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1 Smart Machine Launch (Smart Machine Platform Initiative) Paul Warndorf Vice President-Technology AMT.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Smart Machine Launch (Smart Machine Platform Initiative) Paul Warndorf Vice President-Technology AMT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Smart Machine Launch (Smart Machine Platform Initiative) Paul Warndorf Vice President-Technology AMT

2 2 Smart Machine Platform Initiative $2 Million Award through Department of Defense for FY2006

3 3 SMPI Program 3 year effort $2 million for year one Development efforts will be limited and need to show early success Plan to link with other funding programs to cooperatively achieve end goals Believe there is opportunity to provide a basis for future innovative developments

4 4 Program Management Funding Source –U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD Program Office –Benét Laboratories, Watervliet, NY Program Manager –TechSolve Inc., Cincinnati, OH

5 5 2000 First Product Correct 2002 Smart Machine Tool Workshop 1996 AMT Technology Roadmap SMPI History 2003-2004 Smart Machine Tool Agenda

6 6 Coalition on Manufacturing Technology Infrastructure AMT IMTI NCMS NCDMM NACFAM NTMA SME TechSolve

7 7 Mission To identify, develop, and initiate programs to support the revitalization of the technical infrastructure for the nation’s small, medium, and large manufacturing industries

8 8 First Product Correct Assembly Part Product Assembly Part Product First Part Correct Capable Processes Self-Forming Enterprises Self-Forming Enterprises First Product Correct First Product Correct Intelligent, Adaptable Equipment & Processes Intelligent, Adaptable Equipment & Processes Product Requirements Product Requirements Product & Process Definitions Product & Process Definitions Product & Process Descriptions Product & Process Descriptions Transparent Exchange of Information Transparent Exchange of Information Modeling/Simulation Decisions for Total Manufacturing Modeling/Simulation Decisions for Total Manufacturing Self-Maintaining & Self-Monitoring Systems Self-Maintaining & Self-Monitoring Systems

9 9 Smart Machine Platform Initiative (SMPI) - General Concept -

10 10 AMT – Global Technology Advisory Board Caterpillar Boeing GM P&W Timken Alcoa U.S. Army NCMS NAMRI

11 11 GTAB Mission To provide guidance on technology needs and trends to the membership of AMT so they can develop and deploy leading and competitive products.

12 12 Process Capability

13 13 Optimization

14 14 Knowledge Processing Data Process Tooling Inspection Fixture Local Knowledge Health Accuracy Dynamic Information Tooling & Fixturing Local Knowledge Health Accuracy Dynamic Information Tooling & Fixturing Local Knowledge Health Accuracy Dynamic Information Tooling & Fixturing

15 15 Example (Stability Lobes) Process Planning Equipment

16 16 Equipment-Based Localized ActivitiesGlobal Focused Activities Equipment SMPI Operating System Health Accuracy Tolerance Dynamic Information Local Knowledge Base Tooling & Fixturing CNC INPUT/OUTPUT Process Planning Global Knowledge Models Programming Other Activities Tool Management Maintenance Inspection & Certification Fixturing.... Smart Machine Platform Initiative (SMPI) - Achieving First Part Correct -

17 17 Year One Deliverables 1st Year Architecture of Global and Local systems and initial SMPI Operating System Installed Test-Bed at TechSolve and Benét Laboratory Initiation of three (3) technology developments Kick-Off meeting and one (1) status meeting Identification of technologies that could be provided by small and medium enterprises to meet SMPI goals Identification of manufacturing related University research in smart technologies appropriate for SMPI Re-evaluation of the initial SMPI Plan An Active Industrial Advisory Group

18 18 Smart Machine Tool Advisory Group (Government) U.S. Army Benét Laboratories U.S. Army Research Laboratory Defense Logistics Agency Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Y-12 NIST

19 19 GE Transportation Aircraft Engines BAE Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Caterpillar, Inc. Lockheed Martin Delphi Smart Machine Tool Advisory Group (Industry)

20 20 Smart Machine Tool Advisory Group (Technology Providers) Remmele-Contract Manufacturing Ex One Company ?

21 21 Smart Machine Tool Advisory Group (Commitment) Attend general planning and review meetings Participate in the selection of programs for funding Review other funded programs for applicability to SMPI Provide nonproprietary information if applicable

22 22 Smart Machine Tool Advisory Group (Meetings) Three meetings have occurred –NCMS, Ann Arbor, MI –Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Stratford, CT –Defense Manufacturing Conference, Orlando, FL Advisory Group cooperative charter in development Next general meeting planned for April

23 23 SMPI Program IQL Third Wave Maintenance Metrology Control Modeling & Monitoring Process Definition CAD/CAM Optimization Programming Producibility SMPI Disruptive Technologies Materials Sensors Design Nanotech. ? ? ?

24 24 IQL Program (Machine Error Assessment)

25 25 IQL Program (Part Feature Assessment)

26 26 IQL Program (Process Error Budget)

27 27 Third Wave Program Modeling Simulation

28 28 Next Step (Relative to AMT) Propose technology providers for the Smart Machine Tool Technology Advisory Group

29 29 Next Step (Relative to AMT) Propose technology providers for the Smart Machine Tool Technology Advisory Group Attendance at the program kickoff meeting at TechSolve to be held in the May timeframe

30 30 Next Step (Relative to AMT) Propose technology providers for the Smart Machine Tool Technology Advisory Group Hold program kickoff meeting at TechSolve in the May timeframe Identify technologies for SMPI (1 st year deliverable)

31 31 Technology Development Ideas Solicited from technology providers (i.e. AMT membership), industry representatives, academia, etc. Anticipating the process will include the submittal of one page white papers Smart Machine Tool Advisory Group will provide recommendations for funded efforts

32 32 R&D Programs Smart Machine Platform Initiative

33 33 R&D Programs Smart Machine Platform Initiative 2004 AMT/NCMS membership program –29 AMT participants –Currently 4 have continued membership

34 34 R&D Programs Smart Machine Platform Initiative AMT/NCMS membership program SBIR/STTR innovative research

35 35 R&D Programs Smart Machine Platform Initiative AMT/NCMS membership program SBIR/STTR innovative research AMT/NCMS Manufacturing Technology Forum (April 27-28, 2006 - Ft. Lauderdale, FL)

36 36 R&D Programs Smart Machine Platform Initiative AMT/NCMS membership program SBIR/STTR innovative research AMT/NCMS Manufacturing Technology Forum Other development efforts –Representation

37 37 Defense Manufacturing Conference 2005

38 38 Contact Information John Kohls (513) 948-2111 Paul Warndorf (703) 827-5291 Jeff Bond (703) 827-5293 Smart Machine Platform Initiative Coalition on Manufacturing Technology Infrastructure Funding Opportunities

39 39

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