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Attracting Millennial Talent to Northeast Ohio April 22, 2016 Team APA.

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1 Attracting Millennial Talent to Northeast Ohio April 22, 2016 Team APA


3 3 1) Recruiting Experience 2) Millennial Brand image 3) Customize the Workplace Environment 4) Location of a Company 5) Northeast Ohio AGENDA PROJECT OBJECTIVES

4 4 Primary Research Background Survey 566 unique responses, 499 completed 57 participating universities in 14 states Top 3: University of Akron (92), Ohio State University (26), Youngstown State (16) 71% female, 29% male; 61% ages 18-22 UA Focus Group 8 senior students JMS Focus Group 7 Millennials, 3 males and 4 females 5 relocated from different areas upon accepting an offer from Smucker

5 5 Summary of Current Challenges Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. CHALLENGE #1 Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process. CHALLENGE #2 Perceived compromise between living in desired neighborhoods and commuting a shorter distance. CHALLENGE #3

6 Click to edit Master title style 6 #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Secondary Research Conclusions: A network will create an environment where employees are able to develop formal and informal bonds. Millennials desire opportunities for development in the workplace. Social opportunities are also greatly valued in addition to work.

7 Click to edit Master title style 7 Primary Research Conclusions: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Millennials value professional networks. “Networking groups, internally and externally, have different purposes. An internal Networking Group would be great for helping build your Smucker career. From an [external networking group], the objective is different. It’s more centered around socializing, meeting people, and finding things to do on the weekend or after work hours.” “I had to look externally at Cleveland 2030 and YPN of Akron.” - JMS Focus Group

8 Click to edit Master title style 8 Primary Research Conclusions: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Importance of a Professional Network 18-2223-2930-3940-4950-5960+Total Very Unimportant 1%3%8%11%4%0%3% Unimportant 4%7%27%14%40%25%9% Neutral 26%21%11%32%24%42%24% Important 44%40%49%39%32%33%43% Very Important 25%29%5%4%0% 20% Millennials value professional networks.

9 Click to edit Master title style 9 Primary Research Conclusions: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Social Opportunities at Smucker exist, but there is little formal knowledge. “I had been talking to coworkers about the difficulty of finding some people to golf with and they mentioned the Golfing List-Serv. Apparently there are List-Servs for different interests already at JMS, but there is no way to find them.” - JMS Focus Group

10 Click to edit Master title style 10 Primary Research Conclusions: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Importance of Social Opportunities in Job Location 18-2223-2930-3940-4950-5960+Totals Very Unimportant 5%1%11%14%16%0%6% Unimportant 7%11%16%21%24%25%11% Neutral 15%23%27%25%36%8%19% Important 46%40%43%25%20%58%43% Very Important 27%24%3%14%4%8%22% Social Opportunities at Smucker exist, but there is little formal knowledge.

11 11 Recommendation: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Establish a Young Professionals Network of Smucker and communicate about professional networks in the area. YPN of Smucker Minimal startup costs Nominal membership fees could reduce costs Cleveland 20/30 Cleveland Professional 20/30 Club Group holds 2-3 events per week Digital Event Hub Smucker sponsored events (formal) Employee-organized events (informal) Costs include programming and implementation strategies

12 12

13 Click to edit Master title style 13 Establish a brand personality. #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process. Secondary Research Conclusions: Northeast Ohio offers a wide variety of benefits and activities that go hand-in- hand with what Millennials are looking for in a job location. Millennials want to interact with companies on social media.

14 Click to edit Master title style 14 Primary Research Conclusions: #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process. Millennials per County Summit 15526.2% Wayne 15325.8% Medina 11920.1% Stark 11719.8% Cuyahoga 274.6% Portage 50.8% Tuscarawas 40.7% Ashland 30.5% Lorain 30.5% Richland 20.3% Mahoning 20.3% Holmes 20.3%

15 Click to edit Master title style 15 Primary Research Conclusions: There is a lack of knowledge about leisure activities in NEO. “Northeast Ohio doesn’t lack what Millennials want, they are just hard to go out and find.” - UA Focus Group #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process.

16 Click to edit Master title style 16 Primary Research Conclusions: Social life is important to Millennials. #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process. “When it comes to the location of your job, how important do you find each of the following characteristics?”* Entertainment & Dining Surrounding Neighborhoods Social Opportunities Commute Very Unimportant 6%3%4% Unimportant 13%9%8%2% Neutral 18%8%17%10% Important 46%49%45%29% Very Important 17%30%27%54% * Ages 29 and under

17 17 Recommendation: Communicate and promote information about living in Northeast Ohio. Online Information Tab on Smucker Career site Highlight company accomplishments, local activities & CPG industry events Facebook Page Private group run by employees Provides a space for co-workers to find common interests and form friendships #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process.

18 Click to edit Master title style 18

19 19 Recommendation: Communicate and promote information about living in Northeast Ohio. Online Information Tab on Smucker Career site Highlight company accomplishments, local activities & CPG industry events Facebook Page Private group run by employees Provides a space for co-worker to find common interests and form friendships Brochure Hand out at recruiting events Where to live What to do #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process.

20 Click to edit Master title style 20

21 Click to edit Master title style 21 #3: Perceived compromise between living in desired neighborhoods and commuting a shorter distance. Secondary Research Conclusions: Millennials feel that there is a social risk involved in relocating. Millennials value several different characteristics in regard to location. Millennials are willing to compromise on location.

22 Click to edit Master title style 22 #3: Perceived compromise between living in desired neighborhoods and commuting a shorter distance. Primary Research Conclusions: Commute is an important issue for all ages. *Averages, -2 is Very Unimportant, 2 is Very Important “When it comes to the location of your job, how important do you find each of the following characteristics?”* Entertainment & Dining Surrounding Neighborhoods Social Opportunities Commute 18-22 0.59 0.97 0.84 1.30 23-29 0.43 0.81 0.74 1.13 30-39 (0.19) 0.59 0.11 1.54 40-49 (0.11) 0.86 0.04 1.14 50-59 (0.24) 0.28 (0.28) 0.96 60+ 0.15 0.23 0.31 1.00

23 23 Recommendation: Employees would appreciate a way to balance commute with family and social life. Company Bus JMS Focus Group: Bus that would shuttle employees back and forth from Cleveland. Mentioned Fairlawn as a good midpoint between the activities in Cleveland and work. #3: Perceived compromise between living in desired neighborhoods and commuting a shorter distance.

24 Click to edit Master title style 24

25 25 CHALLENGERECOMMENDATION Challenge #1 Professional and social networking opportunities Challenge #2 Communicate employer brand image and surrounding areas early Challenge #3 Compromise between living in desired neighborhoods and commuting a shorter distance Recommendation #1 YPN, Cleveland 20/30, Digital Event Hub Recommendation #2 Online information about NEO, Facebook Page, Brochure Recommendation #3 Smucker Bus Key Takeaways

26 26 1) Work-Life-Balance AGENDA AREAS FOR EXPLORATION 2) Digital Event Hub/ Other Social Media Platforms 3) In Depth Research on Smucker Bus

27 Thank you! Questions?

28 Appendix

29 Click to edit Master title style 29 #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Secondary Research Conclusions: A network will create an environment where employees are able to develop formal and informal bonds. Higher quality collaboration Creates a sense of community Millennials desire opportunities for development in the workplace. Expect to be promoted to their next position within four years Social opportunities are also greatly valued in addition to work. “Work to live” mantra as opposed to “live-to-work” Health-oriented workplace Ability to meet new people and to make friends

30 Click to edit Master title style 30 Primary Research Conclusions: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Millennials value professional networks. Current employees who have relocated from different companies in the CPG Industry are looking for more ways to network. “Networking groups, internally and externally, have different purposes. An internal Networking Group would be great for helping build your Smucker career. From an [external networking group], the objective is different. It’s more centered around socializing, meeting people, and finding things to do on the weekend or after work hours.” “I had to look externally at Cleveland 2030 and YPN of Akron.” - JMS Focus Group

31 Click to edit Master title style 31 Primary Research Conclusions: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Importance of a Professional Network 18-2223-2930-3940-4950-5960+Total Very Unimportant 1%3%8%11%4%0%3% Unimportant 4%7%27%14%40%25%9% Neutral 26%21%11%32%24%42%24% Important 44%40%49%39%32%33%43% Very Important 25%29%5%4%0% 20% Millennials value professional networks. Current employees who have relocated from different companies in the CPG Industry are looking for more ways to network.

32 Click to edit Master title style 32 Primary Research Conclusions: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Social Opportunities at Smucker exist, but there is little formal knowledge. “I had been talking to coworkers about the difficulty of finding some people to golf with and they mentioned the Golfing List-Serv. Apparently there are List-Servs for different interests already at JMS, but there is no way to find them.” - JMS Focus Group

33 Click to edit Master title style 33 Primary Research Conclusions: #1: Desire for more professional and social networking opportunities in the workplace. Importance of Social Opportunities in Job Location 18-2223-2930-3940-4950-5960+Totals Very Unimportant 5%1%11%14%16%0%6% Unimportant 7%11%16%21%24%25%11% Neutral 15%23%27%25%36%8%19% Important 46%40%43%25%20%58%43% Very Important 27%24%3%14%4%8%22% Social Opportunities at Smucker exist, but there is little formal knowledge.

34 Click to edit Master title style 34 Establish a brand personality. Shows unique culture before applying for the job Attract talent that will best fit the company culture #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process. Secondary Research Conclusions: Northeast Ohio offers a wide variety of benefits and activities that go hand-in- hand with what Millennials are looking for in a job location. Cost of living is low, school districts rank high & growth opportunities Recreational activities and entertainment Millennials want to interact with companies on social media. 60% of Millennials interact with brands on social media Learn about the company, ask questions, provide input, look for job opportunities

35 Click to edit Master title style 35 Primary Research Conclusions: #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process. Millennials per County Summit 15526.2% Wayne 15325.8% Medina 11920.1% Stark 11719.8% Cuyahoga 274.6% Portage 50.8% Tuscarawas 40.7% Ashland 30.5% Lorain 30.5% Richland 20.3% Mahoning 20.3% Holmes 20.3%

36 Click to edit Master title style 36 Primary Research Conclusions: There is a lack of knowledge about leisure activities in NEO. Millennials are interested in knowing about recreational activities as soon as they accept a job offer “Northeast Ohio doesn’t lack what Millennials want, they are just hard to go out and find.” - UA Focus Group #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process.

37 Click to edit Master title style 37 Primary Research Conclusions: Social life is important to Millennials. #2: Communicate information about the employer brand image and surrounding areas early on in the recruiting process. “When it comes to the location of your job, how important do you find each of the following characteristics?”* Entertainment & Dining Surrounding Neighborhoods Social Opportunities Commute Very Unimportant 6%3%4% Unimportant 13%9%8%2% Neutral 18%8%17%10% Important 46%49%45%29% Very Important 17%30%27%54% * Ages 29 and under

38 Click to edit Master title style 38 #3: Perceived compromise between living in desired neighborhoods and commuting a shorter distance. Secondary Research Conclusions: Millennials feel that there is a social risk involved in relocating. Discourages Millennials from moving Pushes Millennials toward larger cities where there are more social opportunities Millennials value several different characteristics in regard to location. Aesthetically pleasing cities & access to open space Many options for entertainment Affordable housing Proximity to graduate schools Millennials are willing to compromise on location. The top driver that convinces Millennials to move is greater job opportunity The top compromises that Millennials make in their job decisions include lower salaries and a location

39 Click to edit Master title style 39 #3: Perceived compromise between living in desired neighborhoods and commuting a shorter distance. Primary Research Conclusions: Commute is an important issue for all ages. *Averages, -2 is Very Unimportant, 2 is Very Important “When it comes to the location of your job, how important do you find each of the following characteristics?”* Entertainment & Dining Surrounding Neighborhoods Social Opportunities Commute 18-22 0.59 0.97 0.84 1.30 23-29 0.43 0.81 0.74 1.13 30-39 (0.19) 0.59 0.11 1.54 40-49 (0.11) 0.86 0.04 1.14 50-59 (0.24) 0.28 (0.28) 0.96 60+ 0.15 0.23 0.31 1.00

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