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DIY renovations on a grand scale. Role of NZQA develop, register and support the New Zealand Qualifications Framework manage the external assessment of.

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Presentation on theme: "DIY renovations on a grand scale. Role of NZQA develop, register and support the New Zealand Qualifications Framework manage the external assessment of."— Presentation transcript:

1 DIY renovations on a grand scale

2 Role of NZQA develop, register and support the New Zealand Qualifications Framework manage the external assessment of secondary school students quality assure non-university tertiary education organisations

3 Technology Infra – call management JIRA, Git, Stash HP QC - testing Wiki - knowledgebase Processes Pipeline Board – request prioritisation Release management Emergency release management People 13 BAs 13 Developers 13 Testers 10 Systems Team

4 Started using Jira in September 2002 - Version 2.1) 33,000 issues in Jira 3,500 open issues in Jan 2012 55 Projects 9 active workflow schemes Other Atlassian Products Stash Fisheye Links hierarchy structure ( 3 rd party add-on)

5 Start by asking the dumb questions What is a blocker? If a Jira is resolved can it be closed? Why are we reopening Jiras? Why is the due date mandatory if we ignore it? Who manages all the unassigned Jiras (or those assigned to ex-staff) Why do we have so many defective builds? Listen to the moaning…….




9 Stabilise toolset and test environments Accurate reporting Define release strategy, process and procedures Improve service to the business Training and up-skilling Jira users Develop robust processes and align toolset Reduce defective builds Update and streamline users, groups and projects Utilise relevant Jira features provided in recent versions

10 Process Move to smaller releases every 2 weeks Move check points to earlier in the process Understand the Business Calendar Define roles and responsibilities Use simple tools to manage Do more functional testing before building the code Move from trust based to evidence based signoff Stop doing unnecessary tasks

11 People Understand the Business Calendar Define roles and responsibilities Listen to the issues that users have with using Jira Provide coaching and training session to address specific concerns. Give users the access they need to do their jobs Co-locate project teams

12 Technology Install the Jira calendar add-on Set up a test environment Close unused Projects Close completed Jiras Deactivate user accounts

13 Recently upgraded to version 5.20 Just purchased Greenhopper and Crucible Now at 34,000 issues in Jira 30 Active Projects 25 Closed Projects 650 open issues (down from 3,500)

14 Jiras are closed when they have been deployed and not left open We no longer reopen Jiras that have been deployed in previous years Incomplete Jiras are cloned for the additional work not left open and moved from release to release Users are creating their own Dashboards and saved searches. Our build rate per release is down from 4-5 to just 1

15 Assigned to Me Gadget assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = unresolved ORDER BY priority DESC, created ASC








23 Better management of code deployments Visibility of infrastructure changes Better reporting Correctly assigned issues Improved workflow

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