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SWE Profile for Citizen Science Ingo Simonis Bart De Lathouwer Mexico-City, 9 November 2015 AIP Results.

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1 SWE Profile for Citizen Science Ingo Simonis Bart De Lathouwer Mexico-City, 9 November 2015 AIP Results

2 COBWEB and her 4 sisters COBWEB has 4 sisters projects Each needing to show the observations (and the associated data) COBWEB took the lead to develop a common definition to show results Developer friendly “Do something before everything” Use-case based Focus on Japanese Knobweed (invasive species)

3 SWE Profile for Citizen Science Based on OGC O&M and SensorML Create sample document, ‘easy’ to understand Quick way to start the developers on all projects Work our way backward to the abstract model Reuse and feedback to OGC SWE group SensorML Library of well-known sensors Include semantic annotations Currently using our own vocabularies, but wanting to learn about the” “reference” vocabularies to use (cfr W3C/OGC WG)

4 SWE Profile for Citizen Science All on GitHub ee/master/examples/Use%20case ee/master/examples/Use%20case

5 SWE Profile for Citizen Science Thank you! Bart De Lathouwer Ingo Simonis Andreas Matheus Jamie Williams (Envsys) Chris Higgins

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