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A Report from the Ministry Initiatives Committee God has put us in this place! What is God calling us to do? Church of the Covenant 2012 Self Study.

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Presentation on theme: "A Report from the Ministry Initiatives Committee God has put us in this place! What is God calling us to do? Church of the Covenant 2012 Self Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Report from the Ministry Initiatives Committee God has put us in this place! What is God calling us to do? Church of the Covenant 2012 Self Study

2 2012 Self Study The Ministry Initiatives Committee is the committee of Session originally convened to oversee the implementation of the 2003 Mission Study. Since 2003 MIC has monitored progress, with a focus on the Ministry Initiatives.  Discernment questions developed  Committees have addressed initiatives  Initiatives were reviewed and refined

3 2012 Self Study Process In January, 2012, the Ministry Initiatives Committee began a nine month process to update the 2003 Mission Study. The 2003 Mission Study formed the foundation for the 2012 Self Study (PWR’s new name for this process). Input by officers and congregation members in July, 2012, along with learnings from previous congregational surveys, is reflected in this 2012 Self Study.

4 Our Contexts - Where We Came From This 2012 Self Study reviews our history, current cultural trends, a description of Covenant and of our neighbors.  Demographic trends over past 10 years (Chapter IV)

5 Our Contexts - Where We Came From  Recommendations from 2003 interviews with our neighbors (Chapter V, pp. 29-30 )  Themes emerging from 2012 interviews with our neighbors (Chapter V, p. 31)

6 Our Contexts - Where We Came From  Themes emerging from the 2012 Congregational Survey “weed / feed / seed” (Chapter IV, pp. 16-17)

7 Scripture, Vision, Mission and Core Values Foundational Scripture God has told you, O people, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? —Micah 6:8 (Chapter II, p. 4)

8 Scripture, Vision, Mission and Core Values Vision Statement 2012 Seeking to live God’s word, we aspire to: Be a welcoming spiritual home, Live God’s inclusive love, Express Christ’s compassion, Do justice in the world. Mission Statement (Chapter VI, pp. 33-34)

9 Scripture, Vision, Mission and Core Values Core Values 2012 Emerged from responses to 2012 Congregational Survey With God at our center, eight core values reflect the Church of the Covenant (Chapter VI, pp. 35-35)

10 Scripture, Vision, Mission and Core Values Celebrating DiversityEncouraging Exploration Nurturing all God’s People Inspiring Worship Challenged by Our History Encountering God through to be Ever Reforming Study, Prayer and Spirit God Has Put Us Loving and Supporting In This Place! Neighbor GOD

11 Ministry Initiatives Believing that God has put us in this place, as we consider our history and heritage, our resources, and the ever changing needs of those around us, what is God calling us to be today, and to do as we move into the future?

12 Ministry Initiatives 2003 Ministry Initiatives reviewed and refined.  5 Internal Ministry Initiatives focus on Covenant as a community of the faithful.  4 External Ministry Initiatives focus on the world beyond our doors. (Chapter VI, page 37)

13 Ministry Initiatives – What We Can Each Do Where do we each see ourselves in these initiatives? Which of these call to me? Where might I make a difference? Please consider the Ministry Initiatives. 1.On a PINK sticky note, record one thing you might do to help bring an Internal Ministry Initiative into being. 2.On a YELLOW sticky note, record one thing you might do to bring an External Ministry Initiative into being. Please put the letter of your initiative on your sticky note (e.g. a, b, etc.)

14 2012 Self Study – A Living Document How to make our Self Study come alive! Session:  Review the recommendations outlined in Chapter VII. (pp. 38-43)  Working with and through MIC, monitor the ongoing implementation of the 2012 Self Study.

15 2012 Self Study – A Living Document How to make our Self Study come alive! All committees and boards, as part of your charge for 2013:  Review the Ministry Initiatives.  Identify the initiative(s) you are most equipped or called to address in this coming year.  Identify specifically how you will help bring this Initiative into being.  Share your plan with MIC no later than April 1, 2012.

16 2012 Self Study – A Living Document How to make our Self Study come alive! The Covenant Community: At a luncheon on January 13, the congregation will be invited to consider how we might address these Initiatives, first personally and then considering our Covenant community as a whole.

17 2012 Self Study - A Living Document This is a living document. Any suggestions about the specifics of the 2012 Self Study may be directed to Cindy or Lyn, who will share them with the Ministry Initiatives Committee. Tonight we are asking Session to affirm the direction outlined in the 2012 Self Study so we, as the Covenant community, might move forward.

18 God has put us in this place! May we listen for what God is calling us to do! Thank you. Church of the Covenant 2012 Self Study

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