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AiA 2011 RiverRay - GPS Integration Concepts. Why Integrated GPS? Advantages –Single input to WinRiver II –Less potential for GPS data latency –Simpler.

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Presentation on theme: "AiA 2011 RiverRay - GPS Integration Concepts. Why Integrated GPS? Advantages –Single input to WinRiver II –Less potential for GPS data latency –Simpler."— Presentation transcript:

1 AiA 2011 RiverRay - GPS Integration Concepts


3 Why Integrated GPS? Advantages –Single input to WinRiver II –Less potential for GPS data latency –Simpler integration, esp. with float Disadvantages –No separate GPS text file –Troubleshooting more difficult –Can’t set ADCP time from GPS

4 How It Works RS-232 NMEA output from GPS Must configure RR with baud rate Standard NMEA header(s) GGA, VTG messages only Suggested: 9600 baud Excess GPS data ignored/discarded GPS only – no Heading or Depth input

5 WinRiver II Wizard-Current SF3-4800 SF4-9600 SF5-19200 SF6-38400 SF7-57600 SF8-115200

6 WinRiver II Wizard - Beta

7 GPS System Configurations Integrated Antenna/Receiver –Hemisphere A100 –Novatel SMART-V1 Separate Antenna and Receiver –Trimble DSM-232 –Trimble SPS-x51 –Hemisphere R100 series RTK and other complex Systems

8 GPS Interface Kit Contents GPS interface cable(s) –Cable configuration depends on GPS system –In-hull cable(s) with bulkhead connector –External cable(s) GPS Mounting Bracket(s) Hardware Single (additional) hull penetration

9 RiverRay Float

10 RiverRay Float Harness

11 RiverRay Serial/Power Cable

12 Integrated Antenna/Receiver Simplest system Mount GPS above ADCP Two-piece wiring harness kit –In-hull: MicroChange to bulkhead conn. –External: Bulkhead to GPS –Both cables carry data + power

13 Separate Antenna/Receiver Receiver in Hull Better protection for receiver and lower center of gravity Mount Antenna above ADCP Three-piece wiring kit –In Hull: MicroChange to GPS receiver –In Hull: GPS antenna to bulkhead conn. –External: Bulkhead to Antenna

14 Trimble DSM-232

15 Separate Antenna/Receiver Receiver Outside Hull Receiver more exposed, higher C.G. Mount Antenna above ADCP Three-piece wiring kit –In Hull: MicroChange to bulkhead conn. –External: Bulkhead to GPS receiver –External: GPS to Antenna

16 Other Options Integrated GPS device in hull –e.g. Trimble GeoExplorer –Reduced GPS signal strength –Parallax between GPS and ADCP RTK GPS –Comms channel needed for corrections –Too many variants to characterize OmniStar VBS/XP/HP/G2

17 Doesn’t Always Work!


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