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Recent Change in Accounting

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1 Recent Change in Accounting
Journey from AS to Ind -AS

2 What are IFRS/US GAAP/AS
Like we are governed by our Core Values….. Accounting is Governed by Accounting Standards (i.e AS) Accounting Standards are the guidelines as to :- Recognition Measurement and Disclosures Of Income, Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities

3 Globally Acceptable Accounting Formats
IFRS UK and Europe Based US GAAP Applicable in USA Indian AS Applicable in India

4 Why IFRS? Globally accepted Accounting Standards
In case of any company doing International Listing or raising funds overseas, accounts were to be restated under IFRS/US GAAP. Considered to be superior in terms of the guidance available with respect to the recognition and measurement principles while recording the financial / non financial transactions impacting the relevant entity. Helps in comparison of results with companies around the Globe

5 IFRS - Now a truly global standard
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is viewed as a global standard with more than 100 countries having already converged/ adopted IFRS Recent Adopters of IFRS Japan China Canada IASB-FASB convergence program meme While the joint project is on-going for certain critical topics, the future of further convergence remains uncertain.

6 India on the move ! In effect On the anvil
Indian regulatory and reporting framework has seen a host of changes in the recent times. 2014 to 2017 – years of change – impacting all aspects In effect Largely effective from 1st April 2014 Companies Act 2013 Mandatory from for certain categories of companies Indian Accounting Standards converged with IFRS (‘Ind AS’) Final ICDS notified on 31st March 2015 Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (‘ICDS’) On the anvil Expected to be implemented from 1st Oct 2016 Goods and Services Tax (GST) Expected to be implemented in the coming months Companies Act 2013 – remaining sections Requires implementation and transition efforts over many years

7 39 Standards under Ind (AS)
AS and Ind AS Difference between AS & Ind –AS :- Where as AS were formulated in India, Ind-AS are adoption of IFRS ( International Financial Reporting Standards) with some “Carve Outs” 32 Standards under AS 39 Standards under Ind (AS)

8 Ind AS implementation in India: Story so far
Previous plan– 1 April 2011 Finance minister’s speech in July 2014 January 2015 – press release on revised roadmap issued by the MCA February 2015 – roadmap for transition to Ind AS notified and 39 converged (final) standards issued March Tax issues addressed separately through issuance of Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) Way forward? Companies Act, 2013 and ICDS – steps in the right direction

9 GHCL is covered in Phase I
IFRS Convergence in India: Implementation roadmap GHCL is covered in Phase I Phase I Phase II Voluntary adoption Year of adoption FY FY FY or thereafter Comparative year FY FY or thereafter Covered companies (a) Listed companies All companies with net worth >= INR500 crore All companies listed or in the process of being listed Any company could voluntarily adopt Ind AS (b) Unlisted companies Companies having a net worth >= INR250 crore (c) Group companies Applicable to holding, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or associates of companies covered in (a) and (b) above. This may also impact fellow subsidiary companies while preparing CFS of the holding company. The Ind AS would apply to stand-alone and consolidated financial statements. The net worth for implementation of Ind AS calculated based on the stand-alone financial statements as on 31 March 2014. No roll back is permitted. Banks, NBFCs and Insurance companies may be required to prepare Ind AS financials for consolidation by covered group entity.

10 First time implementation: When and how to start
Mandatory implementation 1 April 2015 31 March 2016 30 September 2015 31 December 30 June 2015 2016 30 June 2016 31 March 2017 Date of transition Ind AS opening balance sheet For interim reporting, Ind AS may first be applicable from quarter ending 30 June 2016 First Ind AS financial statements Comparative period Reporting date

11 Significant carve outs and key impact areas

12 Elimination of policy choices
Key carve-outs 1 Mandatory deviations 2 Optional carve-outs Use of government bond rate for employee benefit accounting Accounting for bargain purchases (acquisition of Promptec) Presentation/classification of loans with covenant breaches Straight lining of lease rentals in certain situations Deemed cost exemption for PPE – carrying value as per Indian GAAP on date of transition Option not to align accounting policies for associates 3 Elimination of policy choices 4 Additional guidance Presentation of income statement by nature Investment property – only cost model to be applied Option to recognize non-monetary grants at nominal value has been removed Specific guidance on common control transactions Previous GAAP for the purposes of first time adoption specifically identified to be Indian GAAP Law to override Ind AS – impact on court schemes and other similar arrangements to be considered

13 Key impact areas Form and components of financial statements
Property, plant and equipment Revenue recognition Financial Instruments Deferred taxes Leases First time adoption and transition Employee benefits Segment reporting

14 Key impact areas: Presentation of financial statements
Form and components of financial statements Components of financial statements include the following: Balance Sheet Income Statement Statement of Other Comprehensive Income Cash Flow Statement Statement of Change in Equity ( SOCIE) Notes to financial statements Ind AS requirements partly adopted by introduction of revised Schedule VI / Schedule III of Companies Act 2013 Draft of the new Schedule III conforming to the requirements of Ind AS released by ICAI, comment period over on January 20, 2015

15 Thank You

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