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Local specialist for the South East.

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Presentation on theme: "Local specialist for the South East."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local specialist for the South East

2 PREview: investing in children's services for a fairer future. Professional resources – for HVs, MWs and others visualisation diagrams & conversation starters Evidence based research reports and videos help explain the relationship between factors at birth and 3yrs with outcomes at 5 years Population tools including a “how to” manual for local areas to use their own data and create their own local maps

3 Your objectives from this session

4 My objectives Interactive session or should it be digestive? Zzzzzzz Gaining Feedback Raising Awareness of the Tool and ChiMat Booked support or presentation/training sessions Participation in the CHILD HEALTH PROFILE 2013 SURVEY

5 Participation in the CHILD HEALTH PROFILE 2013 SURVEY

6 PREview presentations in the S.E. ORGANISATIONAUDIENCE South Central SHAChildren’s Services Lead Commissioners South East Coast SHAHealth Visitor Stakeholder Event South East Coast SHAChildren’s Service network group Brighton and Hove PCTAnalysts and commissioners Buckinghamshire PCTPH East Berkshire ProviderPaediatrician and children services managers Hampshire PCTCommissioners and Provider unit managers Medway PCTAnalysts and commissioners Portsmouth PCTAnalysts and commissioners Southampton PCTAnalysts and commissioners Surrey PCTAnalysts and commissioners West Berkshire PCTAnalysts and commissioners

7 Professional resources

8 ‘what will my child population look like in 5 years time without targeted prevention and if the status quo prevails?’

9 Population tool

10 Development of Population Tool York University analysis Analysis of Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) Identify maternal factors @ birth associated with poor outcomes at 5 years Identify factors at 3 associated with poor outcomes at 5 yrs Focus groups: parents and professionals

11 ChiMat’s population Tool Collected datasets in 2 development sites: Croydon and Doncaster Pilot sites: Liverpool, Bradford, West Midlands Perinatal Institute 3 models depending on available data/data sharing

12 Data items

13 /view.aspx?QN=PREVIEW_COM MISSIONERS /view.aspx?QN=PREVIEW_COM MISSIONERS Follow PREview population tool link (you will be asked to register/login to download the tool)


15 Pilot Sites

16 Recent example in the East



19 Keen S.E. participants Hampshire Medway Portsmouth Surrey



22 Thank You for listening. Contact : Or on 01865 334717 Am also happy to visit you for training.

23 Croydon Total place site, therefore IG agreements across agencies already in place Collated, linked and mapped data - one day Particularly liked the professional resources and visualisation diagrams Stratified data using linear method – only used in development phase e - not part of final tool

24 Croydon - CONTINUED Used an integrated model that is not part of the final tool - the PREview data showed them much as they would have expected to see using the IMD However, PREview shows data for the future, whereas IMD shows data for the past

25 Liverpool Took a short amount of time to obtain IG approval due to buy-in at SHA board level Linked data using NHS number, post code and date of birth Collated and coded data - 1 month (part-time) Wanted to use data for political purposes to obtain monies for intervention programmes Change of government stalled political will Particularly liked the behavioural data / maps

26 Born in Bradford A bespoke model was created using the data available within the Born in Bradford Study IG approval was already in place Collating and coding data – one day The data were mapped and showed much of what would be expected by practitioners Outcomes were very interesting and highlighted the need to look more closely at where services are currently situated Data were only available for Bradford City, not Airedale

27 West Midlands Perinatal Institute A bespoke model was created using the data available within the WMPI dataset WMPI had IG approval in place to collate the data for the 100,00 babies and their mothers across the West Midlands They found the process very easy, and obtained the results within a week Stratified data using linear method – only used in development phase - not part of final tool They felt that the results were interesting and will be used to justify the need to keep collecting the WMPI data

28 Doncaster Doncaster was also a development site for PREview Data sharing agreement took almost six months – although buy-in at board level ensured agreement Collected data from paper based maternity notes

29 Doncaster contd Employed an analyst for three months to collate and code the data for use with the PREview tool Valued the information that the maps provided – significant differences between IMD and PREview Embedded a mandatory collection of the data in their new electronic maternity system






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