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Accent Neutralization. /æ/ vs /ɑ/ cardbartartBart marketalmsfararm martcartscarfyarn farmerarkarecalm chartstarheartpardon The American /ɑ/ sound in bar.

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Presentation on theme: "Accent Neutralization. /æ/ vs /ɑ/ cardbartartBart marketalmsfararm martcartscarfyarn farmerarkarecalm chartstarheartpardon The American /ɑ/ sound in bar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accent Neutralization

2 /æ/ vs /ɑ/ cardbartartBart marketalmsfararm martcartscarfyarn farmerarkarecalm chartstarheartpardon The American /ɑ/ sound in bar (page 71) adddraftfashionflagpractice afterhavelaughtermagicsack andlacklastingmatchvalue backuppackagepasscasualthanks bankraftrelaxtravelhand The Tensed / æ / sound in band (page 72)

3 /eɪ/ vs /e/ bassgavepacestate bathehastepaidstrange brainLatephasetale essaynamepraytape failneighborrainvain faithoccasion way The / ɛi / sound in bay (page 81)

4 /eɪ/ vs /e/ bestfreshparentstest betterguestpreventthen deafhealthquestiontrend emptyheavyrealmtwenty endinsteadschedulevegetable feminineleveltemporaryweather The Lax / ɛ / sound in bend (page 74)

5 /eɪ/ vs /aɪ/ arrivebicyclebridebrighter brinecriedfilefly Fridayiconidleline liveninerhymerice sideslightspicetithe trywhinewidewise The /ai/ sound in buy (page 84)

6 /au/ vs /ɒ/ aboutaccountallowancebrown cowcrowdedendowedfrowning loungemousemouthfulnow outingowlpoundspronounce proudprowlroundshout soundnesssouthtownshipwound The /au/ sound in bow (page 83) blockboxgonehalt hopperhotknottinglot maltmobnotodds onpondpotteryshopping stoptopwandJohn The Lax /ɒ/ sound in bond (page 73)

7 /d/ vs /t/ base verb (v1)past simple (v2)past participle (v3) workworked The past simple tense and past participle of all regular verbs end in -ed. For example: In addition, many adjectives are made from the past participle and so end in -ed. For example: I like painted furniture.

8 The question: How do we pronounce the -ed? The answer: In 3 ways - /Id/ or /t/ or /d/. (page 97) If the base verb ends in one of these sounds: example base verb*: example with -ed: pronounce the -ed: extra syllable? unvoiced/t/wantwanted/Id/yes voiced/d/endended unvoiced/p/hopehoped/t/no /f/laughlaughed /s/faxfaxed /S/washwashed /tS/watchwatched /k/likeliked voicedall other sounds, for example... playplayed/d/ allowallowed begbegged

9 1 Top of the Staircase [T is T] If the T is at the beginning of a word (or the top of the staircase), it is a strong, clear T sound. (page 98) In the beginning of a word: table, take, tomorrow, teach, ten, turn Thomas tried two times.

10 1 Top of the Staircase [T is T] With a stressed T and ST, TS, TR, CT, LT and sometimes NT combinations: They control the contents. In the past tense, D sounds like T, after an unvoiced consonant sound — f, k, p, s, ch, sh, th (but not T). picked [pikt] hoped [houpt] raced [rast] watched [wächt] washed [wäsht] It took Tim ten times to try the telephone.

11 2 Middle of the Staircase [T is D] If the T is in the middle of the word, intonation changes the sound to a soft D. Letter sounds like [ledder]. Water, daughter, bought a, caught a, lot of, got a, later, meeting, better

12 2 Middle of the Staircase [T is D] What a good idea. Put it in a bottle. Get a better water heater. Put all the data in the computer. Patty ought to write a better letter.

13 /θ/ or /ð/ thinbathroomtruthbooth thinkzithertwentiethbirth thanksympathyhenceforthmyth themepathologistwraththorough thickmonthlysouththrough thoughtethicaldeathwreath thermometerfaithfulteethMathematics therapytruthfullybathcatheter throatworthwhilehealthEarth thornhealthygrowthfaith The Unvoiced / Ɵ / Sound (page 94)

14 /θ/ or /ð/ thenthemselvesthoughthem theretheirtheythose thereforethesethatthe thismotherworthylather soothingsouthernbrotherthee ratherfathergatheringanother bothersomefurtherbathewithout loathebreatheclothescythe The Voiced / ð / Sound (page 95)

15 /θ/ vs /s/ vs / ʃ / (page 92) seensheensinshin sipshipseeksheik seatsheetseepsheep seasheseersheer saidshedsackshack sagshagsankshank sueshoesuitshoot sockshocksakeshake signshinesownshone messmeshassash classclashlasslash plusplushSwissswish

16 /l/ vs /r/ crumpledterriblenoodlehaggletinsel principleautomobilefondlestruggledazzle staplefatalcurdlejunglenozzle humblevitalhurdlestifledisposal dribblesubtleticklerafflebushel troublemyrtlebicyclebaffleangel tumbledcapitalparentheticalevilfragile gamblegentlemengeographicalcarnivalwhistle marblesneedlemingleunravelmeasles scrabblecandledanglelethaltraveling bumperrubberoperatorhandkerchiefether romperwaterpercolatorangereither The American /r/ and /l/ sounds (page 90)

17 /I/ vs /i/ beenbusychickenexhibit finishfithisinterest liftlistlistenlive mistmistakeprettyrelationship richriftsimplesister systemthistipwill The Lax / I / sound in bit (page 75) beachbeefbelieveeast eveningfeetfreedomgreen keepleastmealmeeting neatrealreamreason The Tensed / i / sound in beat (page 76)

18 R diphthongs adhereappearbeardcareer cheerfulcleardearestears engineerfearfulheronear peerperiodqueerrear seriousspheresuperiorwe’re wearyweirdzerosteer The /ir/ sound in beer (page 85)

19 R diphthongs admireaspireattirechoir desiredryerempireexpire firehigherhireinquire inspirelLiarlyreperspire pliersrequiresapphiresire suppliertirevampirewire The /air/ sound in buyer (page 85)

20 R diphthongs airareacarefulchair everywherefairfairyhairy maremayorparingpear preparerarerepairscarce scarysquarestaircasetear theirwearwelfarewhere The /er/ sound in bear (page 85)

21 R diphthongs boredombornchorechorus corncornerdoorfloor forignoreloremore mournnornorthpores portablescorecardshortsnore storiesstormswornwar The /or/ sound in boar (page 85)

22 R diphthongs alarmapartartistbizarre cardcartoncartridgecharming dartboarddepartmentgarterguitar harpjarmarkermartyr parkingparticipatequarterscar smarttardyyardchart The /ar/ sound in bar (page 86)

23 R diphthongs affirmcurdbirthcourage courtesycurlerearthfern girlhurtjourneylearn merchantpearlresearchsir stirsurfingswirlthird tornadoverbwordworry The /ur/ sound in burn (page 86)

24 R diphthongs afterbetterbuttercarpenter curatordoctorflavorgather latherlistenermakermeter neverodorpaperrather rememberrendersendersister splendortenderunderneathwater The /ur/ sound in brother (page 86)

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