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C:\global\overhead\lynchHarlem Lynching Purposes, Justifications, and Victims –enforcing segregation, deference, punishing the whole community for one’s.

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Presentation on theme: "C:\global\overhead\lynchHarlem Lynching Purposes, Justifications, and Victims –enforcing segregation, deference, punishing the whole community for one’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 C:\global\overhead\lynchHarlem Lynching Purposes, Justifications, and Victims –enforcing segregation, deference, punishing the whole community for one’s action, limiting mobility, honor –Whites: criminal behavior, morality, union organizing (International workers of the World-IWW-Wobblies); cattle rustling and murder involving gambling –Racial deference, moral (for the public good), defense, economic rationales

2 –Lynching emerges as the myth of the black male rapist emerges in the 1870s to break up the Populist movement; an interracial reform movement of poor blacks and poor white farmers in the South that was successful in the late 1860s to mid 1870s in reforming government corruption, discriminating prices among railroads, reform of the credit system, price supports, and limits on the power of big agricultural business. You book calls the Populists the agrarian reform movement. –BY convincing poor whites that voting for Republicans put their wives and children in danger of the New Coon stereotype- a black male rapist who would rape or marry their daughters, because of the empowerment of blacks through voting, the planters were able to convince poor whites to vote against the populist movement, and their economic interest. –Ironically, most lynching have nothing of do with rape: they are self- defense or disputed self defense, or deference murders involving economic or labor disputes. –numbers

3 Lynching Numbers

4 Three Types of Lynching Public or Mob Lynching:follow a rough ritual; don’t fear prosecution or law enforcement-we get most of the postcards of lynching from mob lynching Private or ambush lynching; preferred method of the Klan; replace mob lynching in the 1930s as the most prevalent type of lynching Regulation: the deliberate destruction of the black community, and running blacks out of town, usually to prevent black economic competition or to take “black” jobs

5 C:\global\overhead\lynchHarlem Pre Conditions Pre-Conditions –rumor –alcohol –weak religious, and educational institutions –the acquiesce of the elite –weak law enforcement –agricultural, unstable economy –strong belief in white supremacy

6 C:\global\overhead\lynchHarlem Lynching Methods and Ritual Lynching Methods and Ritual: –rumor, raising of the mob, finding, grabbing, or getting the victims –ritual torture –take the victim to either where they think the “alleged” crime happened, or to a symbolic community spot –hang, burn, or shoot –ritually take souvenirs

7 C:\global\overhead\lynchHarlem Lynching Presumptions –lynching presumes several things: –blacks have no right to self defense –no belief in due process, no worries about killing the innocent –the whole black community must pay for any alleged crime any black commits –the whole community should police all black people –lynching was a form of self-affirmation and entertainment

8 Hung Elephant 1916 Erwin Tennessee townspeople hung circus elephant named Mary for stampeding a trainer who abused her Daniel, Pete. Standing at the crossroads: southern life in the Twentieth Century. New York: Hill and Wang 1986. P. 52-4

9 Big Mary

10 1908 Lynching of Scott Burton Springfield, IL

11 1911 Oklahoma Woman lynched According to to legend on the postcard, this woman was lynched with her 9 year old son

12 Lynching in the New South

13 Waiting for the picnic Ellisville Miss lynching of Hartsfield 2:30pm June 26 1919

14 John Hartsfield, 3:00pm June 1919

15 Omaha Nebraska 1919 Omaha Nebraska, 1919; Washington Lynching

16 Duluth, Minn 1920 chings/ chings/

17 Marion Indiana, March 30 1930 James Cameron, A Lynching In Marion Thomas Shipp and Abe Smith

18 Pearl River, Miss 1939

19 Emmett Till before

20 Emmet Till, Aug 24, 1955

21 Emmett Till Photo from Jet, 1955

22 Leo Frank

23 Postcard of Leo Frank Lynching

24 How do the Duluth Lynching fit and not fit the preconditions and the rituals for lynching referenced in the lecture? Pay attention to: ritual Due process Evidence Assumptions Rationales? /

25 Oxford, 1919?

26 Lynching of Clyde Johnson Aug 3 1935, Yreka Cal

27 Lynching of Bennie Simmons Alive, soaked in oil, before being set on fire, June 13, 1913. Andarko, Ok.

28 Bennie Simmons Bennie Simmons, or Dennis Simmons, accused of the murder of sixteen-year old Susie Church, was taken from prison guards in Anadarko, Oklahoma. His killers led him to a nearby bridge and hanged him from the limb of a cottonwood tree flourishing by a stream. " The Negro prayed and shrieked in agony as the flames reached his flesh," reported a local newspaper, "but his cries were drowned out by yells and jeers of the mob." As Simmons began to lose consciousness the mob fired at the body, cutting it to pieces. " The mobsters made no attempt to conceal their identity," remarked the Enfaula Democrat, "but there were no prosecutions." Purchased in Oklahoma.

29 Multiple lynching, Aug 6, 1906, Salisbury, NC The mob numbered into the thousands that wrenched five black men from the civil authorities of Salisbury, North Carolina on the night of August 3, 1906. They accused the men of murdering members of a local family, named Lyerly. The New York Times reported that the victims were tortured with knives before being hanged and then riddled with bullets. The authorities in North Carolina, alarmed at what was one of the largest multiple lynchings of the 20th century, took unusual steps to punish the leaders of the mob. After the Governor ordered the National Guard to restore order, local officials arrested more than two- dozen suspected leaders. One of the killers, George Hall, was convicted and sentenced to 15 years at a hard labor in the state penitentiary. The New York Times predicted that, by taking these measures, North Carolina's Governor Glenn was not improving his political prospects.

30 Spectators at Lynching of Jessie Washington, Waco, TX 5/16/16








38 Web sites Without Sanctuary: Duluth Lynchings Italians lynched in New Orleans Lynchings in Wisconsin in.h tml in.h tml Rough Justice By Michael James Pfeifer

39 C:\global\overhead\lynchHarlem Black Responses to Lynching Black Responses –move –investigate and embarrass: Ida B Wells, NAACP’s pamphlets –fighting back –legal means : 1931-1946 (Dyer)Wade-Costigan Bill, an attempt at a federal anti-lynching law; white southerners in the Senate FILIBUSTERED the law or tabled it

40 C:\global\overhead\lynchHarlem –work with government: 1930 Black Cabinet got Eleanor Roosevelt to convince her husband to prosecute sheriffs who did not attempt to protect blacks from race riots and lynching –create anti-lynching groups: Association for Anti- Lynching, Association. Of Southern Women Against Lynching; churches denounce lynching; National Association of Colored Women, who raise funds for anti-lynching activity and racial uplift. –separate, avoid whites, and obey racial etiquette

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