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Historical Models of the Solar System Men behind the thoughts.

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1 Historical Models of the Solar System Men behind the thoughts

2 Aristotle

3 He was born in the year 384 B.C.E- 322 B.C.E. He believed in geocentric. His life was built on the search for knowledge. Contributed a great deal to art, literature, and the study of god and religious faith. Aristotle believed that the Earth was a sphere. He also put together the encyclopedia, he was saw a shadow during an eclipse.

4 Ptolemy

5 100 – 170 AD Earth didn’t move Earth was a sphere Earth was the center Experimented with light rays and refraction 13 volume text called Almagest – findings of Greek astronomers and catalog of stars

6 Copernicus

7 Nicolas Copernicus February 19, 1473 – May 24, 1543 Heliocentric Discovered the moon appeared to pass in front and hide Questioned Ptlomey Went to University of Bologna Built an Observation tower First to conclude that the Earth was not the center

8 Galileo

9 GALILEO Born- February 15, 1564 in Pisa Italy Died- 1642 Discovery- Jupiter has moons, we live in a heliocentric solar system, and that the moons light was reflected by the sun. He changed the world of astronomy by creating a telescope that magnifies times 30. The didn’t like his discovery at all they thought the whole universe revolved around them.

10 Kepler

11 Johannes Kepler Born December 27 1571 Believed in heliocentric solar system He discovered the orbit of each planet is an elipse Main contribution is the three laws of planetary orbits He went to college to become a priest Sent his book to Galileo Died November 15, 1630

12 Edwin Hubble

13 Edwin Hubble was born in 1889 and died in 1953 Heliocentric The universe is bigger than the Milky Way which changed the beliefs of astronomers He liked basketball He transferred from Chicago to Oxford Joined the Army and served in WWI Never won a Nobel Prize

14 Stephen Hawking

15 Born in Oxford England January 8, 1942 Heliocentric Discovered black holes in space Looked at space differently than others His discovery figured out why Cygnus was stretched out star He was born 300 years after Galileo’s death He has motor neuron disease

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