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Origin, insertions, and action review Good luck!.

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1 Origin, insertions, and action review Good luck!

2 Please select a Team. 1.Rows 1 and 2 2.Rows 3 and 4 3.Rows 5 and 6

3 Which muscle has an origin of the upper chest and an insertion point of the mandible which makes us frown. 1.Orbicularis Oris 2.Platysma 3.Sternocleiodomastoid 4.Trapezius 5.Masseter 6.Buccinator 7.Orbicularis Oculi 8.None of the above


5 WMHAO of the thoracic and lumbar vert. and an insertion of the humerus, and the pulls the shoulders downward. 1.Trapezius 2.Rhomboideus Major 3.Latissimus Dorsi 4.Teres Major 5.Teres Minor 6.Deltoid 7.Brachialis 8.None of the above


7 WMHAO of the ilium with an insertion of tibia, making the leg flex and rotate laterally. 1.Gluteus Medius 2.Gluteus Maximus 3.Rectus femoris 4.Biceps Brachii 5.Gastrocnemius 6.Sartorius 7.Tibialis Anterior 8.Soleus 9.None of the above


9 WMHAO of the scapula and an insertion of the radius, which has an action of flexion of arm at elbow and rotate the hand laterally. 1.Biceps Trachii 2.Biceps Brachii 3.Brachioradialis 4.Brachialis 5.Rhombodieus Major 6.Levatator Scapulae 7.Pectoralis Major 8.Pectoralis Minor 9.None of the above


11 WMHAO of the temporal bone and an insertion of the mandible and has an action in closing the jaw. 1.Orbicularis Oculi 2.Platysma 3.Orbicularis Oris 4.Zygomaticus 5.Fronatlis 6.Occipitalis 7.Buccinator 8.Masseter 9.None of the above


13 WMHAO of the pubis bone and an insertion of the xiphoid process and has an action of tensing the abdominal wall and spinal flexion. 1.Pectoralis Major 2.Pectoralis Minor 3.Serratus Anterior 4.Sternocleidomastoid 5.Transverse Abdominus 6.External Obliques 7.Internal Obliques 8.Rectus Abdominus 9.None of the above


15 WMHAO of an origin of the tibia and an insertion of the metatarsals causing dorsifelxion of the foot. 1.Tibialis Anterior 2.Fibularis Longus 3.Gastrocnemius 4.Soleus 5.Gracilis 6.Adductor Longus 7.Vastus Lateralis 8.Vastus intermedius 9.None of the above


17 WMHAO of the humerus and an insertion of the ulna causing flexion of the arm at the elbow. 1.Brachialis 2.Brachioradialis 3.Biceps Brachii 4.Triceps Brachii 5.Flexors 6.Extensors 7.None of the above

18 BrachialisBrachioradialis

19 Which of the following muscles is not a quadriceps or hamstring muscle? 1.Vastus intermedius 2.Biceps femorus 3.Vastus Medialis 4.Semitendinous 5.Semimembranous 6.Vastus Posterious 7.Vastus Lateralis 8.None of the above

20 Team Scores 833.33Rows 5 and 6 750Rows 1 and 2 737.5Rows 3 and 4

21 Participant Scores 900Solomon Anderson 900Laura Hackley 800Trevor Salt 800Kristina Perrnoud 800Blayde McClellan

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