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English for Tour Guide Unit 4 Moving People. Tour Guide PracticeEnglish for Tour Guide Learning Objectives Warm-up Task 1 Move Tourists with a clear Schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "English for Tour Guide Unit 4 Moving People. Tour Guide PracticeEnglish for Tour Guide Learning Objectives Warm-up Task 1 Move Tourists with a clear Schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 English for Tour Guide Unit 4 Moving People

2 Tour Guide PracticeEnglish for Tour Guide Learning Objectives Warm-up Task 1 Move Tourists with a clear Schedule Task 2 Move Tourists With Your Presentation Task 3 Get Ready For All Kinds of Hazards Part 4 Moving people Extended Task

3 Tour Guide Practice English for Tour Guide Learning Objectives In this unit, you shall know:  know how to move people;  get to know some basic skills of moving people

4 Tour Guide Practice English for Tour Guide Warm-up Work with your partners and think about the following question: What should you do to make it easier to move people from one place to another? Discuss the following points in the diagram and write down your answer. Follow the schedule Find the group leader Make presentation Give directions Warn hazard Prevent getting lost

5 Tour Guide Practice English for Tour Guide Pre-reading: Find words or phrases in the text which mean the following. 1.remember (paragraph 1) ordered list of times at which things are planned (paragraph 1) 3.come out / appear (paragraph 1) 4.native (paragraph 2) 5.guidance / instruction (paragraph 3) 6.concrete / exact (paragraph 4) keep it in mind schedule emerge local direction specific Task 1 Move Tourists With A Clear schedule

6 Tour Guide Practice While moving people from one place to another, the tour guide must keep it in mind that you have a schedule to follow. That means you must be in certain places at certain times throughout the day. Often the schedule is tight and the time valuable, so you must make the best use of it. It may take you more time (1). Therefore high efficiency is a must; otherwise a lot of problems will emerge. Each time ask the tour leader whether a tourist won’t be at an activity, so that the tour group is not kept waiting or worrying. (2), you must advise the tour members to be prepared for it. It is often hard to control. Whether a national guide or a local guide, they should try their best for the group. Another point you have to remember is that you must know who the natural group leaders are; (3). That person should be one the group trust and will listen to and follow. However, sometimes maybe the group doesn’t trust the tour leader and follow the direction of one of the members of the group instead. In this case, you have to be the leader yourself. They trust you more for you are their guide and you have the knowledge they don’t have. Generally westerners have a strong need to learn about the things that they are involved in. And of course you know more about Chinese history and culture. This can affect your leadership, your ability to control and to move the group. English for Tour Guide

7 Tour Guide Practice Now that you have a tour group leader, (4). And your directions should be clear and complete so that the leader can help you organize people and move the group from place to place exactly. Always tell your tourists the time and the specific place to meet, and the time that you will depart. When giving these directions you should give them a time limit. Again, of course, a plan is necessary before you take the group out. Consider your solutions for some may-arising problems if you fall behind schedule and what activities you might cut from your schedule if the group moves slower than you had expected, or what would you do if someone gets lost. English for Tour Guide

8 Tour Guide Practice I. Choose the best sentence for each gap. A. In case of any changes happened to the schedule B. to move your group from one place to another than any other activity in your guide work C. because they can help you organize and move the group from place to place D. you can give him your directions about what you want the group to do Answer: ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) BACD English for Tour Guide

9 Tour Guide Practice II. Work in small groups and discuss the following: 1.What’s the importance to follow the schedule while you move people from one place to another? 2. While you move the tourists from one place to another, how can we follow the schedule? English for Tour Guide

10 Tour Guide Practice Task 2 Move Tourists With Your Presentation Holding people ’ s attention is extraordinarily important while you present necessary information to them. Any tourist ’ s missing the information will bring unexpected bad effects because of your boring or unclear presentation. So your presentation should be interesting and attractive enough to catch the attention of tourists. Firstly, you should know what your guests may be interested in. if your presented things are out of their interest, you ’ ll lose their attention and encounter the difficulty to get them to do what you want them to. Other than that, humorous language is also one of the most important features of tour guide presentation which helps to catch the guests ’ attention. But we should notice that, there are cultural differences lying between foreign tourists and Chinese tour guides. So sometimes when Chinese tour guides give their English presentations, humorous effect should be achieved by considering the different cultural background and customs. Therefore, the easiest way to have people follow you is to get them interested in what you are saying or doing. Then they will stay with you so that they don ’ t miss anything. English for Tour Guide

11 Tour Guide Practice I. Presentation Suppose you are the tour guide. You just meet your guests at the airport. And now you and your guests are all on the bus. You’ll give a presentation of the whole schedule for this travel. II. Group discussion What main points should be included in your presentation of the schedule on the bus to the hotel after you just meet your guests from the airport? How can you make it brief and informative? English for Tour Guide

12 Tour Guide Practice Task 3 Get Ready For All Kinds of Hazards As a guide, you have the responsibility for the tour group ’ s safety. Since you are their guide, you should be familiar with your country and its culture. There are lots of differences in many trivial things in daily life. General aspects of your life may be very hazards for them. Just crossing any city street may seem like a simple thing for you, but it is quite difficult for tourists who come from places that have different traffic laws and very few bicycles. Possibly tourists are to be hit by bicycles when they think that the bike will stop for them. While going, tourists often walk along watching everything else. So they will often walk into things and fall down. Especially for the elderly people group it is very important to get your warnings of possible hazards. Otherwise a fall of old person may means a broken bone and bring great trouble for you. English for Tour Guide

13 Tour Guide Practice Getting lost may be another intractable problem for you while guiding a group. And for that prevention is the best way to solve this problem before it is a problem. Every time you should tell the group what the schedule is, when you will be leaving and where you will be going next. You should make them know what travels company you work for, and what your name is. In case of getting lost, they ask someone by giving your information. If you take these precautions before your guests get off the bus, even if one of them get lost, most of the times they can find you by themselves. And of course, you should also make sure that they have remembered the name of the hotel where they are staying, or they have taken a business card of the hotel with them, which will be helpful in case of getting lost. The next thing maybe you should is, while visiting a spot, to tell the tourists the major landmarks, where the entrances and exits are and how to get back to the buses which carry them to the spot. And while visiting you should also keep track of the group, which will help you easier to locate someone who is lost. English for Tour Guide

14 Tour Guide Practice I. Find words or phrases in the text which mean the following. 1.duty 2. well known or easily recognized 3. small and of little importance 4. danger 5. perhaps 6. hard to handle responsibility familiar trivial hazards Possibly intractable II. Group discussion In order to prevent the guests getting lost, what information you should give to your guests while touring? English for Tour Guide

15 Tour Guide Practice Assignment 1.Suppose you lead a group to a scenic spot, before you let them visit by themselves, you’ll give some requests and warnings. 2.Decide which is true and which is false in the following sentences. 1. _____ Tour guides need to move people from one place to another but they can also wait for the guest to come to him. 2._____ As a guide you must remember that you have a schedule to follow. 3._____ Sometimes there are no natural leaders in the tour group. 4._____ In order to prevent the guests from getting lost, the guide should keep track of the group. F F T T English for Tour Guide

16 Tour Guide Practice Extended Task I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 大家都知道,我们本地人对客人向来十分热情。看,即使现在是冬季, 也可以热得大家汗流浃背。 As you all know, our locals always treat our guests very warmly. See? Even if it is winter, we can warm you up till you sweat. 2. 这里真是定点餐厅?真是难以想象。看看,这么多服务员只在扎堆聊天, 也不干活。让我想起中国的一句古话 ——“ 一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝, 三个和尚没水喝 ” 。 Is that really a designated restaurant? It is hard to imagine that. Just look, so many waiters and waitresses are always chatting in group and doing nothing. It just reminds me of one of our Chinese old sayings which has an English equivalent like this “One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy”. English for Tour Guide

17 Tour Guide Practice 3. 我希望您在广州的这段日子过得开心. I hope you enjoy your stay in Guangzhou for these days. 4. 坐过那么多航空公司的飞机, 我还是最喜欢你们的飞机. Having travelled in so many airlines’ planes, I enjoy your service best. English for Tour Guide

18 Tour Guide Practice II. Read the following paragraph and fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the word box. fall behind directions Now that complete organize specific meet depart necessary you have a tour group leader, you can give him your about what you want the group to do. And your directions should be clear and so that the leader can help you people and move the group from place to place exactly. Always tell your tourists the time and the place to, and the time that you will. When giving these directions you should give them a time limit. Again, of course, a plan is before you take the group out. Consider your solutions for some may-arising problems if you schedule and what activities you might cut from your schedule if the group moves slower than you had expected, or what would you do if someone gets lost. Now thatdirections complete organize specific meetdepart necessary fall behind English for Tour Guide

19 Tour Guide Practice English for Tour Guide

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