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Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop1 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468.

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Presentation on theme: "Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop1 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop1 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry The VESPA Virtual Research Environment: a final overview on the project at the end of clinical operations Marco Pappalardo Project Coordinator

2 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop2 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Outline Swing:It and the Project partners. VESPA overview and funding. Goals. The VESPA System. The Cloud Infrastructure. The Rehabilitation Tasks and results.

3 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop3 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry SME founded in 2010 Supporting Enterprises and Scientific Communities in Space missions and Satellites campaigns Earth Sciences and Observation Telecomms Virtual and Augmented Reality HQ: Catania, OA: Rome. Partners Software Engineering Italia

4 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop4 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry The Consortium 3 SMEs 2 Research Organizations

5 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop5 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry What is VESPA? VESPA: V irtual E nvironment for a S uperior neuro- P sichi A try KO: Oct 2013 Project end: Dec 2015 Duration: 30 Months PO FESR 2007-2013 Regione Siciliana, Assessorato AA. PP. Linea bis Budget: 2,75 (2,00) MEuro WP: 8 OR: 30

6 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop6 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Scenarios and beneficiaries In Italy: ◦ 1,3% minors are affected by mental retardation (QI < 70)  much more minors suffer for cognitive disease ◦ 600.000 elders suffering for Alzheimer Disease (AD), due to neuro-degenerative processes induced by environmental and endogenous causes.  70.000 new cases every year. To limit effects, individuals affected by mental retard attend ◦ normal school courses, in a socially-integrated environment. ◦ “cognitive rehabilitation” protocols, to stimulate neuro-plasticity  Carrying out simple cognitive tasks to stimulate attention, perception, mnestic, thinking processes on spatial and verbal information. The VESPA system will enable numbers of children and elderly to carry out their daily rehabilitation motor-cognitive tasks at schools, homes, and rest- homes assuring continuity into education and assistance, in a time-saving manner.

7 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop7 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Il Sistema VESPA Il progetto VESPA, si propone di sviluppare un sistema computerizzato di realtà virtuale ( VR ) ad alta immersione, telesupervisionabile da personale sanitario localizzato in strutture sanitarie remote, per la valutazione quantitativa e la riabilitazione delle funzioni cognitivo-motorie, tra gli altri, in individui con ritardo mentale, specifici deficit linguistici o AD. ◦ Aggiunta la base per la valutazione qualitativa Installabile in presidi ospedalieri, scuole o strutture residenziali. Personale sanitario specializzato in videoconferenza: ◦ fornire assistenza al paziente e al personale tecnico locale. Risultati della valutazione o riabilitazione cognitivo-motoria trasmessi in modo sicuro, automatico e veloce via Internet al centro sanitario di riferimento Garanzia di continuità nell’istruzione scolastica e nell’assistenza Risoluzione del trasferimento da/per la struttura riabilitativa. Rispetto ai progetti in corso, VESPA è innovativo per l’evoluzione dinamica dei modelli di software proposti per il monitoraggio in telemedicina e la gestione della riabilitazione cognitiva in VR e per la valutazione neurofisiologica (EEG)

8 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop8 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Add-Ons Exploiting Virtual Reality (Advantages) Automatic capabilities of continuous monitoring Daily update of rehabilitation plans Science-Gateway based portal available to ◦ doctors, ◦ VESPA specialists, ◦ patients and their families VESPA acquires technologies deriving from diagnostic services developed by DEDICE FP7 project. ◦ Advanced diagnosis for AD (and Parkinson)  structural and functional markers based on brain imaging.

9 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop9 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry The System Modules VESPA System modules: Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Service supporting Neuropsichiatry in diagnosis, evaluation and rehabilitation of cognitive-motorial functions for individuals suffering for cognitive deficit. Exploiting innovative ICT technologies for diagnosis and rehabilitation through a Cloud infrastructure. Evaluation Tests and Rehabilitation Tasks as VR Games. Video-conferencing system for tele-support and supervision. Multi-user portal to access services. Rehabilitation Protocols Daily update service.

10 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop10 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Virtual Reality for an improved research and clinical practice Conventional «paper and pencil» tests  Limits in terms of reliability and validity: - Manual rating scores - Different procedures of administration - Abstract assessment of cognitive functions.  Limits in terms of accessibility to specialized psychologists Virtual Reality (VR)  Simulation of daily living environments;  On-line adaptation of task difficulty;  Automatic, fast, and precise scoring;  Quantitative analysis of performance kinematics (timing, trajectories, etc.).

11 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop11 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Virtual Reality: fields of application Psychotherapy, surgical training, post-stroke intervention, muscle-skeletal recovery Cognitive assessment and rehabilitation for AD, MCI, MR and other developmental disorders like SLD.

12 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop12 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry VESPA Goals The VESPA project aims to provide a Cloud-Enabled Virtual Environment for qualitative and quantitative evaluation, and rehabilitation of motor and cognitive diseases such as mental or linguistic retardation, and Alzheimer’s Disease. The VESPA system is: ◦ built on top of a fully immersive Virtual Reality system, and is ◦ remotely supervised. ◦ designed to be easily deployed in: rehabilitation centers, hospitals, schools, and rest-homes. The VESPA project will exploit the power, scalability, and flexibility of Clouds and Grids to feed a theorically unlimited number of installations sites through a centralized repository of evaluation and rehabilitation scenarios. Health system will take advantage by VESPA specialists who are enabled by the integrated videoconferencing system to support, monitor and train patients and local support technicians to exploit the power of the VESPA system.

13 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop13 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Multi-user archive’s characteristics The architecture of the Multi-user archive implemented in VESPA project is based on a PostgreSQL DB and on a centralized file system located on the same Cloud infrastructure that will be used to store the key VESPA components. In order to guarantee a secure, efficient and optimized access to the stored data during the therapy in the CAVE, data neccessary for the daily planned therapies will be downloaded to local workstations (next to the CAVE) The Multi User Archive will include all data and metadata related to: -Patients -Medical protocols to be applied -Therapies -Test sessions in the CAVE -… The Archive will be the unique access point for all authorized users (doctors, assistants, researchers, etc) who will access the system through proper user interface (portlets in LifeRay environment) File system will store all resources/ information (ex.: exe files,, meshes, scenes, configuration files, etc…) required by tasks executed during therapy in the CAVE.

14 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop14 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry The Virtual Room ● Angular Theatre ◦ 2 high definition 3D-projector; ◦ Active 3D Glasses; ◦ Aution System Dolby Surround 5.1; ● ART Tracking System; ● IP Webcams System; ● Control Room: ◦ Master PC; ◦ Render PC.

15 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop15 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Virtual Room in Action

16 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop16 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry The VR Software Table ADMRSLD Evaluation Tools ADAS-Cog Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – parte cognitiva PEP 3 Psicoeducational Profile Third Edition TROG-2 Test on Grammatic comprehension Second Edition MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination Corsi Test Test per la valutazione dell’articolazione fonetica (test di Fanzago) Digit Span Rehabiliation Tools VESPA Cognitive Tasks VESPA MR Rehabilitation ToolsVESPA SLD Rehabilitation Tools VESPA AD Rehabilitation Tools

17 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop17 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry VESPA Software Figures ● Total Number of complex applications developed: 11 ● Total Number of scenes/tools developed: +300 ● Typologies ◦ Questionnaires  Single and Multiple choice  Verbal answers/voice-driven tools ◦ Interactive Gaming Scenarios ● Audio and Video recording Word Recognition Native and Dynamic Adaptability

18 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop18 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Software Architecture

19 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop19 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Complementary Hw ● Daily Needs in Rehabilitation ◦ (As Naturally As Possible) Interact with virtual object.  Grab;  Move;  Rotate;  Performing an action by pressing e.g. a button (squeeze, press, etc); Several input devices integrated ◦ user action traced, captured and converted into actions in the 3D space. Requirements on usability.

20 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop20 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Devices

21 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop21 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry The Light Glove ● Arduino based Swing:It product. ● Traces fingers, rotations, moves and basic gestures with extremely high precision. From data acquired, the LGlo driver can easily recognize gestures. ● Pro. Natural HM interaction. ● Cons. Batteries to recharge. Someday within an year. To wash from time to time (depends on owner habits ).

22 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop22 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry VESPA and the CSGF VESPA Science Gateway VESPA Science Gateway....... App. 1 App. 2 MyCloud Embedded Services Administrator Scientist Cloud tenant Users belonging to Identity Federations Users belonging to Identity Federations Grid/Cloud Engine (based on SAGA) CLEVER Orchestrator (based on OCCI) CLEVER Orchestrator (based on OCCI) Cloud #2Cloud #nCloud #1 Single logical domain HPC Clusters

23 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop23 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry AuthN/AuthZ Schema VESPA cloud infrastructure Federation 1. Try to login 3. Identity attributes 2. Forwarded to the IdP 4. Check authorisations Sync user roles Retrieve e-Infrastructure credentials Science Gateway

24 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop24 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry VESPA federated cloud architecture

25 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop25 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry The Team ARRIVA, Simona 1 BARATTA, Daniele 1 CANNATA, Antonio 1 CAVALLARO, Alfio 1 COSENZA, Daniele 1 FARINA, Noemi 1 GURAN, Gianluca 1 TOMASELLI, Bruno 1 TROVATO, Leonardo 1 ZAPPALA', Aldo 1 SALEMI, Diana 2 TORRISI, Mario 2 1 Software Engineering Italia Srl 2 Università degli Studi di Catania Consultants: Enginet Srl Aspasia Srl Partners: Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya I2CAT CILP Technology Providers: TechViz CADLand Srl

26 Catania, Novembre 13, 2015VESPA Project Final Workshop26 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry PO FESR 2007-2013 Line Project #1468 Virtual Environment for a Superior Neuro-PsichiAtry Thank You Questions?

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