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Comparison and Contrast. What is the Purpose? To show the similarities between at least two things and/or To show the difference between two things To.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparison and Contrast. What is the Purpose? To show the similarities between at least two things and/or To show the difference between two things To."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison and Contrast

2 What is the Purpose? To show the similarities between at least two things and/or To show the difference between two things To inform To explain To analyze To evaluate

3 Pre-writing Chart Price Price Mileage Mileage Utility Utility BMW Prius

4 Venn Diagram Alike

5 Writing a Thesis Statement Review your data Decide to what extent you will stress the similarities between your subjects and to what extent you will stress their differences Create a thesis statement that reflects that decision

6 THESIS STATEMENT The thesis statement includes the two subjects you are comparing or contrasting and the main point you want to make about them.

7 Weak Thesis Statements They are both somewhat alike and somewhat different. I can see some similarities and some differences too. Both of them involve (only a single similarity, no differences).

8 Better Thesis Pattern A person in the market for a new or used automobile will need to ask some questins. Even though all cars will transport people from one place to another, car freaks will want to know how these two cars compare and differ in costs, handling, and practical use.

9 Better Thesis Pattern Ralph and Jack have very different leadership styles and motivations which leads to the eventual chaos and anarchy on the island.

10 Sample Thesis Statement for Honda/BMW Comparison/Contrast In order to make a decision between the Honda Civic and the BMW, I used the following criteria: price of the vehicle, average mileage, and price of insurance.

11 Paragraph Organization--Block Costs Handling Practical Use BMW →→→ Toyota Prius →→→ 3rd-6th Sentences 7th-10th Sentences

12 Paragraph Organization--Block Price Mileage Insurance BMW →→→ Honda Civic →→→ 2 nd Paragraph 3 rd Paragraph

13 Paragraph Organization--BLOCK Costs Handling Practical Use BMW 3rd-4th Sentence 5th-6th Sentence 7th-8th Sentence Toyota Prius 9th-10th Sentence 11 th -12 Sentence 13-14 Sentence

14 Paragraph Organization--Point by Point Costs Handling Practical Use BMW ↓ Toyota Prius ↓ 2 nd Paragraph 3rd Paragraph 4 th Paragraph

15 Paragraph Organization—Point by Point Price↓ Mileage Insurance BMW 2 nd Paragraph 4 th Paragraph 6 th Paragraph Honda Civic 3 rd Paragraph 5 th Paragraph 7 th Paragraph

16 Outline - Block Method (Paragraph) I. Introduction a) Attention Getter or Hook b) Thesis (Topic Sentence) II. BMW a) Costs b) Handling c) Practical Use III. Prius a) Costs b) Handling c) Practical Use IV. Conclusion a) Summary c) Evaluation

17 Outline - Block Method I. Introduction a) Attention Getter or Hook b) Background Information c) Thesis II. BMW a) Costs b) Handling c) Practical Use III. Prius a) Costs b) Handling c) Practical Use IV. Conclusion a) Emphasize Major Ties b) So What? c) Evaluation

18 Outline - Point by Point I. Introduction a) Attention Getter or Hook b) Background Information c) Thesis II. Costs a) BMW b) Prius III. Handling a) BMW b) Prius IV. Practical Use a) BMW b) Prius IV. Conclusion a) Emphasize Major Ties b) So What? c) Evaluation

19 Outline - Point by Point (Paragraph) I. Introduction a) Attention Getter or Hook b) Thesis (Topic Sentence) II. Costs a) BMW b) Prius III. Handling a) BMW b) Prius IV. Practical Use a) BMW b) Prius IV. Conclusion a) Summary b) Evaluation

20 Transitions (Connectors) Writers use transitions in a well-organized essay to help clarify their main ideas. Transitions help readers by providing logical connections between sentences, ideas, and paragraphs. Notice that when these words, and often the phrases that follows them, begin a sentence, they are followed by a comma.

21 Transitions To Compare –also –as –in the same way –like –likewise –similarly –comparable –equally –in addition To Contrast - although -but -even though -however -on the other hand -otherwise-yet-still-conversely -as opposed to -different from -whereas

22 Connectors That Show Comparisons Between sentences or paragraphs In addition In addition Similarly, Similarly, Compared to… Compared to…Examples Both Red Beauty and Midnight Dream roses are known for the size of their blooms, their color, and their fragrance. In addition, they are easy to grow. Both Red Beauty and Midnight Dream roses are known for the size of their blooms, their color, and their fragrance. In addition, they are easy to grow. The Midnight Dream rose won awards in local contests last year. Similarly, the Red Beauty rose was singled out for its beauty. The Midnight Dream rose won awards in local contests last year. Similarly, the Red Beauty rose was singled out for its beauty. Some roses last for a very short time. Compared to these roses, the blooms of Red Beauty and Midnight Dream roses last a long time. Some roses last for a very short time. Compared to these roses, the blooms of Red Beauty and Midnight Dream roses last a long time.

23 Connectors that Show Contrast Between sentences or paragraphs However,/On the other hand, However,/On the other hand, Although… Although… Even though,.. Even though,.. Example Many differences are clear to even novice gardeners. However/On the other hand, some of their differences are not very obvious. Many differences are clear to even novice gardeners. However/On the other hand, some of their differences are not very obvious. Both Midnight Dream roses and Red Beauty roses are red. Although both these two varieties have red flowers, Midnight Dream roses are much darker than Red Beauty roses. Both Midnight Dream roses and Red Beauty roses are red. Although both these two varieties have red flowers, Midnight Dream roses are much darker than Red Beauty roses. Red Beauty roses and Midnight Dream roses are long-stemmed roses. Even though both of these two species are long stemmed roses, Red Beauty stems are thin and covered with thorns while Midnight Dream stems are thick and have almost no thorns. Red Beauty roses and Midnight Dream roses are long-stemmed roses. Even though both of these two species are long stemmed roses, Red Beauty stems are thin and covered with thorns while Midnight Dream stems are thick and have almost no thorns.

24 Comparative of adjectives and adverbs More …than Less … than As… as The same…as

25 Review  Make sure you understand the purpose of the assignment  Complete pre-writing activity  Gather evidence  Create a thesis statement  Choose an organizational pattern  Write an outline  Write a working draft  Revise as needed

26 Possible Topics A movie and its sequel Burger King/ McDonald Your home country/US High school/College Watching a movie on Netflix/going to a movie Vacations with family and vacations with friends. Sports: Soccer/American Football

27 e/henry1e/assets/WFL_P_to_E_2e_ch09. pdf

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