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EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251.

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Presentation on theme: "EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251."— Presentation transcript:

1 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Summary EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 Time and Venue of WP3-WP4 Meetings (general practical problems and considerations) Guidance notes from EU on Project Reporting Other? (List of participants on the web site with names, home institute, country and a photo of the person?) WP 1: Project Coordination and Administration: Welcome and presentation Presentations and publications under EFIMAS and COMMIT since April 2004 Relevant Symposia and Conferences with direct links to EFIMAS and COMMIT in near future and near past (FP5 Informal Cluster Meeting, etc.) Status of Consortium Agreements Status of Project Web Sites Status of WP and CS Mailing Lists Project Manager, DIFRES Use of Resources and allocation of funds

2 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Summary EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 2) EASE WP3 workshop, EASE Steering Group Meeting, and EASE/PKFM/FEMS Informal Cluster Meeting at Madeira, Portugal 22nd -26th November 2004. EASE will map the European research landscape with respect to fisheries management science, which includes FP5 and FP6 as well as relevant ICES/ICCAT/EU work. WP 1: Project Coordination and Administration: 1) Presentation of EASE/FEMS/PKFM FP5 Informal Cluster at the European Fisheries Management Evaluation Network hosted by EU DG_Fisheries on 16. September 2004 (presentations available on the EASE and EFIMAS Web Sites).

3 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Summary EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 a)Management objectives b)Management instruments c)The production of knowledge c.1 The institutional setup of knowledge production c.2 Data sources for knowledge to support fisheries management c.3 From data to advice: approaches to analysis and advice production d)The decision making process and communication of advice e)Implementation: control and enforcement. Compliance. f)External Constraints. It was agreed to allow a degree of flexibility to authors provided that there is a rational for changing the common structure. In any case, the information required in the TA should be gathered in an Annex to the subsection. WP 2: Review and Knowledge Basis: The delivery of this WP2 is intended to be published as a book. Publisher: Elsevier Positive feed-back from Elsevier Detailed outline of each chapter, together with short CVs of the authors. This should be forwarded to the coordinator (see deadlines). The coordinator will send a document with editorial guidelines for the authors with the requirements from the publisher. Concerning Section 2 (Management systems of relevance to European fisheries) the structure of each subsection will as a general approach have a General Introduction, a part with the description of concepts concerning the particular Management System, and a final part with the case examples. These case examples will not be described in full and one by one, but will serve as illustrations of the following common points:

4 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Summary EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 Technical Annex to book: Include an annex in each section covered in each chapter of the book where a list of models, data and software used and needed in the different Management Systems described in the pre sections 2.1 through 2.7. It was agreed to proceed in this way. It was in the WP2 group agreed that an outline for each chapter in the book (which also will be the chapters in the technical annex should be submitted to the WP2 coordinator by the 15th October 2004 by the respective appointed and agreed responsible people for the given chapters in the book. Dissemination of results from WP2 will be performed in two ways: 1)a book planned to be finished in autumn 2005, publisher: Elsevier, 2)and a report with an additional technical annex to the book. The technical annex will contain a catalogue of detailed information on European and world wide fisheries management systems (as outlined in the EFIMAS Technical Annex) which function as an addendum to the book, and both will serve as deliverables 2.1 and 2.2 under EFIMAS. As starting point reviews produced by the ICES Methods WG, EU FP5 FEMS Project, DST2, and a review made by FOI can be used  AZTI will make a list of available reviews to be used (this review should be available at latest the 15 December 2004).

5 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Agenda (continued) EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 Agreement of the overall evaluation framework: Conceptual Box Flow Diagram of the framework main structure (see Delivery-Matrix) Agreement on that WP3 has to draw up a final list of criteria and requirements that the case study work in WP4 needs to address in order to inform the WP3 to assure restrictions, standardization and focus on issues from WP4 to WP3 (PJS; 1st Nov. before Ijmuiden Meeting) Agreement of that the concept of the delivery matrix should be continued and further expanded / refined The delivery matrix should form the guideline for the work in the WP4 Case Studies (Simplified 2-3 Nov.) WP 3: Generic Evaluation Framework Development: Agreement on time and venue for the WP3 and WP4 kick off meetings in October / November 2004 (Amsterdam, Ijmuiden 2-3 November?) Plans for further meetings under WP3 and WP4 in the autumn 2004 and winter/spring 2004/2005 (case study meetings at least necessary, and a WP3 meeting?) Decisions concerning WP3 and WP4 from the Crete meetings (see next pages). Confirmation by the SGM´s of these agreements….

6 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Agenda (continued) EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 WP 3: Generic Evaluation Framework Development: Principles in the assignment of tasks and responsibilities work Establishing mechanisms for collaboration Role of the R-Core Group? Agreement on intermediate deliverables and deadlines for those WP3 should follow up on the priorities made in WP2 with respect to coverage of relevant fisheries management systems (high extent) WP 3: Generic Evaluation Framework Development: WP3: Agreement on that WP3 should develop further this list of criteria and up-date it Start Discussion on: Main principles in structure and contents and minimum deliverables, as well as possible delimitations and focus in those, of the evaluation framework with respect to what should be delivered (taking into account the Delivery Matrix)

7 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Agenda (continued) EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 b) To the extent possible coordinate the EFIMAS and COMMIT Work with relevant ICES Groups (WGFS, WGMG, SGLTA, SGDFF, etc.); This includes use of same terminology and definition of terms (make a list of list of those in WP3) also to be used in sister projects c) It was decided that EFIMAS and COMMIT should combine their efforts in an approach for building a common and integrated management evaluation framework that can be used by both projects COMMIT should deal with special issues (e.g. of the Baltic Salmon CS – different aspects and directions of the same approach) WP3 (and WP4): Main decisions from the Crete meetings: a) To the extent possible EFIMAS and COMMIT should coordinate and integrate their work There should be synergy in the approach to the framework of the two projects The two projects should build a Common Framework: Combined effort ín developing the model and the software Integration of case study work (where overlapping) Common benefit of the review of knowledge basis To the extent possible combine meetings

8 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Agenda (continued) EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 WP4 (and WP2 and WP5): WP3 should receive cyclic feedback from WP4 (and WP5) on building the evaluation framework Main issues, data, parameters and descriptive models to deal with by the framework will be delivered through cyclic feed-back from WP4 to WP3 General management systems to address in the framework will be delivered through cyclic feed-back from WP4 and selected relevant systems addressed in WP2 WP3 (and WP4): Main decisions from the Crete meetings: d) Clarification of splitting the work between WP3 and WP4 WP3: Building the management evaluation framework The main basis for this will be a R- framework Cover the general principles and composition of the framework Establish the core software and libraries and main features in the construction of the framework

9 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Meeting Agenda (continued) EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 WP4 (and WP2 and WP5): The delivery matrix should form the guideline for the work in the WP4 Case Studies WP4 should adhere as a minimum to the criteria list: (See Delivery Matrix with preliminary version of this) WP3 (and WP4): Main decisions from the Crete meetings: WP3: The evaluation framework should evaluate the output from WP4 as a result of the dynamics of the real system (data) and the tools (descriptive models) to describe this as well as the use of this in the whole fishery system (the latter in cooperation with WP5) WP3 has to draw up a final list of criteria and requirements that the case study work in WP4 needs (as minimum) to address in order to inform the framework to assure restrictions, standardization and focus on issues from WP4 to WP3 (prelimenary list of 12 inputs defined in the delivery matrix)

10 EFIMAS - Operational Evaluation Tools for Fisheries Management Options EFIMAS-COMMIT Steering Group Meetings, Vigo, Spain, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Objectives EFIMAS and COMMIT STEERING GROUP MEETING VIGO, SPAIN, SEPTEMBER 2004 Steps Developing a generic framework to evaluate fisheries management scenarios Testing and applying the framework on case studies Evaluating the framework’s usefulness to relevant fisheries stakeholders (managers, industry, advisers, NGOs, etc.) Developing guidelines for using the framework in decision-making processes Aims To inform an exploratory, adaptive decision-making process To appraise the biological, social and economic effects of fisheries management measures in the EU To apply the framework to key European fisheries To take into account the dynamics of the fisheries systems and uncertainties, and will include risk assessments To develop an operational management evaluation framework that can evaluate the trade-off between different management objectives when choosing from alternative management options

11 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Approach Stochastic simulation of the entire fisheries system from the fish resources, through data collection, assessment and management, to the system’s response to management Input data?  generated by a descriptive model assumed to represent the “true/real” system Processing?  traditional/alternative assessment model to generate management advice Evaluation?  simulation of the resultant management actions and of their effect on the ”true/real” system generates a range of performance measures for the resource and the fishery Application?  these measures can then be compared across different assessment models and management approaches Fisheries Management Evaluation Framework Output and Parameters from WP4 analyses:  Biological Dynamics  Fleet Dynamics  Fishery Interactions  … Hypotheses about the “real” system Management Options  TAC regulations  Effort Control  Technical Measures  … Measures of Performance × WP3 Apply Simulation Model from WP3 to Case Studies. Parameterization of Model: Analyses with existing and emerging descriptive stock/fisheries assessment models (e.g. TEMAS, CUBE, XSA). Descriptive Models Sustainability Objectives Economic Objectives Social Objectives … Evaluation WP5 Feedback (e.g. re-iterate) WP4

12 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Thinking in the Evaluation Framework Underlying world Operating model Economic simulation model Biological simulation model Knowledge production model Sampling Assessing Advising Management decision model e.g. Harvest Control Rule Implementation model Control Enforcement Monitoring Adaptation model Behavioural changes Compliance Human world

13 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Work packages (1) WP5 Evaluation Who will use the framework, and what for? Uncertainties and Risk assessment. WP4 Application of the generic framework to case studies WP3 Generic Evaluation Framework Development WP2 Review of knowledge on fisheries management evaluations CS1CS2CS3... WP1 Project management CS1CS2CS3... DIFRES AZTI DIFRES/ CEFAS CEMARE/ RIVO IFM

14 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Work packages (2) WP1 Project management WP2 Knowledge review WP3 Generic framework WP4 Case studiesWP5 Evaluation

15 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Case studies Important: applications of the generic evaluation framework! –CS1:North Sea flatfishRIVO Netherlands –CS2:North Sea roundfishDIFRES Denmark –CS4: NephropsCLO-DVZ Belgium –CS3: Baltic salmonFGFRI Finland –CS8:Baltic codSFI Poland –CS5: Northern hake western watersAZTI Spain –CS6:Mediterranean swordfish IMBC Greece –CS7: Mediterranean hake NCMR Greece

16 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS 2 Potential application The tools’ usefulness informing the decision-making process will be evaluated during their development  can adapt to experiences from stakeholders’ use of the tools on specific objectives and on desired properties of the procedures The tools will be implemented on a range of case studies (key European fisheries)  can adapt to experiences from case implementation Will only make recommendations on management options that have been evaluated Example A switch from stock to fleet based fisheries management (new paradigm) Form of advice?  effort limits, accounting for technical interactions Data?  also incl. economic and social parameters Methods?  comparisons: -stock AND fleet-structured input data; -traditional stock assessment (stock structured data) vs alternative assessment (fleet structured data) Stochastic simulations would estimate probability distributions of the performance measures of both alternatives so that their performance could be compared.

17 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Methods Quantitative (biological, economic) –WP3 (framework) and WP4 (case studies) Sociological –WP5.2 (evaluate use of framework for decision making) Interviews with fisheries managers and scientists Learn from experience: Canada, Alaska Focus groups with stakeholders for each case study Field testing of prototypes of software in regional workshops

18 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Project Participants No.InstituteCountryNo.InstituteCountry 1.DIFRES(DK)16.SFI(PL) 2.CEFAS(UK, Engl.)17.AZTI(E) 3.RIVO(NL)18.IFM(DK) 4.IFREMER(F)19.CEMARE(UK, Engl.) 5.FRS(UK, Scotl.)20.LEI(NL) 6.FGFRI(SF)21.FOI(DK) 7.CLO-DvZ(B)22.SNF(N) 9.IPIMAR(P)23.IREPA(I) 10.IMBC(GR)24.IC(UK, Engl.) 11.NCMR(GR)25.CSCI(E) 12.MAR. INST.(IRE)26.U. Barcel.(E) 13.IMR-N(N)27.UBC(E) 14.IMR-S(S)28.UPO(E) 15.NBF(S)29.U. Hel.(SF) 30.UNEW(UK, Engl.)

19 EFIMASEFIMAS EU DG Fisheries Presentation, BRUXELLES, September 2004 EU FP6 SSP8-CT-2003-50251 EFIMAS Links to other work EU funded projects –COMMIT, BECAUSE, PROTECT, FISBOAT,... –PKFM, TECTAC, EASE, FEMS –Effort-F, EMAS, EVARES, MATES, MATACS National projects –DK TEMAS, NL FLATFISH,... ICES working groups –Methods WG (WGMG) –Fisheries Systems WG (WGFS) –Study Group on Long Term Advice (SGLTA) –Study Group on Mixed Fisheries (SGMF) Literature –Various on methods for evaluating management scenarios

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