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SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 Heliosphere and terrestrial effects SOTERIA – WP4 S. Vennerstrom And the WP4 participants SOTERIA.

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Presentation on theme: "SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 Heliosphere and terrestrial effects SOTERIA – WP4 S. Vennerstrom And the WP4 participants SOTERIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 Heliosphere and terrestrial effects SOTERIA – WP4 S. Vennerstrom And the WP4 participants SOTERIA

2 SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 WP4-Participating institutions Hvar Observatory Croatia MTA-KFKI-RMKI Hungary University of OuluFinland Noveltis France IEEA France Kathoelieke Universitet Leuven Belgium Royal Observatory of Belgium Belgium Danish Technical University Denmark

3 SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 Focus A selected set of important Space Weather Parameters CME arrival time L1 Solar wind parameters SEP flux Magnetopause location Radiation belt flux and Ring Current Geomagnetic activity, Dst Auroral oval position Ionospheric Joule Heating Ionosperic Scintillations/TEC

4 SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 Main Objectives Space weather prediction of the parameters –Which are the major factors of impact? –How well does current models predict the FOCUS parameters? –Can we suggest improvements? New data assimilation schemes? Space weather monitoring –What is the coupling between FOCUS parameters? –Can we improve current monitoring of selected FOCUS parameters (Dst, Auroral oval position) based on ESA satellite missions and ground-based data?

5 SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 Heliospheric propagation CME/HSS arrival time L1 Solar wind parameters SEP Which are the major factors of impact? –At the Sun? (Strong link to WP3, WP2) –In the ambient medium in the heliosphere? How well does current models predict the parameters? Can we suggest improvements? New data assimilation schemes?

6 SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 State of the magnetosphere Magnetopause location Radiation belt flux and Ring Current Geomagnetic activity, Dst Auroral oval position Ionospheric Joule heating What are the major factors controlling energy partitioning? –Impact on radiation level in LEO and geosynchrounous orbit –Link to ”Heliospheric propagation” – Link to the Sun (WP3, WP2) Can we improve current monitoring? (Dst? Auroral oval position?) How well does current models predict the parameters? Can we suggest improvements? New data assimilation schemes?

7 SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 State of the Ionosphere Ionospheric Joule heating Ionospheric Scintillations/TEC Ionospheric scintillations during magnetic storms –Morphology? Controlling factors? What is the effect on communication and navigation systems? How well does current models predict the parameters? Can we suggest improvements? New data assimilation schemes? Source: Basu, 2002

8 SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 Approach Satellite Archive data Groundbased data Models New satellite missions

9 SOTERIA SOTERIA KO ESWW 2008 Cross collaboration important! We will select a limited set of events for detailed investigations (CMEs+HSSs)

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