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Unit 10 Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, & Alliances WWI.

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1 Unit 10 Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, & Alliances WWI


3 Causes of WWI Nationalism –Devotion to one’s nation Imperialism –Competition of dominance Militarism –Race to have the largest standing army Alliances –Picking sides assuming peace

4 Tangled Alliance Many European(s) countries formed alliances designed to keep peace and avoid war Triple Alliance is created when Germany allies with Austria-Hungary and Italy Germany under new leadership, Kaiser Wilhelm II, broke treaties with Russia and tried to rival Britain’s Navy, forc[e]ing Great Britain, France, and Russia to form alliance called the Triple Entente


6 Balkan Crisis Austria-Hungary took control of Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbs vow to take back Bosnia Herzegovina from Austria-Hungary

7 A Shot Rings Throughout Europe Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife visited the capital of Bosnia and where shot point-blank by a Bosnian terrorist group known as the black hand Bosnian leaders try to negotiate, however, Austrian people where unwilling to compromise they declared war

8 Nations Take Sides Central Powers –Germany –Austria- Hungary –Ottoman Empire –Bulgaria The Allies –Great Britain –France –Russia –Serbia –Japan –Italy –U.S. –Australia Austria-Hungary declaration of war caused a chain reaction within the alliance system


10 Bloody Stalemate Schlieffen Plan –Designed for quick victory on the western front against France and rush to the eastern front to face Russia, however, this plan failed Fighting on both fronts were equal –New technology had not delivered the fast moving war they had expected, it only killed a greater number of people more effectively



13 Trench Warfare Opposing armies dug parallel trenches to protect themselves from enemy fire Trench life during WWI was misery –Diseases –Freezing Temperatures –Rats



16 Global Conflict Colonies of the European nations were pressured and forced into the war Germans installed unrestricted submarine[s] warfare sinking ships without warning in the Atlantic, along with a intercepted telegram causes the U.S. in to enter[s] the war

17 War Ends U.S. involvement was the deciding factor that tipped the balance The Allies began to advance towards Germany and eventually forced the Central Powers to sign a armistice or an agreement to stop fighting

18 Allies Meet Wilson’s 14 Points –Plan or outline for achieving lasting peace Treaty of Versailles –Allies come to a compromise that accepted the 14 points creating a league of nations –The treaty punished Germany by making them pay for the war



21 A Troubled Peace New nations were created out of the Empires (Austria- Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Russia) who lost and left the war Independence was not honored for colonies through out Africa and Asia Germany left a legacy of bitterness for having to pay for the war

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