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Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD)

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1 Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD)
Consolidation of SAP systems with Multiple Components in One Database Dr. Georg Leffers SAP AG

2 è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD)
Agenda è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD) Simplifying the System Landscape using MCOD Availability & Outlook Technical Realization for the Oracle database

3 è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD)
Agenda è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD) Simplifying the System Landscape using MCOD Availability & Outlook Technical Realization for the Oracle database

4 Multiple Components in One Database
Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD) is a new feature in the installation process for components It provides the possibility to install several components independently in one single database SAP CRM SAP BW RDBMS SAP R/3 Enterprise SAP R/3 Enterprise

5 Technical Realization
Each component connects the database with one single database user. This user is independent of the user logged on to the SAP system itself. The default database user was SAPR3 ( 4.6). Databases support schema. Tables with the same name can exist independent in different schema with different contents. Using a one to one relation between the database user and the database schema, each component uses its own schema by accessing the database with a unique dedicated database user. SAP CRM SID = CM1 SAP R/3 SID = ER4 T100 (SAPER4) T100 (SAPCM1) DB-User: SAPER4 DB-User: SAPCM1

6 è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD)
Agenda è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD) Simplifying the System Landscape using MCOD Availability & Outlook Technical Realization for the Oracle database

7 Highly Flexible IT Landscape Today
Situation: N Systems, N Databases Benefits Flexibility through components Separate upgrades possible Different operating systems and databases Highest scalability achievable Administrative challenges Maintaining different operating systems, databases Complicated high availability solutions Synchronized backup & restore SAP R/3 SAP CRM SAP EBP SAP BW SAP SEM RDBMS

8 Simplification Of The System Landscape With MCOD
Situation: N Systems, 1 Database Administrative opportunity Multiple independent and different software solutions are located in one database One logical and physical database instance Point in time recovery of semantically related systems e.g. R/3 and CRM possible Migration of existing systems is possible All systems use the same OS/DB release Installable on one physical server SAP R/3 SAP CRM SAP EBP SAP BW SAP SEM RDBMS

9 Independence Of Single Systems
(De)Installation of individual components Upgrade of individual components Data exchange on application level Integrity of business data No special coding for MCOD installations No locking conflicts on database tables SAP R/3 SAP CRM business data RDBMS business data X

10 Separate OLTP And OLAP Systems
Performance considerations Some database systems require a different parameterization depending on the transactional behavior of the application. For these database systems a separated installation of OLTP and OLAP systems is necessary. Database systems supporting a combined installation* DB2 for IBM zSeries DB2 for IBM iSeries DB2/UDB for Window and Unix Microsoft SQL Server SAP DB Installable on one physical server OLTP OLAP SAP R/3 SAP BW SAP CRM SAP SEM SAP EBP RDBMS RDBMS * For details see the MCOD homepage

11 Various Deployment Options
multiple servers, one databases one server, multiple databases multiple servers, multiple databases one server, one database Full range of scalability & flexibility Decide how many different systems will reside in one physical database Additive sizing approach

12 Reduced Maintenance & Operating Costs
Benefits detail: Estimated savings 10% of disk space For example, tapes, tape drives, disk systems 30% of hardware backup costs Backup administration or high-availability concepts 40% of operating costs Disk Only need to administer one database Similar effort compared to maintain one component on one database

13 Sizing & Administration
Sizing & Administration of an MCOD installation The total sizing of an MCOD installation can be achieved by an additive sizing approach of the appropriate values of the single systems Example: Combined installation of System1 and System2 using MCOD Decide which systems to combine to achieve a maximum of savings in administration and system handling while keeping the flexibility of the complete installation System 1 System 2 MCOD Installation Users 300 500 800 SAPS 1500 2000 3500 DB Size [GByte] 400 900

14 System Recommendations
Combination of systems with semantically related data like R/3 and CRM. Combination of systems of the same type e.g. combination of development systems or combination of production systems. The combination of production and non production systems is not supported. Development System Devevelopment System N Test System 1... Test System N Production System Production System N

15 è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD)
Agenda è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD) Simplifying the System Landscape using MCOD Availability & Outlook Technical Realization for the Oracle database

16 More Information What will be supported More information
MCOD is available on all OS/DB platforms supported by SAP General Availability since 1st of July, 2002 For the future all upcoming components are planned to be enabled for an MCOD installation Information about the current available components is updated regularly and can be found at the service market place under the quicklink MCOD More information

17 Available Components
OLTP like components OLAP like components SAP R/3 4.6C SR2 SAP BW 3.0A SAP R/3 Enterprise SAP BW 3.0B SAP Workplace 2.11 SR1 SAP BW 3.1 SAP CRM 2.0C SR1 SAP SEM 3.1A SAP EBPro 2.0C SR1 SAP SEM 3.1B SAP BBPCRM 3.0 SAP SEM 3.2 SAP BBPCRM 3.1 SAP BBPCRM 3.5 SAP WebAS 6.10 SAP WebAS 6.20 SAP WebAS 6.30 SAP SCM SCEM coming soon

18 Outlook Backup and recovery of single systems within an MCOD installation Planned for SAP WebAS 6.30 introducing a backup and recovery on tablespace level in SAPDBA Transport of single systems Implementation projects at customer side on the basis of transportable tablespaces Oracle RAC with MCOD Improved scaling capabilities by distributing the single database nodes Breakdown of the OLTP / OLAP division with an individual parameterization for the single database nodes First tests planned for Q2/2003 in combination with blade servers

19 è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD)
Agenda è Introducing Multiple Components in One Database (MCOD) Simplifying the System Landscape using MCOD Availability & Outlook Technical Realization for the Oracle database

20 Oracle - Database <DB_SID>
/ SAPSYSTEMNAME 1 : C11 SAPSYSTEMNAME 2 : C12 DB – User: sapc11 oracle DB – User: sapc12 <DB_SID> sapdata1 sapdata2 sapdata3 sapdata4 sapdata5 sapdata<n> PSAPC11 PSAPC1146D PSAPC11USR PSAPROLL PSAPTEMP PSAPC12 PSAPC1246D PSAPSYSTEM PSAPC12USR Oracle - Database <DB_SID>

21 Implementation on Oracle
Technical Implementation One database will contain the data of all systems Each SAP system will create its own database schema/database user sap<SID> Each SAP system will create its own set of tablespaces The new tablespace layout is described in SAP note

22 Conclusion Main advantages are Full flexibility and independence of the installed components System spanning data consistency Simplified administration, backup and recovery Reduced maintenance and operating costs Additive sizing approach With “Multiple Components in One Database” SAP offers a powerful option to install several mySAP components in one physical database

23 Visit the MCOD homepage:
More Information Visit the MCOD homepage: Visit the SAP NetWeaver homepage:

24 Copyright 2003 SAP AG. All Rights Reserved
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25 Copyright 2003 SAP AG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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