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VOTE MOTIONS ON THE GENERAL ASSEMBLIES Thursday 25 th – Saturday 27 th February 2016 Venue: Amarilia Hotel – Athens (Greece)

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1 VOTE MOTIONS ON THE GENERAL ASSEMBLIES Thursday 25 th – Saturday 27 th February 2016 Venue: Amarilia Hotel – Athens (Greece)

2 BOARD MOTIONS – MOTION 1 Reduction of certification Fees for 2016 Recertification of Fellows (Senior Fellowship): reduction of the fee by 25% for 2016 (i.e. recertification fee will be 75 euro). Certification by equivalence: reduction of the fee by 33% for 2016 (i.e. certification fee will be 200 euro). Certification of Training Centres: reduction of the fee for 2016 to 500 euro for the first certification & 250 euro for the recertification (without site visit). When a site visit will be required for the recertification, the fee will be 500 euro. To prepare and send letters together with a document stating the certification benefits & the special 2016 offers to potential applicants.

3 BOARD MOTIONS – MOTION 2 A feedback will be sent to each single candidate who failed the examination, in the form of a list of the topics addressed by the MCQs and the percentage rate of failure/success per topic will be disclosed.

4 BOARD MOTIONS – MOTION 3A The Board will be the Committee of the UEMS PRM Section, responsible for the educational affairs of the specialty. Whatever has to do with UEMS and education will be under the jurisdiction of this Board. All the UEMS PRM Board incomes coming from the activities of no.2 (above) will be credited separately to the UEMS PRM Section account, opened by the UEMS in Belgium, and are under the Belgian Law, since UEMS is registered in Belgium. The Board will continue deciding for its incomes and expenses, provided that its expenses will not be more than the total Board incomes. The Board will have a bureau of executives for its administration, called EXECUTIVE BOARD and its members will be the following: a president (term of 4 years), past president (term of 2 years just after his/her presidency), president elect (term2 years just before his/her presidency), secretary (the Section secretary, term of 4 years), deputy secretary for the Board (term of 4 years), treasurer (the Section treasurer, term of 4 years), deputy treasurer (the Section deputy treasurer, term of 4 years). The Section president is ex officio member of the Executive Board. The members of the Executive Board are simultaneously members of the Executive Committee of the Section. The Board president is considered the vice president of the Section. The Board will bring all the Executive Board decisions and the Board workshop motions to the UEMS PRM Section General Assembly for validation.

5 BOARD MOTIONS – MOTION 3B The Board also has a committee called Jury for its several educational responsibilities, including the question bank group, as follows: o Board President o Section President o Board Past President o Board President Elect o Secretary General o Board Deputy Secretary o Treasurer o Deputy Treasurer o Certification by Equivalence & Certification of Trainers Chairperson o Recertification of Individuals Chairperson o Training Centres Certification Chairperson o Scientific Events Accreditation Chairperson The Board is responsible for keeping the educational archives of the UEMS PRM Section. The Board is responsible for updating the pages of the UEMS PRM Section website, devoted to the Board for the educational affairs. The Board will continue using to all issued Certificates its current logo, where it is written the word UEMS.

6 BOARD MOTIONS – MOTION 4 Financial support for teaching programs for 2016 (according to the rules for funding educational events voted in March 2012) Support of the European School Marseille: 8000 euros Support of the Euro Mediterranean Rehabilitation Summer School “Haim Ring”: up to 6000 euros.

7 Professional Practice Motion 1 The final version of the EBPP on PRM practice for persons with spinal deformities during growth is approved for publication.

8 Professional Practice Motion 2 WHITE BOOK OF PRM IN EUROPE The Coordinator of the Steering Committee is Prof. Stefano Negrini The collective name for the authorship of the White Book will be European PRM Bodies Alliance. According to the international rules of publishing, this will not change the copyright and the authorship responsibilities that will remain on the shoulders of each individual European Body. In the final version of the White Book there will be the following list of names: o Steering Committee members o Editors o Authors (those who wrote – including internal reviewers) o Contributors (all delegates and academicians) o External reviewers The procedures and timing for the White Book production (attachment) is approved. Specifically, during the Spring 2017 Meetings of each single European Body it will be allocated enough time in the schedule to thoroughly discuss the key critical points raised during the review process of the Chapters of the White Book. In Autumn 2017 the final Chapters will be voted and approved.

9 Professional Practice Motion 2 WHITE BOOK OF PRM IN EUROPE Editors are approved. They have to meet regularly, and from now on only face-to-face (not any more via Skype). Each European Body should find the way to guarantee the regular participation of its delegates. The expenses of the Board and PPC representatives will be covered. It is approved to have a 6 months time-frame of work of the Steering Committee in which all the decisions are put together to be voted afterwards by the European Bodies. The 6 months period is between the two Meetings of the UEMS- PRM Section and Board; the EARM and ESPRM will then vote the same Motions as the other Bodies, even if the work of the Steering Committee meetings has moved on.

10 Professional Practice Motion 2 WHITE BOOK OF PRM IN EUROPE It is approved to have the single Sections listed in PubMed with the authorship of the European PRM Bodies Alliance so to have the abstracts in Medline. All the Authors and Editors will then be listed inside the document so that they will appear as authors of the Sections when their name will be searched. The Steering Committee will continue to work in the future to coordinate, and collate the White Book translations and any other requirement in the name and under the control of the Alliance The publishing journals will be all the journals that accept to publish in English a supplement or a single issue after a call to be made to all core PRM and international journals in Europe It will be created and maintained a White Book web site with all the versions of the White Book in e-version, all languages versions (actual and previous), slides and all supplemental material.

11 Professional Practice Motion MOTION 3 The UEMS PRM Section and Board approves the organisation of seminars in Ukraine as previously organised in Russia. MOTION 4 The delegate for Multidisciplinary Joint Committee on Manual Medicine, Jiri Votava will represent the UEMS PRM Section and Board and Karol Hornacek is the second one in case Jiri Votava is not able to participate MOTION 5 The UEMS PRM Section is in favour and will cooperate with the European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA) concerning the “Exercise Prescription for Health” (EPH).

12 CLINICAL AFFAIRS Committee Motion Updating the accreditation system of quality of care program The ICF implementation provides a unique opportunity to up-date the accreditation procedure for rehabilitation services. Currently the accreditation is based on a quality assurance approach. In the future it should include a quality management approach by including a measurement- improvement system. Towards this goal the committee suggests two streams of work: Review and enhancement of the current quality assurance parameters in light of existing quality assurance programs for rehabilitation. This stream of work will be led by Mark Delargy. Development of a Measurement-Improvement System based on the ICF and built on a Clinical Assessment Schedule. This part will be led by Gerold Stucki in close collaboration with Mark Delargy, Enrique Varela, Carlotte Kiekens and Mauro Zampolini. The first step involves a demonstration project in about 5-10 Exemplary Services including some of those described in the Nottwil workshop. The second step involves the description of Model Rehabilitation Services inspired by the exemplary services. The description of the Model Rehabilitation Services will include a specification of a Clinical Assessment Schedule as basis for a Measurement-Improvement System It is envisioned that the Exemplary Services of the demonstration project inspiring Model Rehabilitation Services may be accredited as Reference Rehabilitation Services offering site visits for PRM specialists or policy maker interested in developing a similar service.

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