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WELCOME! Back to School Night ( 2011-2012) AP U.S. History Mr. Wang

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1 WELCOME! Back to School Night ( 2011-2012) AP U.S. History Mr. Wang

2 I. Introduction 8 th year at Arcadia High School 8 th year at Arcadia High School 9 th year teaching overall 9 th year teaching overall Started in South Los Angeles Started in South Los Angeles Taught AP U.S. History six times prior to this year Taught AP U.S. History six times prior to this year Average around 90% pass rate Average around 90% pass rate Data skews towards 4’s and 5’s Data skews towards 4’s and 5’s

3 II. Class Information What is AP U.S. History? What is AP U.S. History? An accelerated, college-level survey course about all of U.S. history An accelerated, college-level survey course about all of U.S. history Different from regular U.S. History and Honors U.S. History Different from regular U.S. History and Honors U.S. History More depth More depth More reading and writing intensive More reading and writing intensive More critical thinking required More critical thinking required

4 II. Class Information What is the AP test? What is the AP test? An 185 minute cumulative exam An 185 minute cumulative exam 80 multiple choice questions = 50% of the score 80 multiple choice questions = 50% of the score 1 Document Based Essay Question = 22.5% of the score 1 Document Based Essay Question = 22.5% of the score 2 Free Response Essay Questions = 27.5% of the score 2 Free Response Essay Questions = 27.5% of the score Scored on a scale of 1 (failing) to 5 (highest) Scored on a scale of 1 (failing) to 5 (highest)

5 II. Class Information Why take AP U.S. History? Why take AP U.S. History? Looks good for college: student is taking on the most demanding history course offered Looks good for college: student is taking on the most demanding history course offered Students learn study skills that translate to college Students learn study skills that translate to college Passing the AP test often eliminates a GE requirement in college, saving you thousands of dollars in tuition Passing the AP test often eliminates a GE requirement in college, saving you thousands of dollars in tuition

6 III. Parental Involvement Monitoring their junior year sanity Monitoring their junior year sanity SATs, SAT IIs, ACT SATs, SAT IIs, ACT Driver’s license Driver’s license AP classes AP classes Prom Prom Monitoring their progress Monitoring their progress Do not nag them too much Do not nag them too much E-mail me with concerns E-mail me with concerns Realize there is a learning curve to AP Realize there is a learning curve to AP

7 IV. Survival Tips How to avoid being tardy: How to avoid being tardy: Pick out the next day’s outfit the night before Pick out the next day’s outfit the night before Pack backpack the night before and verify HW for each subject is physically in there Pack backpack the night before and verify HW for each subject is physically in there

8 IV. Survival Tips How to make sure they’ll do their best: How to make sure they’ll do their best: Eat breakfast Eat breakfast Study for tests while the sun is still out and NOT in bed Study for tests while the sun is still out and NOT in bed Do the hard homework FIRST, save the easy ones for later Do the hard homework FIRST, save the easy ones for later Make daily agendas for time management Make daily agendas for time management Do NOT take away positive reinforcement (Xbox, computer, etc.) Do NOT take away positive reinforcement (Xbox, computer, etc.)

9 IV. Survival Tips Most important thing students can do to ensure success: Most important thing students can do to ensure success:SLEEP!!

10 V. Peer Tutoring Free Peer Tutoring is available in the AHS School Library Free Peer Tutoring is available in the AHS School Library Starts first week of October Starts first week of October Monday – Thursday from 3:00-4:00PM Monday – Thursday from 3:00-4:00PM All subjects, all levels All subjects, all levels


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