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ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AND COMMUNICATION: A Necessary Relationship A Software Release Story of Woe Brief Overview of Prosci© Change Management A Simple.

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2 ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AND COMMUNICATION: A Necessary Relationship A Software Release Story of Woe Brief Overview of Prosci© Change Management A Simple OCM Checklist

3  Real SAP Implementation  Constrained budget  Solution!!  Reduce OCM Communication to a few training sessions! 2 SOFTWARE RELEASE STORY OF WOE

4  Completed checklist:  The rollout schedule has been compiled.  New users were notified.  Team members had a list of tasks to perform.  Sponsors were in the know. 3 FIRST OF THREE DEPLOYMENTS READY!

5  Hey! Who communicated this change to existing users? 4 SHUT DOWN SYSTEM/GET TO WORK

6  Light a fire under team  Team gets message out at last minute 5 Project Manager to the Rescue!

7  Call Center phone rings off the hook  People struggle to make sense of changes in their software computer screens  Increased workload  Lost productivity  Employee frustration 6 The Next Day…..

8  OCM was eliminated due to budget constraints  Per Prosci© 2009 benchmark: “Effective Communication was cited as the number two contributor to success.” Solution:  A simple OCM Checklist of important communication elements 7 Root Cause?

9  World leader in change management best practices and research  Ongoing statistical analysis  Maturity Model  Proprietary Methodology  Toolkit  Training  Methodology widely used for managing the people side of change in corporations and government. 8 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF PROSCI OCM

10 Prosci’s PCT Model (Project Change Triangle)  Leadership / sponsorship provides guidance and governance  Project Management gives structure to the technical side of the change  Change Management supports the people side of the change 9 All three elements must be present for project success

11 10 The organization’s future state is actually the collection of many individual future states Future Organization Individuals Documented and managed processes One integrated database Specialists in the call center Supplier website integrated into supply chain Merged organization



14  Impacted groups have been segmented  The “why” for this change is thoroughly developed  Spokesperson(s) “preferred sender(s)” identified  Messages customized to each segment  Two-way communication in place (face-to-face desired)  Employee Feedback set up in safe, unthreatening environment  Message from both leadership and immediate supervisors 13 OCM COMMUNICATION CHECKLIST

15  Specific, unique audiences are identified  Tailor your message for various audiences  Action required by these stakeholders may vary greatly 14 Impacted groups have been segmented

16  To motivate stakeholders to change  Clearly articulate from their perspective  Begin with benefits of change  Include risk of not changing  Impact to business  Impact to employee  “WIIFM” of audience drives content of message 15 The “why” for this change is thoroughly developed

17  Must be motivated to support the change  Someone the intended audience will listen to  Consider the message  Executive Level: Business message, acquisition, mergers  Functional manager/supervisor directly responsible for performance reviews: “WIIFM” 16 Spokesperson(s) “preferred sender(s)” identified

18  Messages have been customized or adapted for each segmented group  Designed to meet their specific needs  Clearly articulated the “5Ws” (Who, What, Why, When, Where + How)  Each segment addresses the “WIIFM” 17 Messages customized to each segment

19 According to A. Barbour, author of Louder Than Words: Nonverbal Communication, the total impact of a message breaks down like this:  7 percent verbal (words)  38 percent vocal (volume, pitch, rhythm, etc)  55 percent body movements (mostly facial expressions) 18 Two -way communication in place (face-to- face is ideal )

20  Electronic feedback (blogs, emails, etc) insufficient (Impersonal)  Use face-to-face risk free environment to improve communication (Personal)  Examples for successful message delivery:  Working group sessions  Presentations  One-on-one discussions 19 Two -way communication in place (continued)

21  Make available throughout the change  Employees need opportunity to give feedback  Effective strategy for  Minimizing non-compliance or “Malicious” compliance  Surfacing issues in time to resolve without serious impact  Giving employees a sense of influence and ownership in the outcome 20 Employee Feedback set up in safe, unthreatening environment

22  Employees hear same message  From person they view as “in charge”  Immediate supervisor  Key message consistent across organization  Message supports the Vision, Mission, Objectives of the organization  Visibly supported by Executive Management and Executive Sponsor. 21 Message from both leadership and immediate supervisors


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