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Anthony May & Tim Gregory Corporate Director’s Children, Families and Cultural Services & Environment and Resources Services for Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthony May & Tim Gregory Corporate Director’s Children, Families and Cultural Services & Environment and Resources Services for Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthony May & Tim Gregory Corporate Director’s Children, Families and Cultural Services & Environment and Resources Services for Schools

2 Our Vision Programme Progress “Core Offer” A Sneaky Peek Customer Service Advisors Online Interactive Ordering Marketplace Events Next Steps

3 Our Vision ‘To ensure that all Schools within Nottinghamshire receive the best possible support services available’


5 Programme Progress With your support we have gathered both textual and financial information for our new offer We have identified and included a number of new services for schools to consider buying This information has been edited by Communications and Marketing colleagues with final ‘sign off’ of brochure contents by your Service Director The ‘look and feel’ of our brochure is radically different and takes into account the feedback we have received from our customers

6 Our “Core Offer” You may recall that we approached some services to assist us in articulating our “core offer” i.e. services we provide free of charge to maintained schools Although we intended to include this in the new brochure the Programme Board have made the decision to defer including this information at this stage This is not abortive work and provides a strong foundation for us to build on as part of phase 2

7 Customer Service Advisors As part of our customer evaluation exercise schools told us that they would value having a single point of contact for general enquiries We have set-up a pilot at the Customer Service Centre (CSC) where Advisors will be in place to support schools with their buying decisions and general queries from 30 January 2012 We have also set up a bespoke Services for Schools email address and our advisors will deal with enquiries that come in via this in the first instance, referring to services where necessary This will give us an opportunity to use LAGAN to classify enquiry types - intelligence we can use to evaluate this pilot Whilst schools have the option to use our advisors they will also, still have the ability to call service providers direct

8 Customer Enquiries We need your help to capture the number and type of enquiries that you receive direct from schools, through your own contact details This information (combined with the intelligence from LAGAN) will help us to determine the most effective way of handling schools queries in the future We would like to monitor interactions with schools from 30/1/12 – 31/5/12 (with a mid point review around close of our online interactive order form 16/3/12) We are designing a monitoring form/process which we will email to you later this week - We appreciate that more work is required to refine this process, but we have to start somewhere

9 Interactive Order Form Many of the services in our brochure are available for schools to order using our ‘online interactive order form’ (exactly as they were previously using Management Choices) This online form will be available for schools to use from 20/2/12 to 16/3/12 For those services not available using this form or where schools wish to negotiate a bespoke package or seek to buy a service in excess of 12 months, we have asked that schools contact service providers direct Individual service providers will be responsible for recording/capturing which schools have requested service packages outside of the interactive order process and for managing that relationship (feeding this information through to our programme team for info)

10 Service Agreements & VAT Legal Services are currently drawing up service agreements (contracts) which should be used for trading with Academy schools Please also be aware that the prices which have been quoted in our brochure are exclusive of VAT and as such VAT will need to be added to any Academy quotes

11 Sneaky Peek of Our New Offer…… Matt Dodd, Group Manager, Digital

12 Marketplace Events A number of you are helping us to launch our new offer with schools at a series of ‘Marketplace’ events across the County; 30 January - Worksop (National Fluid Power Station) 1 February - Mansfield (Civic Centre) 2 February – West Bridgford (County Hall) All events will commence at 2pm and finish at 5pm Stall holders need to be set-up by 1pm at the latest

13 Next Steps We are continuing to feedback the results of our commercial analysis to services We need to address those areas we have identified that we are making a deficit, re-shaping services to find efficiencies, minimising the need for price rises We will commence base-lining of our LACSEG services (i.e. SEN services, Educational Welfare, Schools Admissions, etc) The Programme team will be determining how best to ‘normalise’ the production of our Services for Schools offer for the future, including where this process should be ‘homed’ The Programme Board will be determining the longer term strategic direction/evolution of Services for Schools Improvement Programme

14 Questions

15 Services for Schools Keep updated via the Services for Schools Intranet Page…. ex/bigissues/improvement- programme/reviewing-services-and- structures/council-wide-service- reviews/charged-services-to-schools/

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