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Liaison Report Educational Activities Edl Schamiloglu University of New Mexico November 15, 2014.

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1 Liaison Report Educational Activities Edl Schamiloglu University of New Mexico November 15, 2014

2 EAB Meetings The last EAB meeting took place via WebEx on June 21, 2014. One of the items discussed at this meeting was an update on the Blended Learning Program in VLSI. EAB approved the project for developing and launching pilot blended-learning training programs in VLSI and Embedded Systems at the June ‘13 OU meeting. Agreements with EAB’s partner, RV-VLSI, and e-Learning vendor Excelsoft, were signed in October ’13. The program was announced at the VLSI & Embedded Systems Conference in Mumbai, India in Jan ’14. Two courses have been developed so far: RTL Verification and Logic Design. The program launched July ’14. Platform: The next meeting of the EAB will take place 22 November 2014 at IEEE in New Jersey.

3 Strategic EAB IEEE Educational Activities is striving to develop a strategy that will guide the Educational Activities Board’s initiatives and activities over the next 10 years. The EAB’s goal is to ensure that IEEE’s educational activities are grounded in addressing the needs of today and visionary in anticipating the needs of tomorrow; are agile in exploring new opportunities, technologies, and technical areas; are successful in scaling its activities for impact; and that EAB is IEEE’s nexus for educational products and services.

4 EAB’s Envisioned Future IEEE will be the resource of choice for practitioners: the primary source of unbiased, current educational products, best practices, and standards in our fields of interest. IEEE will be the community of choice for university educators: the preferred destination for developing and providing curricula, resources, and pedagogical research and practices in our fields of interest. IEEE will be the network of choice for pre-university educators: the primary source for curricula, resources, and pedagogical research and practices for pre-university education in our fields of interest. Students of all ages will value our products and services as a source of fun and engaging ways to learn about technology. Teachers at all levels will look to IEEE to learn about trends in engineering education. The public will look to IEEE to understand technology in their world.

5 Near Term EAB Goals EAB’s goals and objectives are framed around three essential sectors: educators and students, practitioners, and the public. A Leader in Education for Educators and Students: IEEE will be the global resource of choice for information, knowledge, and expertise in curriculum standards, educational materials and content, and accreditation support in our fields of interest, in both traditional and emerging education markets. A Difference-Maker for Practitioners: IEEE will be the global resource of choice for continuing professional education, supporting careers through materials, content, delivery mechanisms, and community support that are industry relevant and career-stage relevant and that meet both current and emerging needs of practitioners. A Global Catalyst for The Public: IEEE will be the trusted forum for engineering education that fosters public understanding and appreciation of technology and connects engineering with economic development and the public good.

6 IEEE Spark –



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