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April 2016 Discover England Fund Industry Consultation Survey.

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1 April 2016 Discover England Fund Industry Consultation Survey

2 1. Method

3 Regional engagement events were held around England in February / March 2016, and subsequently details about the Discover England Fund were published on our website. Stakeholders - including those who attended the events and those who didn’t - were invited to complete an online survey with the objectives of: (1) Checking their understanding of the Fund (2) Understanding support required and any other open questions (3) Identifying any Year 1 projects The survey was live from 18 th Feb to 21 st March 2016. 46 completed survey responses were received. Given the low sample size, results are presented as absolute values rather than percentages. 3 1. Method

4 2. Summary of key results

5 5 Most respondents agree that they now have a good overall understanding of the main elements of the Fund. Not surprisingly, those who attended an event tend to have a higher level of understanding than those who didn’t. Half the respondents say they are likely to be involved in developing a bid for the Fund. Interest levels are highest particularly among destination organisations. When prompted with a list of support areas, the priorities for further support were advice about bid development and submission, research and insight, and partnership facilitation. When support needs were asked as an open question, partnership support and bid development funding were the two areas mentioned most frequently. Specifically for research and insight, respondents/organisations were keen to understand more about international visitors/markets, best practice case studies, and industry or regional specific insights. A wide range of initial ideas were submitted by respondents 2. Summary of key results

6 3. Profile of respondents

7 7 The survey was completed by a wide range of tourism industry organisations. More than half attended one of the regional meetings recently. Question 1. To start, what type of organisation do you represent? Source: Discover England Fund feedback survey Q1. To start, what type of organisation do you represent? Q2. Did you attend one of the recent regional engagement meetings about the Discover England Fund? (Base: N = 46) ) Question 2. Did you attend one of the recent regional engagement meetings about the Discover England Fund?

8 4. Understanding of Discover England Fund

9 9 Question3. To what extend do you agree or disagree that you now have a good overall understanding of the main elements of the Fund? 4. Understanding of Discovery England Fund Most respondents agree that they now have a good overall understanding of the main elements of the Fund. Strongly agreeSlightly agreeNeither agree nor disagree Slightly disagree Strongly disagree Total Source: Discover England Fund feedback survey Q3. Thinking about everything you have read and heard so far about the Discover England Fund, to what extent do you agree or disagree that you now have a good overall understanding of the main elements of the Fund? (Base: All N = 46) ) Those who require further information want to understand more about the aim of the Fund, its practicalities, and to see some project examples.

10 10 4. Understanding of Discovery England Fund Respondents outside the private sector, and those who attended an engagement session, were more likely to agree they have a good understanding of the Fund. By organisation typeBy attendance Question3. To what extend do you agree or disagree that you now have a good overall understanding of the main elements of the Fund? Source: Discover England Fund feedback survey Q3. Thinking about everything you have read and heard so far about the Discover England Fund, to what extent do you agree or disagree that you now have a good overall understanding of the main elements of the Fund? (Agree = Strongly agree or Slightly agree; Disagree = Strongly disagree or Slightly disagree) (Base: All N = 46) )

11 5. Likelihood of developing Fund bid

12 12 Question4. How likely is it that you/your organisation will be involved in some way in developing a bid for the Discover England Fund? 5. Likelihood of developing Fund bid Half of the respondents across sectors said they are likely to be involved in developing a bid for the Fund. Interest levels are particularly high among Destination Organisations. Source: Discover England Fund feedback survey Q4. How likely is it that you/your organisation will be involved in some way in developing a bid for the Discover England Fund? (Base: All N = 46) ) Destination Organisation/ National Park/Local Authority Business Government or national agency/ Trade association or membership/ Charity or third sector organisation/ Other

13 6. Type of support required

14 14 6. Type of support required The most frequently mentioned support types needed are advice about bid development and submission content, research and insight and partnership facilitation. Question 5. Please select all the types of support that you/your organisation are likely to require to be able to participate in the Discover England Fund. (Multiple choices) Source: Discover England Fund feedback survey Q5. From the list below, please select all the types of support that you/your organisation are likely to require to be able to participate in the Discover England Fund. You may choose as many or as few as you wish. (Base: who will “definitely” or “Probably” be involved in developing a bid for the Fund n = 42. )

15 7. Other support required

16 16 “As a smaller organisation, the main area of support that we will require is partnering with a major organisation, either from our region or from our sector, in order to be able to submit a bid to the fund.” “The Fund will need to allow for project management costs - many tourism organisations that might be involved in bidding and delivering are, due to austerity in recent years, probably running with limited or stretched resources. The likely nature of these projects - multi partnership, large expenditure, short-term delivery - will require dedicated experienced resources to develop and deliver.”” Question 5a Are there any other types of support that you are likely to require to be able to participate in the Fund? 7. Other supports required Two broad themes were mentioned most often when respondents were asked about other support types – partnership support and bid development. “We might need some facilitator guidance, to assist in the application process, to ensure our application is relevant.” Source: Discover England Fund feedback survey Q5a. Are there any other types of support that you are likely to require to be able to participate in the Fund? (Base: who will “definitely” or “Probably” be involved in developing a bid for the Fund n = 42. )

17 17 “…what would be really helpful is case study examples of what could be seen as best practice from other countries. It would also be helpful to know from customer surveys where there is a perceived product gap that needs to be filled. Where do overseas visitors have problems in booking product and getting around England?” “It would be especially helpful to understand the international interest in UK science and discovery activities outside London. It would also help to understand the age ranges of tourists visiting the UK and the family appeal of destinations outside London.” “Quite simply, to establish if the size of the market is sufficient to make what we propose viable and realistic and to fine-tune the product to reflect market needs and expectations.” “I think it would be helpful if VE first collected all of the possible themes or sectors that are interested in biding for this funding. Then, either provide existing research OR undertake some benchmarking. I think many attractions such as ours could bid on several levels - geographic location, eco-tourism, conservation, outstanding landscapes etc. Knowing which one could deliver the best ROI would be helpful at the outset.” Question 6 What type of research and Insight would be helpful to you, particularly during the bid development process? 7. Other supports required Research around international visitors/markets, best practice case studies and industry or regional specific insights are perceived to be helpful for bid development. Source: Discover England Fund feedback survey Q6. Are there any other types of support that you are likely to require to be able to participate in the Fund? (Base: who selected “Research and Insight” at Q5, n = 29. ) “…Any insights that explore multi-destination trips, and any data that indicates the extent of repeat visitors to cities/regions.”

18 8. Next steps

19 19 Survey feedback is being considered in Fund development. 35 project ideas were submitted via the survey and these will be reviewed and contact made as appropriate. A research plan is being developed and will be shared. Criteria and guidance for Year 1 applications is being finalised and will be published on the website shortly, followed by Year 2/3 in the summer. 8. Next steps

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