’s Wedding This play includes the fifth dimension because the people that are in the audience have the chance to go on stage and actually interact with the actors during the play. This makes the audience fully able to change the events of the play, if not the ending. Example #2 Tony and Tina’s Wedding This play includes the fifth dimension because the people that are in the audience have the chance to go on stage and actually interact with the actors during the play. This makes the audience fully able to change the events of the play, if not the ending.


7 Games in Classrooms Students can create their own characters. This allows students to identify with the character, and helps the player become more interested in the game. This gives the player the chance to change the game that is more familiar and therefore more real to the player. This is the same feeling that we want the audience to feel during the show. We want the audience to create the show that they are watching, or at least have a large part in what occurs. Another thing that games allow students to learn about the consequences that their actions can have. Games that have consequences like Morrowind can teach this quality. This a very useful teachers to keep students interested and help the students learn. While this is not what we are going to try and develop in our audience, we are trying to make the audience realize that the choices that they make during the improvisation show do have consequences.

8 Overall, make sure that your audience is always interested, entertained, and engaged. That is what the fifth dimension is all about.


10 Methodology A.K.A. Our Methods for Collecting Information Methodology A.K.A. Our Methods for Collecting Information

11 Interviews -The purpose of these interviews was to gain a deeper understanding of the things interested parties would want to see. -The groups that we decided to interview were the AV club, the 18+ improv group, as well as anyone else we knew were interested in games and live performance on campus. -Overall, the interviews gave our group a good heading for what we could change to make our survey more complete. -The purpose of these interviews was to gain a deeper understanding of the things interested parties would want to see. -The groups that we decided to interview were the AV club, the 18+ improv group, as well as anyone else we knew were interested in games and live performance on campus. -Overall, the interviews gave our group a good heading for what we could change to make our survey more complete.

12 Survey Development -We took the information that we learned from the pre- survey that we administered to groups to create new questions. -With this information we were able to create questions that would be much better suited for the people that we wanted to survey. -Next was the administration of the survey. -We took the information that we learned from the pre- survey that we administered to groups to create new questions. -With this information we were able to create questions that would be much better suited for the people that we wanted to survey. -Next was the administration of the survey.

13 Survey Distribution -Each group member went out to individuals that we knew had a vested interest in video games. -We also went and administered the survey during a smash brothers tournament. -We also sent out emails to each group that we are working to make the improv show a possibility. -Each group member went out to individuals that we knew had a vested interest in video games. -We also went and administered the survey during a smash brothers tournament. -We also sent out emails to each group that we are working to make the improv show a possibility.

14 Data Collection -We sent the survey out. -With the results that we got back, we were able to create data charts. -These charts will be used to find the best way to include the audience in our show when we finally begin creating the show next semester. -We sent the survey out. -With the results that we got back, we were able to create data charts. -These charts will be used to find the best way to include the audience in our show when we finally begin creating the show next semester.

15 Data Analysis

16 Graph #1 Other Racing Puzzle Strategy Game Simulation Adventure Fighting First Person Shooter Role Playing game Sports What game genres would you like to see as a setting for the performance? 0 5 10 20 15 25

17 Graph #1 This question examined the different genres that the SUNY Potsdam candidates would want to see represented in the improvisation show. From these options it is our hope to find out what the participants in the survey would want to see. These choices would be included in the show, and would help keep the audience interested. Our findings were that racing, adventure, and role playing games were the most interesting games for our audience. These genres are what we will probably focus on in the creating our skits. This question examined the different genres that the SUNY Potsdam candidates would want to see represented in the improvisation show. From these options it is our hope to find out what the participants in the survey would want to see. These choices would be included in the show, and would help keep the audience interested. Our findings were that racing, adventure, and role playing games were the most interesting games for our audience. These genres are what we will probably focus on in the creating our skits.

18 Graph #2 Health Bars Inventory Currency Store Lives Non Player Char. Heroes Armor Weapons Vendors Villains Clothing Uniforms Accessories Other What game elements would you like to see incorporated into the show? 0 15 35 20 30 25 5 10

19 Graph #2 Overall, our findings for what individuals would want to see in the improvisational show are fairly even. The top choice for what should appear in the show are villains, heroes, and weapons. This makes sense because most games involve an antagonist and a hero. If people are going to view a show that includes a video game these responses are to be expected. The secondary choices are health bars, inventory, and lives. This makes as well because these are universal to most games. These are probably the things that we work our hardest to integrate into the show. Overall, our findings for what individuals would want to see in the improvisational show are fairly even. The top choice for what should appear in the show are villains, heroes, and weapons. This makes sense because most games involve an antagonist and a hero. If people are going to view a show that includes a video game these responses are to be expected. The secondary choices are health bars, inventory, and lives. This makes as well because these are universal to most games. These are probably the things that we work our hardest to integrate into the show.

20 Graph #3 26 74 Yes No If asked, would you be willing to participate on-stage?

21 Graph #3 In this section we found that 74% of the people in the survey would want to have participate on stage, and that 26% of the participants would not want to have participate on stage. This is something that is normal of improvisation shows to do, but it will be interesting to see how the member adds to the show itself. If the audience member know game they maybe be able to an element to the show that was not previously envisioned. In this section we found that 74% of the people in the survey would want to have participate on stage, and that 26% of the participants would not want to have participate on stage. This is something that is normal of improvisation shows to do, but it will be interesting to see how the member adds to the show itself. If the audience member know game they maybe be able to an element to the show that was not previously envisioned.

22 Graph #4 How often would you like to be able to influence the direction of a skit?

23 Graph #4 This graph shows that most of our respondents would want to be able to make a change every 1-2 minutes of the performance. This seems to indicate that most of the audience members would want to have a choice in what occurs on stage. The people who will be attending the show will be informed that it is based in video games. The information from this question can be used to determine how long the skit should be and how to develop the skit to keep the audience involved. This graph shows that most of our respondents would want to be able to make a change every 1-2 minutes of the performance. This seems to indicate that most of the audience members would want to have a choice in what occurs on stage. The people who will be attending the show will be informed that it is based in video games. The information from this question can be used to determine how long the skit should be and how to develop the skit to keep the audience involved.

24 Graph #5

25 In this section we found that most of the people that took our survey would want to have the option to use a text messaging service (12 out of 35), followed by the choice to use crowd noise (7 out of 25). This suggest that suggest that the groups that we worked with are most interested in using technology as a means to deliver their message. In this section we found that most of the people that took our survey would want to have the option to use a text messaging service (12 out of 35), followed by the choice to use crowd noise (7 out of 25). This suggest that suggest that the groups that we worked with are most interested in using technology as a means to deliver their message.

26 Conclusion

27 In Conclusion…… our project still has a long way to go. While we have completed our pre- survey, survey, and presentation, we still have a long road ahead of us. Next semester our group will be working with the groups that we interviewed, and others to put on a improv performance, that includes the fifth dimension. If you would like to attend, the event is taking place on “”. Have a Good Break. In Conclusion…… our project still has a long way to go. While we have completed our pre- survey, survey, and presentation, we still have a long road ahead of us. Next semester our group will be working with the groups that we interviewed, and others to put on a improv performance, that includes the fifth dimension. If you would like to attend, the event is taking place on “”. Have a Good Break.

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