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Lactate Testing as a Basis for Endurance Training Plans Presented by Brian Cooke Benefits, Applications & Background BUBBA’S BIKELAB Know your numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Lactate Testing as a Basis for Endurance Training Plans Presented by Brian Cooke Benefits, Applications & Background BUBBA’S BIKELAB Know your numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lactate Testing as a Basis for Endurance Training Plans Presented by Brian Cooke Benefits, Applications & Background BUBBA’S BIKELAB Know your numbers – Train Smart, Race Hard Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 1

2 What we will cover  Terminology  Types of assessment  Lactate testing explained  Some sample results  What it all means  Different results = different training  Using test results for racing and planning  Question time Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 2

3 Terminology Aerobic: A biological pathway that utilises O2 to produce energy, minimal lactate accumulation Anaerobic: A biological pathway that produces energy without O2, lactate accumulation Lactic Acid: A bi-product of energy production Clearance:Processes by which the body processes / removes lactate as it is produced Threshold: Point at which the rate of lactate production exceeds the body’s ability to remove / process it. mmol/L:Measure of blood lactate concentration Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 3

4 More Terms  Aerobic Efficiency: How effectively an athlete is able to supply oxygen and drive aerobic metabolism  Aerobic Power: the rate at which energy can be supplied for muscular work by aerobic pathways, often at very high exercise intensities  Anaerobic power: the rate at which energy can be supplied for muscular work by anaerobic pathways.  Functional threshold power (FTP): The maximum sustainable power, usually tested for 20min-1hr  MMP: Maximum minute power  M5MP: Maximum 5 minute power Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 4

5 Types of Physiological Assessment  VO2: A test that measures how effectively an athlete utilises oxygen (Aerobic Capacity Test)  Lactate Profiling: A test that measures production of lactic acid at various exercise intensities  Threshold: The theoretical point at which there is a switch in primary energy production from aerobic to anaerobic  Efficiency: A test measuring how effectively a cyclist applies force throughout the pedal stroke  Power: Measurement of pedalling power, can be performed at aerobic, anaerobic and maximum intensities, common values are MMP, PEAK power, 5 min power & 20 min power  Torque: A muscles ability to generate high levels of force very quickly, important for very explosive efforts VO2 Lactate Profiling Threshold Efficiency Assessment Power Generation Torque Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 5

6 Aerobic vs Anaerobic Energy Production Aerobic:  Utilises O2 in the production of energy  Derives energy from glucose (glycogen) Fats & Protein  Results in complete glucose breakdown and NO lactic acid production  Burns fuel relatively slowly  Relies strongly on blood delivery of O2  Contributes energy during low moderate & high intensity efforts Anaerobic  Produces energy without O2  Derives energy ONLY from glucose  Results in incomplete breakdown of glucose = lactic acid production  Burns fuel quickly = fatigue  No reliance on blood delivery of O2  Contributes energy during low moderate & high intensity efforts  Shortness of breath Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 6

7 Why Lactate Testing?  Great marker of aerobic efficiency (levels below Th)  Shows relative reliance on both aerobic and anaerobic pathways at almost all exercise intensities  A relatively easy way to pinpoint Threshold  Shows aerobic power contribution above threshold  Fairly inexpensive  Portable  Reliable and validated Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 7

8 What will the lactate test show? Apart from how quickly you may be able to climb the Passo Dello Stelvio! Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 8

9 What you will learn from your lactate profile assessment  Current aerobic power & efficiency  Current anaerobic power & efficiency  Rate of lactate production below kickpoint  Your lactate kickpoint (threshold)  Rate of lactate production above kickpoint  Maximum sustainable exercise intensities (20 min & 1 hour)  Weaknesses in the current physiology  Immediate training priorities  Capacity, potential and race selection  Endurance potential Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 9

10 Why? Higher lactate levels: what they mean  Greater anaerobic reliance leads to more rapid fatigue  Once lactate moves beyond kick point it will rise more rapidly, causing fatigue  Almost all athletes reach their kick point somewhere between 4 and 5mmol/l, BUT the lactate levels above and below this point are also VERY important  Once lactate levels reach 7.5-8.5 mmol/l fatigue is very rapid  Some athletes move from 4 → 7 mmol/l very quickly, others more slowly  Lactate levels below kick point are an indication of aerobic efficiency  Max lactate levels show how “reliant” an athlete is on anaerobic metabolism and indicate weak aerobic pathways. How? Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 10

11 A Comparison Cyclist A vs Cyclist B Lactate levels during a profile assessment. Lactate Analysis Showing Levels in Two Cyclists (mmol/kg) Load in Watts / KGCyclist ACyclist B 2 5min1.12.3 2.5 5min1.32.1 3 5min1.82.7 3.5 5min3.1 3.9 * 4.0 5min 4.5 *5.1 * 4.2 3min 5.2 * 6.6 4.4 3min6.48.9 4.6 3min7.9 14.4 * 4.8 3min9.7N/A 5.0 3min 12.8 * N/A 5.2 3minN/A Note: Approx kick point Levels below kick point Levels above kick point Fatigue point Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 11

12 Interpretation  Cyclist A produces less lactate below kickpoint: Stronger aerobic capacity & less reliance on anaerobic energy production  Both cyclists have similar lactate kickpoint: But this point alone is not enough information for planning purposes  Cyclist A demonstrates a slower lactate rise above kickpoint: Very strong aerobic power and ability to sustain above-kickpoint intensity for long periods  Cyclist B fatigues earlier than cyclist A: Cannot sustain test beyond 4.6W/kg compared to 5W/kg, despite similar lactate kickpoints.  Cyclist B has higher peak lactate level: Cyclist B has a greater reliance on anaerobic energy production, leading to rapid onset of fatigue and glycogen depletion. Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 12

13 So what does it mean for training strategies? Cyclist A  Excellent aerobic efficiency so would move to; one short block for aerobic power, followed by one emphasising sustained FTP efforts and another prioritising anaerobic power  Will be successful in races / efforts where continuous high intensity riding is required, will excel in very hard and/or longer races.  May struggle in shorter more explosive races, requiring high level of anaerobic power Cyclist B  Requires two training blocks; one for aerobic efficiency and another shorter one for building aerobic power  Will fatigue earlier in races (and training efforts) but will still excel in races where intensity is fairly controlled and races are not too long  Will experience minimal benefit from continuous and repetitive hard training sessions, cyclist A will cope well with this. Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 13

14 How to best utilise the results 1.High levels of lactate at sub-threshold intensities 2.Rapid rise in lactate beyond P4 3.Very high peak lactate levels > 18mmol 4.Very low peak lactate levels 5.Low levels sub-th but very quick rise after P4 1.A significant (6-8 weeks) of base work to develop Aer Eff 2.Aer Power intervals & FTP work 3.Aer base and de- emphasis on anaerobic work 4.Anaerobic power intervals 5.Short base phase & emphasis on aerobic power Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 14

15 What about racing? Using lactate results for race planning / strategy Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 15

16 How to contact BUBBA’S BIKELAB  Email:  Ph: 0416 051 380  Web: Lactate Testing for Cyclists - BUBBA'S BIKELAB 2014 16

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