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Aim: To investigate the role of schools in the religious education of young people. Goal: To consider the importance of religious education in the lives.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: To investigate the role of schools in the religious education of young people. Goal: To consider the importance of religious education in the lives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: To investigate the role of schools in the religious education of young people. Goal: To consider the importance of religious education in the lives of young people. PLTS: Team worker

2 How important do you think RE is on the National Curriculum? VERY NOT AT ALL Place yourself on the line Justify why you have placed yourself where you have

3 Task 1.Cut out the reasons for studying RE. 2.Discuss the importance of each with your partner. 3.Arrange them into a diamond 9 with the most important at the top down to the least important at the bottom. 4.Stick them into your book in order of importance. 5.Explain in your exercise book: a.Why you have chosen your top reason. b.Why you have chosen your bottom reason.

4 The study of RE equips us when many skills that help us deal with difficult situations and complex issues Have REspect for other people’s beliefs REsearch – find out what people believe and why REspond to religion in your own way CompaRE religions – they are not all the same ExpREss your opinions and beliefs Decide if the teachings of religious leaders from the past are RElevant today

5 Religious Education is not just learning about religion, we can also learn a lot from religion too. Make a list/spider diagram of important qualities/skills young people can learn from studying religion. EMPATHY ?

6 Add these to your list RS lessons should not be used to persuade students to join a religion. RS provides young people with the opportunity to develop morals and ideas of spirituality if they wish. RS should embrace the beliefs and practices of lots of different faiths. RS lessons help young people to prepare for life in a diverse society.

7 Religious Education in faith schools The state regards RS as an important subject for all students. The law states... RS must be provided for all students in education from reception to sixth forms. RS should not only include Christianity but also the other major world religions. Independent schools must provide RS.

8 Assemblies Occasions when students get together for ‘collective worship’ Faith Schools Schools run by a particular religion rather than the state

9 What is the purpose of assemblies? How do they link to RS?

10 State schools should provide an assembly each day Assemblies are usually led by teachers and involve a talk on a moral or spiritual theme followed by prayer. Themes in assemblies are not always religious- they may be about the school or the environment etc... Collective worship gives an opportunity for spiritual and moral education but it is not to persuade people.

11 There are over 7000 faith schools in the UK, mainly C.O.E. All faith schools are encouraged to learn about other religions and faiths. Some people believe that faith schools can divide a community rather than demonstrating multi-culturalism and tolerance. Others believe faith schools give young people a greater opportunity to learn more about their religion and traditions than they would at a state school.

12 “Religious Studies should only be taught in faith schools” How far do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view.

13 AgreeDisagree “Religious Studies should only be taught in faith schools”


15 Article 1

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