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 This class is designed to assist you in growing not only as a student, but also as a thinking human being.  In this course you will learn to develop.

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Presentation on theme: " This class is designed to assist you in growing not only as a student, but also as a thinking human being.  In this course you will learn to develop."— Presentation transcript:


2  This class is designed to assist you in growing not only as a student, but also as a thinking human being.  In this course you will learn to develop your ability to examine your reactions to your life experiences, to think and write critically about those experiences, about what you read, and about what we discuss in class.  What you get out of this class is proportionate to what you put in to it!

3 ***Note – Most students enrolled in my classes are part of the Mustangs Professional Learning Community. This team supports students by working together to meet each student’s needs. More information about the Mustangs Team will be coming soon!

4 1. 2 pencils, blue or black pens, a red pen for correcting, a highlighter, and some post it notes 2. 3-ring binder, 3 dividers for Lang. Arts, PLENTY of lined paper – STAYING ORGANIZED IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS! 3. Composition book for warm-up journal (not spiral notebook - example shown in class) AND SSR book (Self Selected Reading) Both should “live” in your backpack and be brought each day. 4. Student planner – either obtained from SEMS or from other source. VERY IMPORTANT!

5 Have at home, ready when needed:  Markers, colored pencils, crayons, glue, scissors, etc. – for projects throughout the year!  Index cards – for presentations  *Other materials may be needed as the year progresses – we will discuss this in class as things come up!

6 Homework is a regular part of this class. Some things to keep in mind:  Many assignments started in class are often finished at home. It is the student’s responsibility to use class time wisely to minimize what has to be taken home to finish. Students need to keep track of what is assigned, when it is due, and to be sure it is turned in on the date due.  Writing down assignments from the board in a planner and keeping track of the online assignment calendar on a regular basis are important keys to success! Some assignments are also available online in Moodle. (I will explain.)  Late work is not accepted except in the case of an excused absence. Legitimate emergencies will be considered. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about and complete any work from an absence in a timely manner.

7  As 8 th graders, students need to be learning to independently manage their assignment load this year as they move closer to becoming high school students.  Time management is the key! Procrastination is usually the issue when homework becomes a problem!  Parents should provide a quiet study place and empower their students to keep track of assignments, online grades, and assignment calendar, and they should intervene when a question or problem first arises. Parents should email me AFTER discussing homework concerns with their student. I am happy to help, but I need everyone concerned to be involved!

8 What is the difference between a regular level and honors level language arts class?  An honors level language arts class offers the student an opportunity to penetrate more deeply into the subject material, often to read higher level text, and to have more in depth discussions than in a regular class.  Honors students are often expected to think and write more critically as they explore more abstract concepts that challenge them to perform at a more rigorous level..

9  On average, honors homework sometimes takes more time, not because there is more work, but because it involves a higher degree of thought and attention.  If you are placed in an honors class and are struggling, please contact me right away to discuss whether this placement is right for you.

10  These directly affect citizenship grade! 1. Come to class prepared – positive attitude, materials, expected assignments done. 2. Treat yourself and others with respect so all can learn. 3. Honor the teacher and others by showing respect for instructional time. 4. Do not plagiarize another’s work under any circumstances! 5. Follow all school rules while in the classroom. (EX: No cell phones, gum, inappropriate attire, etc.)

11  A point system will be used to determine all academic grades. Each class assignment, test, etc., will be given a point value. Each category in the grade book is weighted differently, so not all points are equal.  Standard Grading Scale: A 90 – 100% D60 – 69% B 80 – 89% F 0 – 59% C 70 – 79%

12  Grades are based mostly on assignment completion and performance on assessments.  Grades are posted online, and it is the student’s responsibility to monitor his/her progress regularly.  Students should come to me first if there is a question about grades. I will be happy to sit down with any student to answer questions and give guidance!

13  Class sets of core literature books are provided. Many students in the past have decided to purchase their own copies of assigned books. Purchasing books is not required, but it does enable students to write personal notes in margins and highlight sections that are being discussed.  Because the tentative list below may change, we suggest that purchasing personal copies of novels (if desired) at the time the assignment is given. In addition to the novels listed, we will read other pieces within our textbook.

14  The Outsiders, S. E. Hinton (grade level classes)  Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck (grade level classes and honors)  Midsummer Night’s Dream, (Shakespeare Made Easy version) William Shakespeare (honors only)  Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl (grade level)  To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee (honors only)

15  Email is the BEST way to reach me! I check it throughout the day and often at home.  Phone number at school – 760 290 2800 X3303 I check in the morning or after school.  School website and my website –

16  Go to –  Go to “faculty” and my name.  You will be able to access grades, see the assignment calendar, and get other great info on that site!  It is YOUR responsibility as a student to regularly check your grades, access assignments, resources, and documents, as well as to submit assignments online if asked.  IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A COMPUTER OR INTERNET AT HOME, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DISCUSS THIS WITH ME SO I CAN GIVE YOU OTHER OPTIONS!

17  Attached to the hard copy of this information is a yellow acknowledgement/agreement page.  Sign and return THAT page. Keep this document for your records!  This information is also available on my website. Students should keep a copy in their binders for reference.

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