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Middle Grades Math Essentials 101

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1 Middle Grades Math Essentials 101
Division of Academics Department of Mathematics Middle Grades Mathematics

2 Core and Supplemental Resources to implement MAFS:
Core Mathematics Classes Intensive Mathematics Classes Pacing Guides FSA Item Specifications and other resources Supplemental Resources/Websites


4 CORE Mathematics cLASSES

5 Students’ Course Textbooks/Consumables
McGraw-Hill Books by Course Course Grade Level Standards in the Course Students’ Course Textbooks/Consumables 6th Grade Regular Has all 6th grade standards included 6th Grade Consumables Per Student (Volumes 1 and 2) 7th Grade Regular Has all 7th grade standards included 7th Grade Consumables Per Student (Volumes 1 and 2) 8th Grade Pre-Algebra Has all 8th grade standards included 8th Grade Consumables Per Student (Volumes 1 and 2) 6th Grade Advanced Has one third of 7th grade standards included (eight 7th grade standards) *majority of course consists of 6th grade standards 6th Grade Consumables Per Student 7th Grade Hardbound Textbook* - Class Set (Volumes 1 and 2 for both) 7th Grade Advanced ( ) *majority of course consists of 8th grade standards 8th Grade Consumables Per Student 7th Grade Hardbound Textbook* - Class Set Algebra I has digital supplementary materials from McGraw-Hill for standards not found in Pearson. i-Ready Toolbox will be available for all 6-8 courses

6 Intensive Mathematics
Curriculum Associates

7 Intensive Math: Ready Florida MAFS
Quarterly IFCs, student packets, and teacher packets can be found Learning Village. McGraw-Hill “Reteach” and “Extra Practice” worksheets are used to supplement the materials for Intensive Math. i-Ready should be used as a technology supplement. i-Ready Toolbox will be available for both Intensive and Core Math Classes in grades 6-8.


9 Mathematics Pacing Guides

10 There are 5 less instructional days prior to the FSA testing window in as compared to : 142 instructional days : 137 instructional Days As a result, the FSA Standards Review (formerly called Crunchtime Review) was decreased to 5 days in order to avoid reducing instructional days for the teaching of new concepts.

11 Grouped Objectives by the Essential Content
Objectives identifying Key Fluencies are in BOLD

12 Progressions of the Standards


14 UPDATED Added hyperlink to the updated Item Specs
Updated information with the changes in the revised Item Specs released in March 2015



17 Additional Resources

18 Website links in pacing guides include…
CPALMS- Mathematics Assessment Project/M.A.R.S.- Inside Mathematics- Illustrative Mathematics- EngageNY- Khan Academy-


20 Where do I get the Standards and FSA Test Item Specifications?
Download the Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS) for by grade level: MAFS: Grades 6-8 Download the FSA Test Item Specifications (Item Specs): Grade 6 Math Test Item Specifications [PDF] Grade 7 Math Test Item Specifications [PDF] Grade 8 Math Test Item Specifications [PDF] Algebra I EOC Test Item Specifications [PDF] Geometry EOC Test Item Specifications [PDF]


22 Reference Sheets

23 Test Design Summary and Blueprints
Technology-Enhanced Item Types – Mathematics 1. Editing Task Choice – The student clicks a highlighted word or phrase, which reveals a drop-down menu containing options for correcting an error as well as the highlighted word or phrase as it is shown in the sentence to indicate that no correction is needed. The student then selects the correct word or phrase from the drop-down menu. For paper-based assessments, the item is modified so that it can be scanned and scored electronically. The student fills in a circle to indicate the correct word or phrase. 2. Editing Task – The student clicks on a highlighted word or phrase that may be incorrect, which reveals a text box. The directions in the text box direct the student to replace the highlighted word or phrase with the correct word or phrase. For paper-based assessments, this item type may be replaced with another item type that assesses the same standard and can be scanned and scored electronically. 3. Hot Text – a. Selectable Hot Text – Excerpted sentences from the text are presented in this item type. When the student hovers over certain words, phrases, or sentences, the options highlight. This indicates that the text is selectable (“hot”). The student can then click on an option to select it. For paperbased assessments, a “selectable” hot text item is modified so that it can be scanned and scored electronically. In this version, the student fills in a circle to indicate a selection. b. Drag-and-Drop Hot Text – Certain numbers, words, phrases, or sentences may be designated “draggable” in this item type. When the student hovers over these areas, the text highlights. The student can then click on the option, hold down the mouse button, and drag it to a graphic or other format. For paper-based assessments, drag-and-drop hot text items will be replaced with another item type that assesses the same standard and can be scanned and scored electronically. 12 | P a g e N o v e m b e r 4. Open Response – The student uses the keyboard to enter a response into a text field. These items can usually be answered in a sentence or two. For paper-based assessments, this item type may be replaced with another item type that assesses the same standard and can be scanned and scored electronically. 5. Multiselect – The student is directed to select all of the correct answers from among a number of options. These items are different from multiple-choice items, which allow the student to select only one correct answer. These items appear in the online and paper-based assessments. 6. Graphic Response Item Display (GRID) – The student selects numbers, words, phrases, or images and uses the drag-and-drop feature to place them into a graphic. This item type may also require the student to use the point, line, or arrow tools to create a response on a graph. For paper-based assessments, this item type may be replaced with another item type that assesses the same standard and can be scanned and scored electronically. 7. Equation Editor – The student is presented with a toolbar that includes a variety of mathematical symbols that can be used to create a response. Responses may be in the form of a number, variable, expression, or equation, as appropriate to the test item. For paper-based assessments, this item type may be replaced with a modified version of the item that can be scanned and scored electronically or replaced with another item type that assesses the same standard and can be scanned and scored electronically. 8. Matching Item – The student checks a box to indicate if information from a column header matches information from a row. For paper-based assessments, this item type may be replaced with another item type that assesses the same standard and can be scanned and scored electronically. 9. Table Item – The student types numeric values into a given table. The student may complete the entire table or portions of the table depending on what is being asked. For paper-based assessments, this item type may be replaced with another item type that assesses the same standard and can be scanned and scored The Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) are composed of test items that include traditional multiple choice items, items that require students to type or write a response, and technology-enhanced items(TEI). Technology-enhanced items are computer-delivered items that require students to interact with test content to select, construct, and/or support their answers.

24 Reporting Categories


26 Mathematics Formative Assessment System (MFAS)
MFAS include tasks or problems teachers can implement with their students and rubrics that help the teacher interpret students’ responses. Teachers using MFAS ask students to perform mathematical tasks, explain their reasoning and justify their solutions. Includes videos of questioning strategies with students. MFAS Performance Tasks on the Math Florida Standards and PD modules for grades 4-8, Algebra, and Geometry are available in CPALMs. Also available: Lesson Study Toolkits Getting Started Moving Forward Got It Almost There Misconceptions Examples of Student Work at this Level Questions Eliciting Thinking Instructional Implications

27 OELCS 2005 Math Module 3 Speaker Notes

28 An Editable Technology-Enhanced Question Bank
is a free platform for teachers that allows them to find, create, and send standard-aligned assignments to students.   An Editable Technology-Enhanced Question Bank

29 The new site includes hundreds of interactive resources to support student learning in mathematics as well as language arts, science and civics. The site is readily available to the public and does not require a logon or password to access. contains existing web-based content reviewed by FDOE for alignment to the Florida Standards. The site also contains dozens of original tutorials designed by Florida educators to meet the Florida Standards.  The site will continue to grow in the months ahead…



32 Supplemental Resources
Primary Standards- to be used with initial instruction _MDCPS_ _M/J_Grade 6 Math_MAFS _MDCPS_ _M/J_Grade 7 Math_MAFS _MDCPS_ _M/J Grade 8_Pre-Algebra_MAFS _MDCPS_ _Algebra 1_MAFS _MDCPS_ _Geometry_MAFS Data-Driven Standards- to be used when spiraling back for review _MDCPS_ _M/J_Grade 6 Math_MAFS_Full Year: Teacher-Directed _MDCPS_ _M/J_Grade 7 Math_MAFS_Full Year: Teacher-Directed _MDCPS_ _M/J_Grade 8 Pre-Algebra_MAFS_Full Year: Teacher-Directed _MDCPS_ _Algebra 1_MAFS_Full Year: Teacher Directed _MDCPS_ _Algebra 2_MAFS_Full Year: Teacher Directed _MDCPS_ _Geometry_MAFS_Full Year: Teacher Directed Academic Support- to be used to address previous grade level prerequisites to the course Algebra 1 MAFS Academic Support Geometry MAFS Academic Support

33 Algebra 1 MAFS Academic Support Geometry MAFS Academic Support
MAFS.6.EE.1.2 MAFS.6.EE.1.3 MAFS.6.EE.1.4 MAFS.6.SP.1.2 MAFS.6.SP.2.4 MAFS.6.SP.2.5 MAFS.7.EE.1.1 MAFS.7.EE.1.2 MAFS.7.EE.2.4 MAFS.8.EE.1.1 MAFS.8.EE.1.2 MAFS.8.EE.2.5 MAFS.8.EE.3.7 MAFS.8.EE.3.8 MAFS.8.F.1.1 MAFS.8.F.1.2 MAFS.8.F.1.3 MAFS.8.F.2.4 MAFS.8.F.2.5 MAFS.8.NS.1.1 MAFS.8.SP.1.1 MAFS.8.SP.1.2 MAFS.8.SP.1.3 MAFS.8.SP.1.4 MAFS.6.G.1.4 MAFS.8.EE.2.6 MAFS.8.F.1.3 MAFS.8.G.1.1 MAFS.8.G.1.2 MAFS.8.G.1.3 MAFS.8.G.1.4 MAFS.8.G.1.5 MAFS.8.G.2.6 MAFS.8.G.2.8 MAFS.8.G.3.9 MAFS.912.A-REI.2.4 MAFS.912.F-BF.2.3 MAFS.912.N-RN.2.3 MAFS.7.G.1.1 MAFS.7.G.1.2 MAFS.7.G.1.3 MAFS.7.G.2.4 MAFS.7.G.2.5 MAFS.7.G.2.6

34 Curriculum AND ASSESSMENT Updates

35 Intensive Mathematics:
Weekly Briefing 17725 The current course codes for Intensive Mathematics (Grades 6-8: ) expired on June 30, 2015. New course codes for :

36 Intensive Mathematics Recommendations
MIDDLE GRADES INTENSIVE MATHEMATICS Scheduling Priority Level Target Students 1 All 2014 FCAT 2.0 Level 1 students 2 All 2014 FCAT 2.0 Level 2 students, with an i-Ready Diagnostic 2 (or Diagnostic 3 if available) Overall Scale Score shading of RED on the Intervention Screener Report. 3 All 2014 FCAT 2.0 Level 2 students with an i-Ready Diagnostic 2 (or Diagnostic 3 if available) Overall Scale Score shading of YELLOW on the Intervention Screener Report. 4 All remaining 2014 FCAT 2.0 Level 2 students

37 Previous Course Titles
Course Offerings Previous Course Titles New Course Titles Course Codes M/J Mathematics 1 M/J Grade 6 Mathematics M/J Mathematics 1, Advanced M/J Grade 6 Mathematics Advanced M/J Mathematics 1, Advanced Gifted M/J Grade 6 Mathematics Advanced, Gifted M/J Mathematics 2 M/J Grade 7 Mathematics M/J Mathematics 2, Advanced M/J Grade 7 Mathematics Advanced M/J Mathematics 2, Advanced Gifted M/J Grade 7 Mathematics Advanced, Gifted M/J Pre-Algebra        M/J Grade 8 Pre-Algebra        Algebra I Honors Algebra I Honors, Gifted Geometry Honors Geometry Honors, Gifted *Please note that Algebra I and Geometry should be coded as HONORS at the middle grades level.

38 District Assessments Mid-Year Assessment–
Administration Window for Math: November 16 − December 18, 2015 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA)– Administration Window for Grades 6-8 Math: April 11 − May 6, 2016 End-of-Course Assessments (EOC)– Administration Window for Algebra and Geometry: April 18 − May 13, 2016

39 Mid-Year Assessments

40 Calculators that meet FLDOE specifications
TI-30Xa Solar SE TI-30Xa Texas Instruments CASIO fx – 260 Solar Fraction

41 Casio Iliana Gonzalez Market Development Manager-Southeast Education Division Casio America, Inc. Phone:  |    Education Hotline: Iliana Gonzalez Market Development Manager-Southeast Education Division Casio America, Inc. Phone:  |    Education Hotline:

42 Educational Technology Director
Texas Instruments Vince O’Connell Educational Technology Director Texas Instruments, Inc. Office  Cell  FAX         Vince O’Connell Educational Technology Director Texas Instruments, Inc. Office  Cell  FAX        

43 Updated FSA Calculator Polices (as of 12/16)

44 *as of December 16, 2014

45 *as of December 16, 2014

46 Middle Grades Mathematics
Thank You ! Department of Mathematics Middle Grades Mathematics 1501 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 326 Miami, FL Office: Fax:

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