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Keys to Organizational Effectiveness: The Importance of Engaged Employees.

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Presentation on theme: "Keys to Organizational Effectiveness: The Importance of Engaged Employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keys to Organizational Effectiveness: The Importance of Engaged Employees

2 Mike Phillips Director of Feedback Strategy Cvent Web Surveys Today’s Speakers Meg Stensrud Regional Sales Director Cvent Web Surveys

3 Agenda Employee Engagement Defined Getting to Engagement Cvent Web Surveys Platform Demo Q&A

4 Employee Engagement Defined The measurable degree of an employee’s positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization that profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work. “ “

5 Why is Engagement Important? Source: Employee Engagement Benchmark Study Demand Metric Research Corporation December, 2013

6 Measuring Engagement Alignment Questions 1.I know what is expected of me at work. 2.The mission/purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important. 3.My associates (fellow employees) are committed to doing quality work. 4.I have a best friend at work. 5.In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. Empowerment Questions: 1.I have the materials and equipment needed to perform my duties. 2.I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. 3.In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. 4.My supervisor cares about me as a person. 5.Someone at work encourages my development. 6.At work, my opinions seem to count. 7.In the last year, I have had opportunities to learn and grow.

7 Measuring Engagement ALIGNED EMPOWERED

8 Employee Feedback Program Best Practices Know your audience Keep it interesting and convenient Tailor your engagement strategies Be transparent Turn it into a conversation

9 Poll

10 A Leader in Enterprise Feedback Management NYSE:CVT publically-traded company $1.2 billion market cap 1,450+ full-time employees worldwide

11 Over 137,000 Users Worldwide

12 Professional Services Cvent Web Surveys Collaborate with the Experts

13 Live Demo

14 Key Driver Analysis Report KDA determines which elements are most important in influencing the satisfaction levels of the respondents Cvent provides a report which categorizes the output of the analysis. KDA enables reviewers to easily identify the elements that should be the primary focus of attention as they offer the most leverage for increasing satisfaction.

15 Poll

16 Questions!

17 Thank you! Mike Phillips Meg Stensrud

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