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ISO 9001:2015/14001:2015 Certification Transition Process 2015. 10. 1.

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1 ISO 9001:2015/14001:2015 Certification Transition Process 2015. 10. 1

2 2 11 ISO 9001/14001 Transition Schedule ISO 9001/14001 Transition Schedule 33 Certification Transition Procedure Certification Transition Procedure 목 차 22 Certification Transition Process Certification Transition Process

3 3 2015 standard published 3 years passed 15 September 2015 Two years and half passed 15 September 2018 1.Audit by the new standard (ISO 9001:2015 / ISO 14001:2015) – if customer request 2.Audit by the old standard (ISO 9001:2008 / ISO 14001:2004) No issue of certificate on the part of the old standard Certification by old standard expired 11 ISO 9001/14001 Transition Schedule ISO 9001/14001 Transition Schedule

4 4 1. System change by the new standard 2. Operation by the revised system 3. Internal Audit/Management review performance Transition audit application by the revised standard Document review and on-site audit Certificate Review by certification body Report verification and certification decision made Make contract Audit plan establishment Instruction of Certification transition procedure Client Certification body / EQA 22 Certification Transition Process Certification Transition Process

5 5 Instruct transition procedure and schedule of the revised standard of ISO 9001:2015/ ISO 14001:2015. Submit the application form of 2015 certification transition if client want transition by revised standard at surveillance or recertification audit (1)Review the information necessary to prepare transition audit report such as general information, internal audit, management review (2)Determine how many days is required for document review and on-site audit considering changes in system by standard transition (1)No additional or separated certification audit contract is not concluded in case where existing customer submit application form and documented information necessary for certification transition. (2)Renew contract in accordance with recertification audit procedure if the application is made at recertification (3)Contract shall be made for organization that was certified by other CB (1)Notify client of the audit plan to perform audit with the revised standard (2)In arranging audit team, assign the members who successfully transit their qualification for the new sta ndard (3) Audit team leader shall reflect required audit time on contract review to apply it to audit program Instruction of transition schedule Establishing audit plan Submission of application form Contract review Make contract 33 Certification Transition Procedure Certification Transition Procedure

6 6 (1) Surveillance audit (includes certification transfer audit from other body):  In Surveillance audit– where client wants audit by revised standard at surveillance, surveillance audit and certification transition audits are made together (2) Recertification audit (includes certification transfer audit from other body)  If there is no significant change, recertification audit and certification transition audit are made together with integrated stage 1 and stage 2 Audit team leader shall suggest the recommendation of certification transition in case where all nonconformities are resolved and the effectiveness of management system verified. If the information relevant to audit report ( including certification transition report) is submitted by audit team, certification decision process is addressed. (1)Issue certificate if certification transition is decided (2)For existing customer, issue certificate with valid period equivalent to the rest; for recertified and new clients, issue three year of valid period (3)In case where initial or recertification audit is conducted with ISO 9001:2008/ISO 14001:2004, certification period states 15.09.2018 for its expiry date. Publishing Certificate Audit Writing report 33 Certification Transition Procedure Certification Transition Procedure Determining verification certification

7 7 Thank You

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