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Face Muscles. Before we start… If you’re gonna rope calves, get your finger out of the way..

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Presentation on theme: "Face Muscles. Before we start… If you’re gonna rope calves, get your finger out of the way.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Face Muscles

2 Before we start… If you’re gonna rope calves, get your finger out of the way..


4 1. Orbicularis oculi

5 2. Levator labii superioris

6 1. Orbicularis oculi 2. Levator labii superioris 3. Zygomaticus minor and major

7 1. Orbicularis oculi 2. Levator labii superioris 3. Zygomaticus minor and major 4. Buccinator

8 1. Orbicularis oculi 2. Levator labii superioris 3. Zygomaticus minor and major 4. Buccinator 5. Risorius


10 1. Orbicularis oculi 2. Levator labii superioris 3. Zygomaticus minor and major 4. Buccinator 5. Risorius 6. Orbicularis oris

11 1. Orbicularis oculi 2. Levator labii superioris 3. Zygomaticus minor and major 4. Buccinator 5. Risorius 6. Orbicularis oris 7. Masseter

12 8. Platysma

13 9. Frontal belly

14 8. Platysma 9. Frontal belly 10. Occipital belly

15 8. Platysma 9. Frontal belly 10. Occipital belly 11. Epicranius

16 8. Platysma 9. Frontal belly 10. Occipital belly 11. Epicranius 12. Temporalis

17 8. Platysma 9. Frontal belly 10. Occipital belly 11. Epicranius 12. Temporalis 13. Sternomastoid

18 8. Platysma 9. Frontal belly 10. Occipital belly 11. Epicranius 12. Temporalis 13. Sternocleidomastoid 14. Trapezius

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