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Lecturer: Prof. Moshe Sipper Ariel Halachmi Lidor Cohen Mark Grichanik.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecturer: Prof. Moshe Sipper Ariel Halachmi Lidor Cohen Mark Grichanik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecturer: Prof. Moshe Sipper Ariel Halachmi Lidor Cohen Mark Grichanik

2 Application Description This application will be using Android 2.3.3 APIs. This project will be a modified version of Pac-Man classic game. Player will control Pac-Man. Objective of the game is for the Pac-Man to eat all the dots and avoid the monsters.

3 Game Concept The goal of this game to control pac-man through a maze, and eating all the coins without trying to get eaten by the monster within a certain amount of time. The target audience of this game is everyone with Android phone who wants to relax and enjoy a quick fun game of pac-man.

4 Pictures Preview of game Play will start the game, user will be pac-man and computer will be monsters. Options allow user to change various settings such as sound, music, control, sensitivity and how to play. About will display information about the app. Exit will exit the application

5 In game User is pacman and there are various monsters on the same map. When pac-man touches a coin, it will consume it and gain points

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