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NERACOOS A year in review and future plans. Seacoast Science Center, Rye NH.

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Presentation on theme: "NERACOOS A year in review and future plans. Seacoast Science Center, Rye NH."— Presentation transcript:

1 NERACOOS A year in review and future plans

2 Seacoast Science Center, Rye NH

3 NERACOOS Mission The purpose of Regional Associations is to gather “required System observation data, supporting and integrating all aspects of coastal and ocean observing and information programs within a region and that reflects the needs of” stakeholders and users (ICOOS Act, 2009).The purpose of Regional Associations is to gather “required System observation data, supporting and integrating all aspects of coastal and ocean observing and information programs within a region and that reflects the needs of” stakeholders and users (ICOOS Act, 2009). Deliver information to usersDeliver information to users


5 NERACOOS and NROC Focus Areas Marine OperationsMarine Operations Coastal Hazards ResiliencyCoastal Hazards Resiliency Ocean and Coastal Ocean Ecosystem HealthOcean and Coastal Ocean Ecosystem Health Ocean EnergyOcean Energy Climate VariabilityClimate Variability Coastal and Marine Spatial PlanningCoastal and Marine Spatial Planning Education and OutreachEducation and Outreach

6 FY2011 Funded Partners University of Maine —operations and maintenance of the Gulf of Maine buoy array (formerly GoMOOS), and to support operations of a coastal radar system that measure currents and supports search and rescue.University of Maine —operations and maintenance of the Gulf of Maine buoy array (formerly GoMOOS), and to support operations of a coastal radar system that measure currents and supports search and rescue. Gulf of Maine Research Institute—data management, website and data product development.Gulf of Maine Research Institute—data management, website and data product development. University of New Hampshire—buoy in Great Bay, a wave buoy off New Hampshire, and instruments to continue measuring ocean acidification.University of New Hampshire—buoy in Great Bay, a wave buoy off New Hampshire, and instruments to continue measuring ocean acidification. University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and WHOI—sophisticated forecast system that predicts ocean conditions.University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and WHOI—sophisticated forecast system that predicts ocean conditions. University of Rhode Island—development and testing of sensors to measure ocean nutrients and to support sharing of data from Narragansett Bay.University of Rhode Island—development and testing of sensors to measure ocean nutrients and to support sharing of data from Narragansett Bay. University of Connecticut—buoys in Long Island Sound specifically designed to better understand water quality in the area.University of Connecticut—buoys in Long Island Sound specifically designed to better understand water quality in the area. Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia— a wave forecast system and monitoring and detection of harmful algal blooms.Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia— a wave forecast system and monitoring and detection of harmful algal blooms. University of Maine —operations and maintenance of the Gulf of Maine buoy array (formerly GoMOOS), and to support operations of a coastal radar system that measure currents and supports search and rescue.University of Maine —operations and maintenance of the Gulf of Maine buoy array (formerly GoMOOS), and to support operations of a coastal radar system that measure currents and supports search and rescue. Gulf of Maine Research Institute—data management, website and data product development.Gulf of Maine Research Institute—data management, website and data product development. University of New Hampshire—buoy in Great Bay, a wave buoy off New Hampshire, and instruments to continue measuring ocean acidification.University of New Hampshire—buoy in Great Bay, a wave buoy off New Hampshire, and instruments to continue measuring ocean acidification. University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and WHOI—sophisticated forecast system that predicts ocean conditions.University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth and WHOI—sophisticated forecast system that predicts ocean conditions. University of Rhode Island—development and testing of sensors to measure ocean nutrients and to support sharing of data from Narragansett Bay.University of Rhode Island—development and testing of sensors to measure ocean nutrients and to support sharing of data from Narragansett Bay. University of Connecticut—buoys in Long Island Sound specifically designed to better understand water quality in the area.University of Connecticut—buoys in Long Island Sound specifically designed to better understand water quality in the area. Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia— a wave forecast system and monitoring and detection of harmful algal blooms.Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia— a wave forecast system and monitoring and detection of harmful algal blooms.

7 Multipurpose Buoys

8 Data returns in excess of 90%

9 High Frequency Radar for Surface currents

10 Visibility Sensors in the Gulf of Maine

11 Marine Operations Safer and More Efficient – Observations and forecasts for commercial and recreational mariners and the US and Canadian Coast Guards. “The forecasts are instrumental in planning both training and routine operations, especially in winter… I cannot imagine operating without this buoy. We check it constantly throughout the day.” - USCG "I trust the weather buoys with my life. Thank you." - Maine Fisherman; "Love your service…I believe your service is a lifesaver. Thanks!" -Dave, Pilot; and "I would like you to know that information you are providing us not only aids us in our work, it almost certainly has saved lives." -Roy Atkinson, Fisherman. “The forecasts are instrumental in planning both training and routine operations, especially in winter… I cannot imagine operating without this buoy. We check it constantly throughout the day.” - USCG "I trust the weather buoys with my life. Thank you." - Maine Fisherman; "Love your service…I believe your service is a lifesaver. Thanks!" -Dave, Pilot; and "I would like you to know that information you are providing us not only aids us in our work, it almost certainly has saved lives." -Roy Atkinson, Fisherman.

12 Ocean Energy "If the marine environment is not sufficiently characterized, developers will not risk starting offshore wind projects in the Gulf of Maine. These buoys and model information will improve the viability of the Gulf of Maine as a strong candidate for offshore wind farm developments … We look forward to working with NERACOOS on sharing monitoring information". DeepCwind Consortium

13 Ocean and Coastal Ecosystem Health Harmful Algal Blooms - WHOI led effort uses observations to understand historical and current conditions, forecast HABs, and pioneering real-time HAB observations. Improving Water Quality - Hypoxia monitoring and modeling in Long Island Sound for NY and CT waste load allocations. Informing NH DES nutrient criteria effort to protect eelgrass habitat in Great Bay, NH. Nutrient sensor testing in Narragansett Bay. HAB and nutrient monitoring in Canada Improving Water Quality - Hypoxia monitoring and modeling in Long Island Sound for NY and CT waste load allocations. Informing NH DES nutrient criteria effort to protect eelgrass habitat in Great Bay, NH. Nutrient sensor testing in Narragansett Bay. HAB and nutrient monitoring in Canada “… having uninterrupted access to these NERACOOS mooring time series is critically important to our Alexandrium forecasts.” - Don Anderson, WHOI.

14 Ocean and Coastal Ecosystem Health Right Whale Detection – Cornell University buoys in the Boston shipping channel provide near real- time detection of endangered whales. Acoustic Telemetry - Receivers on all Gulf of Maine array buoys since 2005. ~10,000 detections of 63 acoustic tags from 11 different projects. Species include: Atlantic salmon, Atlantic sturgeon, alewives, striped bass, winter flounder, and spiny dog fish Acoustic Telemetry - Receivers on all Gulf of Maine array buoys since 2005. ~10,000 detections of 63 acoustic tags from 11 different projects. Species include: Atlantic salmon, Atlantic sturgeon, alewives, striped bass, winter flounder, and spiny dog fish

15 Weather Conditions – National Weather Service Weather Forecast Offices marine desks “routinely integrate NERACOOS data into our forecasts and warning operations on an hourly basis”. Coastal Inundation tools and forecasts. Forecasting ship icing potential.

16 Coastal Flooding and Erosion Forecast Patriot's Day Nor'easter April 15-17, 2007

17 FVCOM GOM3 grid Inundation Forecast System Scituate Harbor Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System (NECOFS)

18 Near Street Level Inundation Forecasts


20 Hurricane Irene

21 Storm Reporter Developed by Blue Urchin for NROC, NOAA and NERACOOS

22 Coastal Marine Spatial Planning Supporting NROC as a member of the Northeast Ocean Data Portal Working Group. Working group has developed requirements, integrated data, developed viewer, worked with NIMS. Coastal Marine Spatial Planning Supporting NROC as a member of the Northeast Ocean Data Portal Working Group. Working group has developed requirements, integrated data, developed viewer, worked with NIMS. “The new Northeast Ocean Data Portal is a great tool that puts needed information into the hands of managers to help support ocean planning and other decisions within a regional context,” said Bruce Carlisle, NROC member and Director for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management.

23 Hooksett, NH disk spill, Match 6

24 CO 2 and Ocean Acidification

25 Climate Variability and Change Over 10 Years of NERACOOS Buoys I

26 Climatologies

27 A Clear View of Tomorrow

28 All Data2004 on

29 Compared to historical trends (Sherman & Lentz, 2010)

30 Performance and Evaluation User survey 5 major user areas: Recreational Recreational Professional Professional Educational Educational Managerial Managerial General Public General Public Other areas: - research scientist; military/coast guard; & meteorologist/forecaster


32 Buoy/Station Data Near real-time data, less than 24 hours Rank #1 – most frequently used – in Gulf of Maine and Long Island Sound Recent data, 1-30 days Rank #2 in Gulf of Maine Historical data, older than 30 days Rank #2 in Long Island Sound

33 Importance of Ocean Observation Data

34 NERACOOS and Northeast Coastal and Ocean Data Parnership (NeCODP) Goal: Develop a regional data management system to support end user products and services


36 A little more than three years ago, Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts middle school teachers began working with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance (MMSA) to develop the “Earth as a System is Essential” (EaSiE) lesson series. The EaSiE lessons fill a critical need for a relevant curricular theme for middle school learning by incorporating NOAA resources and authentic Earth systems science content.

37 Other National Activities Regional Build Out Plans for the 11 IOOS regionsRegional Build Out Plans for the 11 IOOS regions –Inform cost estimate and gaps analysis requirements of ICOOS Act –Inform National Ocean Policy Priority Area 9 Certification criteriaCertification criteria IOOC summit in November 2012IOOC summit in November 2012

38 Upcoming Activities New websiteNew website Integrating and supporting more observationsIntegrating and supporting more observations Mobile assetsMobile assets Enhances data management capabilities for historical / archived dataEnhances data management capabilities for historical / archived data Follow up on user survey and focus groupsFollow up on user survey and focus groups More products – climatologies firstMore products – climatologies first

39 NERACOOS measures 52 % of the continuous real- time surface variables in the region and 96% of the subsurface variables. Remove IOOS and we lose half of the surface measurements needed to keep people safe and keep the maritime industry going. Remove IOOS and we are as BLIND underwater as they were in the DWH spill. NERACOOS measures 52 % of the continuous real- time surface variables in the region and 96% of the subsurface variables. Remove IOOS and we lose half of the surface measurements needed to keep people safe and keep the maritime industry going. Remove IOOS and we are as BLIND underwater as they were in the DWH spill.

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