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Grade 4 Homework Grid This is your monthly homework grid grade 4. Homework is to be handed in every Friday and you will complete all three boxes below,

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 4 Homework Grid This is your monthly homework grid grade 4. Homework is to be handed in every Friday and you will complete all three boxes below,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 4 Homework Grid This is your monthly homework grid grade 4. Homework is to be handed in every Friday and you will complete all three boxes below, READING, MATHS and SPELLING. Keep a log of your work on your WIKI and ensure you write down how you found the work in your blog READINGMATHSSPELLING Read out loud for 5 minutes and 10 minutes to yourself. You can read:  Library book, books from home or your reader  Try magazines, newspapers or computer texts Be sure to complete your reading log Practice your weekly timetables - say it to yourself and then out loud. Design quick cards that you can read from and learn from. Using the weekly words sheet attached practice the 10 words of the week. LOOK SAY COVER WRITE CHECK NUTRITIONSAFETYBEING A GOOD FRIENDENVIRONMENT Write down a food diary for a week, We will use your findings in the coming weeks. Go to http://www.healthykids.nsw. http://www.healthykids.nsw. (you can find a link on this wiki) Write a 2 minute speech about anything you like on this website. Road Safety When you work, drive or catch a bus home take note of all the important road signs in the area. Draw all the different road signs on seperate A4 sheets of paper. You can use paint, textas or crayons. Write down what you think is a ‘bully’? Watch the You Tube Link and write a story on how you helped David and what you did. Go for a walk outside in your area and write down Australian plants and animals that may live in the streets, trees & bushes etc. Using a search engine research 5 more Australian animals that you couldn’t see and a little explanation of each flora & fauna found. COMPUTERSDANCEGAMES & SPORTCELEBRATING DIFFERENCE Research your favourite sport and upload a Youtube video on your wikispace of that sport being played. Also upload a Youtube on your favourite clip that's associated with this sport. Make a dance to your favourite song get your parents to film it and upload the performance on your wiki page for your class mates to see. Research the Olympic Games on your computer. Pick one Olympic Games and write 2 paragraphs about it and we will all present it to the class at the end of the month. Recently Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people celebrated NAIDOC week. Find out and write down what is NAIDOC week and why is it celebrated? PERSONAL IDENTITYHEALTHY CHOICESRELATIONSHIPSGROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Draw your hand and the hands of every person in your family. Name the hands and write down 10 describing words for each person. Find a healthy recipe and help your parents make a healthy meal for you to eat. Write down the ingredients & cooking process and describe why it makes a meal healthy choice. On a A3 piece of paper write RELATIONSHIPS in the middle and make a collage of words around it associated with this word. Who do you know that you are in a ‘close’ relationship with? Define what NEEDS and WANTs are... Identify what your NEEDS and WANTS are...and document them on your wiki space in a chart. After students have completed the above work they are then to choose 2 boxes below from the PDHPE component.

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