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Civics & Economics – Goal 4 NC Legislative Branch.

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1 Civics & Economics – Goal 4 NC Legislative Branch

2 NC Legislature – General Assembly The state legislature in NC is called the General Assembly; anyone who is at least 18 years old, a citizen of the US and NC resident can vote Raleigh, NC

3 NC and the Legislature Lillian Exum Clement elected in 1920 of Buncombe County was the first woman to serve in the General Assembly

4 NC and the Legislature Henry Frye elected in 1968 of Guilford County was the first African American elected to the General Assembly in the 20th century

5 Powers of the General Assembly The General Assembly has the power to pass general statutes (laws) that apply statewide and can enact local or special laws that apply to certain areas

6 Powers of the General Assembly The General Assembly frequently examines government operations, these reviews- called legislative oversight allow legislators to learn how well current laws are working and whether the laws need to be changed

7 Powers of the General Assembly The General Assembly elects members of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors and the state community college system

8 Powers of the General Assembly The General Assembly also has responsibility for impeaching and trying judges and members of the Council of State William Woods Holden, Governor (1868-1871) Only NC Governor to be impeached

9 Organization of the General Assembly Like US Congress, the General Assembly is bicameral, made of two houses; also like Congress houses are called the NC senate and house of representatives The NC Senate has 50 members the house of representatives has 120 members

10 Elections The General Assembly redraws electoral districts after each national census (10 year population count), or official population count, to reflect population changes

11 Elections Senate areas of representation are drawn by dividing the state into 50 districts; each contains nearly equal population In some parts of the state, two districts are combined into multimember districts; voters in these districts elect 2 senators

12 Elections The state is divided into 120 house districts of nearly equal population; the house also has multimember districts In NC members of the senate and house are elected for two year terms; there is no limit on the number of terms a member may serve

13 Qualifications for the NC General Assembly *NC House: Must be at least 21 years old and lived in the district for a year before the election *NC Senate: Must be at least 25 years old, have been a citizen living in NC for at least two years, and must have lived in the district at least one year before election

14 General Assembly Leadership The NC House of Representatives elects a Speaker who presides over the house and makes key appointments Tim Moore, Speaker of the House

15 Find your representative! We will complete this activity and add to our notes on WEDSNESDAY!!! NC House: NC Senate:

16 General Assembly Leadership The state constitution directs the lieutenant governor is president of the senate but only votes to break a tie Just like the VP is the Head of the US Senate Dan Forest- (NC ) Lt. Governor

17 General Assembly Leadership The senate elects a president pro tempore who is leader of the senate and makes all key appointments Each house determines its own rules for how it conducts business Phil Berger- President Pro Tempore

18 Legislative Sessions The General Assembly meets in the Legislative Building in Raleigh, NC

19 Legislative Sessions In odd-numbered years, the General Assembly meets for a “ long-session ” which lasts from January through June In even-numbered years they meet for a “ short session ” to finish work left over from the previous year; begins in May and lasts six weeks The General Assembly may meet for special sessions called by the governor or by the speaker of the house and president of the senate

20 Key Legislation In 2005, the General Assembly voted to put into operation a state lottery; proceeds from the lottery are used to fund education programs

21 Key Legislation In 2006, the General Assembly approved a new minimum wage, raising the hourly rate one dollar to $6.15. In 2015, NC changed this to $7.25

22 Key Legislation They also passed ethics and campaign reform legislation; it placed restrictions on gifts and direct contributions from lobbyists Some citizens are worried elections are not competitive and are calling for an independent commission to be placed in charge of redistricting

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