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STUDY VISIT October2015 Italy Dimitra Dede Head of Department for the development of Counseling & Guidance Tools and Services Stavroula.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDY VISIT October2015 Italy Dimitra Dede Head of Department for the development of Counseling & Guidance Tools and Services Stavroula."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDY VISIT October2015 Italy Dimitra Dede Head of Department for the development of Counseling & Guidance Tools and Services Stavroula Doulami Psychologist /career counsellor MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

2 What shall we present What shall we present  Introducing EOPPEP organization Responsibilities of the organization Specific Responsibilities and actions of Career guidance directorate  EOPPEP’s Good practices in life long guidance  A Description of career guidance system in Greece Career counsellors Career services

3 EOPPEP is the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance, responsible for the development and implementation of a holistic policy framework towards the promotion of lifelong learning and skills certification in Greece EOPPEP is a newly established organization, following the merge of three national bodies and operates under the supervision of the Ministry of EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS ABOUT EOPPEP MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

4 NATIONAL LEVEL  Development of a National System for the Certification of non formal and informal learning  Accreditation of VET providers at national level  Development of Occupational Profiles based on Occupational Standards  Development and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in line with the EQF  Upgrading and Development of Career Guidance System EUROPEAN LEVEL  National Contact Point for EQF (NCP), ECVET, EUROPASS, EQAVET, EUROGUIDANCE, ELGPN EOPPEP RESPONSIBILITIES MINISTRY OF CULTURE, EDUCATION & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

5 VALIDATION OF NON-FORMAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING AND INFORMAL LEARNING 1. Labour market needs 2. Development of professional standards/profiles 3. Development of education/training standards 4. Structure of the qualifications based on learning outcomes 5. Development of study programs based on learning outcomes Agreement on the process and methodology among all relevant stakeholders

6 The design of the architecture of the HQF and the development of the framework levels were led by EOPPEP, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. The development of specifications for Qualification Types is the joint responsibility of EOPPEP and the relevant awarding bodies. The task of identifying and describing the learning outcomes for specific qualifications of each type will be the responsibility of the relevant awarding bodies – in some cases, with the support of education providers. HQF GOVERNANCE

7 Responsibilities in the field of Career Guidance Actions at national level Providing scientific and technical support to the ministries of Education and Labour in designing and implementing the national policy in career guidance Enhancing the communication - coordination and networking of all stakeholders of career guidance in Greece aiming at the improvement of existing career guidance services Up skilling activities for career guidance counselors (e.g. conferences, training seminars, mobility programs etc) Developing and upgrading of e-tools aiming at the support of career development of citizens (e.g. career guidance portals, information databases, etc) Development and dissemination of educational material for the support of career guidance counselors (e.g. career guidance surveys, handbooks etc, code of ethics in career guidance ) MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Professionalizing & Upgrading career guidance in Greece

8 Target Groups Career guidance counselors working in education, training and employment Career guidance counselors working in education, training and employment public and private stakeholders providing counselling and vocational guidance services in the areas of education, training and employment public and private stakeholders providing counselling and vocational guidance services in the areas of education, training and employment Secondary education or university students and adults seeking for information about career guidance services as well as for learning, employment and mobility opportunities Secondary education or university students and adults seeking for information about career guidance services as well as for learning, employment and mobility opportunities all members of the Greek society as potential beneficiaries of EOPPEP’s career guidance services regional and national level. all members of the Greek society as potential beneficiaries of EOPPEP’s career guidance services at regional and national level. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Professionalizing & Upgrading career guidance in Greece

9 EOPPEP acts as the national coordination body ensuring quality provision of guidance services, networking among different stakeholders in the field of guidance, dissemination of relevant information ( guidance tools and material) to practitioners working in education and employment settings in the public and private sector. EOPPEP acts as the national coordination body ensuring quality provision of guidance services, networking among different stakeholders in the field of guidance, dissemination of relevant information ( guidance tools and material) to practitioners working in education and employment settings in the public and private sector. Innovating guidance services for the end users of all ages are developed within the activities of EOPPEP at national level such as: Innovating guidance services for the end users of all ages are developed within the activities of EOPPEP at national level such as: Interactive Guidance Portal for adolescents and youngsters Lifelong Career Development Portal for adults Lifelong Guidance Forum “IRIDA” htt:// The National Learning Opportunities Database “PLOIGOS” EOPPEP : GUIDANCE ACTIVITIES MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

10 www. Launched at the end of 2013 within the Euroguidance activities of EOPPEP, 7.000 users within the Euroguidance activities of EOPPEP, 7.000 users Launched at the end of 2012, 170.000 users (adolescents, students, youngsters) Some good practices on promoting CMS development..from EOPPEP MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

11 Portals aim to help adults and young people to develop their Career Management Skills in a life long perspective. Services offered for free: career tests 1.Digitized career tests (career interest – career values – decision making) E-portfolio 2. E-portfolio – Tool for the development of digital portfolios of adults (available in Greek and English) 3.CareerManagement Skills 3.Career Management Skills Section with interactive activities 4.E-portfolio – Tool for the development of digital portfolios of students based on key competences for Life Long Learning 5.Career Videos: 17 professional areas and their relevant occupations & 8 key competences 6.Real Game for students of 15-18 years and 12-15 years – The internationally acclaimed and widely used Canadian internet interactive tool for the development of life – career skills adapted in Greek 6.Real Game for students of 15-18 years and 12-15 years – The internationally acclaimed and widely used Canadian internet interactive tool for the development of life – career skills adapted in Greek (soon available) 7.Thematic information catalogues - Links to important information databases 8.Ask the counselor” section -E- counselling services 8.Ask the counselor” section -E- counselling services for career guidance (soon available) Lifelong Career Development Portal for young people And adults www. MINISTRY OF CULTURE, EDUCATION & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

12 a short description of a short description of Career Guidance provision in GREECE

13 Career counsellors nowadays can work in public or private sectors. As for the public services the situation is as below EOPPEP has recently certified the occupational profile of career counsellors although the assessment procedure has not started yet. – Level A. Career counsellors (qualifications needed: a bachelor or a Master, or a Post graduate or a Phd degree in Career counselling ) – Level B Career guidance practitioners (a combination of the following qualifications needed : a bachelor degree in any field, a further vocational training (250 hours) in career counselling, 2 years of work experience or work practice of 200 hours) Career counsellors : a short description Career counselling provision in public sectors Higher –tertiary education Secondary education Employment services Qualifications required A bachelor o a M.A degree is usually required Only teacher can provide career counselling -usually they have attended a public vocational training (200-500 hours) Employment counsellors can provided counselling services- they should have attended specific vocational trainings organized by OAED

14 the responsibility for administering career guidance services in the fields of education and employment lies with theMinistry of Education and Ministry of Labour. RESPONSIBILITY: the responsibility for administering career guidance services in the fields of education and employment lies with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour. Career counsellors provide their services in the following sectors: Career counsellors provide their services in the following sectors: Career Guidance services in Higher Education Career Guidance services in Higher Education Career Liaison Offices Career Liaison Offices at 21 Universities and 16Technological Educational Institutes all over the country Counselling services in the field of Employment Ministry of Labour- Counselling services in the field of Employment Ministry of Labour-OAED - Greek PES) Employment counselling services Employment counselling services at public employment services (KPA2) Vocational guidance services in secondary education ( Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious affairs) Vocational guidance services in secondary education (Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious affairs) Counselling and Guidance Centres (KESYP) among 79 regions of Greece CAREER GUIDANCE SERVICES : CAREER GUIDANCE SERVICES : A SHORT DESCRIPTION

15  Vocational guidance is provided At the 3 rd grade of lower secondary general education (Gymnasium) incorporated in school curriculum At the 3 rd grade of lower secondary general education (Gymnasium) incorporated in school curriculum in the three grades of vocational education schools (EPAL) project based as part of the subject of Industrial Environment. in the three grades of vocational education schools (EPAL) project based as part of the subject of Industrial Environment.  Additionally all secondary education students can receive career guidance and career counselling by visiting one of the 79 Counselling and Guidance Centres (KESYP’s), administered by the Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs, operated at regional level. Services provided to students and young people aged up to 25 years and also their parents. Services provided to students and young people aged up to 25 years and also their parents. (more details in the presentation of Mrs Charokopaki) VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE SERVICES IN SECONDARY EDUCATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

16 Career Liaison Offices Career Liaison Offices support students and graduates in their transition from education to employment. Services offered liaison with the labour market, liaison with the labour market, opportunities to meet with potential employers during Career Days, opportunities to meet with potential employers during Career Days, provision of information about postgraduate studies and scholarships in Greece and abroad, provision of information about postgraduate studies and scholarships in Greece and abroad, individualized and group counselling to enhance the students career management skills individualized and group counselling to enhance the students career management skills. EMPLOYMENT AND CAREER GUIDANCE STRUCTURES IN TERTIARY EDUCATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

17 The Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) is the public authority (supervised by the Ministry of Labour) and central structure managing the following: Active Labour Market Policies Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) for tacking unemployment, promoting employment, and vocational training for both unemployed and employed citizens. employment mobility information and support is provided by OAED as part of the EURES services Active Labour Market Policies Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) for initial vocational education and training combined with work practice/traineeship (Apprenticeship system). Passive Labour Market Policies Passive Labour Market Policies (PLMPs) concerning unemployment insurance measures (regular unemployment benefit) and other social security benefits and allowances (family allowance, maternity allowance etc.). Source: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Career Guidance in the field of Employment

18 Counselling Services are regarded as a priority in OAED and they are provided by local PES (KPA2) throughout the country. There are three kind of counselling services provision employment counselling and career guidance – Career management employment counselling and career guidance – Career management : a 7-8 days group counselling (8 -12 participants) suitable for unemployed who want to enter the labour market and have no specific career goal and for those who want to reenter the job market in a new career. Issues covered include: – Counselling to help the participants develop their self knowledge and make their professionals profile. – Work and educational information, – Decision making process and development of personal career plans Job searching Techniques : Job searching Techniques : a 7-8 days group counselling (8 -12 participants) suitable for unemployed with a specific career plan. – Participants learn about issues such as job market information, job recourses, c.v, cover letter, effective job interview, job search strategy entrepreneurial counselling - entrepreneurial counselling - group counselling for unemployed who want to make their own business (duration 21-25 hours). – Participants learn issues such as types of businesses/industries which might fit the participant's interests, skills and needs, financing the business, writing business and marketing plan, assessing the market potential for the new business etc. Career Guidance in the field of Employment (2)

19 EOPPEP Career Guidance Directorate Euroguidance Centre of Greece & ELGPN Member 41 Ethnikis Antistaseos Avenue, Νea Ionia, 14234, Athens Greece Tel. 0030 210 2102709175 – 210 2709183 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION RESEARCH & RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Grazie per l‘attenzione

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