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Skeletal System Day 1. Interesting facts  Adults have 206 bones  Babies born with more than 300  Did you know that our bones are 6 times stronger than.

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Presentation on theme: "Skeletal System Day 1. Interesting facts  Adults have 206 bones  Babies born with more than 300  Did you know that our bones are 6 times stronger than."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skeletal System Day 1

2 Interesting facts  Adults have 206 bones  Babies born with more than 300  Did you know that our bones are 6 times stronger than steel?  Did you know that the size of the smallest bone is about the size of a grain of rice?  Did you know that of the 206 bones in our body, 52 of the bones make up our feet?  Did you know that the largest bone is the hip bone?  Did you know that the longest bone is the femur?  Did you know that the smallest bone is the sturrup?  Did you know that when dead, cartalige rots faster than bone?

3 Structure and Function  The skeletal system works directly with the muscular system to perform the following functions:  Provide shape and support  Protect internal organs  Store minerals and fat  Produce blood cells and platelets  Assist in movement

4 Common Skeletal Bones

5 Bones  Bone tissue contains  Inorganic salts (calcium phosphate)  Water  Organic material (bone cells, blood vessels, nerves, and collagen)  Bone cells must continually receive food and oxygen.  Bone cells die and are replaced by new ones.  Bones continue to grow for the first 18 to 20 years of life.  99% calcium found in bones & teeth

6 Bones  Bones may have cartilage.  Bones are attached to other bones by ligaments.  Bones are joined to muscles by tendons.

7 Types of Bones  Two major groups of bones  Axial skeleton  Includes 80 bones of the head and trunk  Appendicular skeleton  Includes 126 bones of the pelvis, shoulders, arms, and legs

8 Bones of the Body

9 Bones by Shape

10 Skull  Includes bones of the  Cranium  Eight bones  Face  13 bones  Ear  The mandible is the only movable bone of the skull.

11 Teeth  Adults have 32 teeth.  Each tooth has parts.  The crown is the white section above the gum.  The root is below the gum.  Enamel, the hardest substance in the body, covers the crown.  Cementum is the hard, bonelike substance covering the root.  Dentin is located between the enamel and the pulp.  The pulp is the soft living portion of the tooth, containing the nerves and blood vessels.

12 Tooth Development FIGURE 14-4 Tooth development

13 Parts of a Tooth

14 Types of Teeth  Four major types of teeth (each has a different shape and function):  Incisor  Cuspid  Bicuspid  Molar

15 Teeth Types

16 Thorax  Thorax includes  Ribs  Seven pairs of true ribs, five pairs of false ribs, and two pairs of floating ribs  Sternum  Vertebral bones  Protect the lungs and heart

17 Thorax

18 Sternum

19 Vertebral Column  Five parts (total of 26 vertebrae)  Cervical vertebrae (7 vertebrae)  Thoracic vertebrae (12 vertebrae)  Lumbar vertebrae (5 vertebrae)  Sacrum  Coccyx  Curvature gives it strength and flexibility.  Cartilage between vertebrae cushions bones and allows movement.

20 Vertebral Column

21 Long Bones of the Extremities  Long bones of the arms and legs contain marrow, which produces blood cells.  Long bones grow and lengthen from a layer of cartilage (epiphyseal plate).  Shaft of the long bone (diaphysis) contains fatty tissue and yellow marrow.  Fatty tissue provides stored energy.

22 Long Bones of the Extremities  End of the long bone contains red marrow that produces red blood cells.  Red marrow destroys old red blood cells, forms white blood cells, and produces platelets.  Periosteum (membrane)  Covers the bone  Contains osteoblasts  Medullary cavity  Contains osteoclasts that enlarge the diameter of the cavity by removing bone cells.

23 Anatomy of a Long Bone

24 Bone Markings  Four major types of bone markings  Projections bulge from a bone and attach to muscles, ligaments, and tendons.  Openings are holes or spaces in bones.  Depressions include openings and cavities in bone.  Ridges are lines on a bone surface.

25 Bone Markings

26 Joints  Articulation  Two or more bones join together at a joint.  Joints are named by the bones that are joined.

27 Types of Joints  Three types of joints  Immovable (synarthrosis)  Example: sutures of the cranium  Slightly movable (amphiarthrosis)  Example: pelvic bones  Freely movable (diarthrosis)  Example: hip joint

28 Six Types of Diarthrotic Joints  Ball-and-socket joints of the shoulders and hips  Hinge joints of the elbow and knee  Gliding joints of the wrists  Pivot joint at the base of the skull  Saddle joint of the thumb  Gomphosis, such as the attachment of a tooth in its socket in the jaw

29 Six Types of Diathrotic Joints

30 Skeletal System Day 2

31 Types of Motion  Flexion  Extension  Abduction  Adduction  Circumduction  Rotation  Supination  pronation

32 Disorders Fractures

33 Types of Fractures Greenstick Closed/simple Open/compound Comminuted

34 Dislocation

35 Arthritis

36 Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

37 Degenerative Disk Disease

38 Herniated Disc

39 Kyphosis

40 Scolosis

41 Lordosis

42 Spina Bifida

43 Osteomalcia/Rickets

44 More Disorders  Avulsions  Bursitis  Gout  Osteoma  Osteomylitis  Osteoporosis

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