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T HE F IELD S TUDIED F ROM B IRTH : S OCIAL S TUDIES FOR E ARLY C HILDHOOD Joan Silver, Ed.D. Lynne Stucchio, Ed.D. St. Joseph’s College, New York.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE F IELD S TUDIED F ROM B IRTH : S OCIAL S TUDIES FOR E ARLY C HILDHOOD Joan Silver, Ed.D. Lynne Stucchio, Ed.D. St. Joseph’s College, New York."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE F IELD S TUDIED F ROM B IRTH : S OCIAL S TUDIES FOR E ARLY C HILDHOOD Joan Silver, Ed.D. Lynne Stucchio, Ed.D. St. Joseph’s College, New York

2 S OCIAL S TUDIES FOR INFANTS AND T ODDLERS “Children are born into social studies.” ( Mindes, G., 2006)

3 SOCIAL STUDIES 1994 - NCSS: Definition: “Integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence.” Purpose: “… social studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an independent world.”

4 NCSS S OCIAL S TUDIES T HEMES (1994) Culture Time, continuity, and change People, places and environments Individual development and identity Individuals, groups, and institutions Power, authority, and governance Production, distribution, and consumption Science, technology, and society Global connections Civic ideals and practices

5 NCSS S COPE AND S EQUENCE (1984) K: Awareness of self in the social setting 1 st : Individual in school and family life 2 nd : The neighborhood 3 rd : Sharing the earth with others in the community


7 S AMPLE 1 Infants: Lullabies: NCSS Scope & Sequence Sharing the earth with others in the community Theme Culture




11 S AMPLE 2: Toddlers Social Stories NCSS Scope & Sequence Awareness of self in the social setting Theme Culture Peoples, places, and environment Individuals, groups, and institutions

12 W HAT IS A SOCIAL STORY ? A social story is an intervention that may be used at home, at school, or in the community to teach or maintain social skills, daily living skills, or behavior management skills. It addresses specific situations by teaching the student appropriate behaviors and responses; for example how to cope with changes in routine how to get along with peers

13 S OCIAL S TORY N OTES A social story is intended to be written from the perspective of the child, it is paramount that the author is able to obtain that perspective. Write and illustrate the story. Share the story with all working with the child. Give each person working with the behavior a copy of the book. Because these books are so personalized they are apt to become a favorite.


15 My name is Brandon.

16 I have a big family.

17 Sometimes people come to visit. This is nice.

18 Some days my grandparents come to visit.

19 Some days my aunts, uncles, and cousins visit.

20 Sometimes I kiss to say hello.

21 . Sometimes I say hello with a hug.

22 Sometimes I give a high five to say hello.

23 After I say hello I can play. This is okay.

24 When people leave I kiss, hug, or give a high five to say goodbye. This is a good idea.

25 After people leave I can play with my toys.


27 S AMPLE 3 Story Quilts Pre-K & K NCSS Scope and Sequence Individuals in School and Family Life The Neighborhood NCSS Social Studies Theme People, Places and environment


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