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Social Research Methods
Chapter 17: The nature of qualitative research
Features of qualitative research
Inductive view of relationship between theory and research theories and concepts emerge from the data Interpretivist epistemology (knowledge) Constructionist ontology (being) Emphasis on words/text rather than numbers Diversity of approaches Qualitative research is a research strategy that usually emphasizes words rather than quantification in the collection and analysis of data. As a research strategy it is inductivist, constructionist, and interpretivist, but qualitative researchers do not always subscribe to all three of these features. Look at the main features of qualitative research, which has become an increasingly popular approach to social research. Qualitative research tends to be a more open-ended research strategy than is typically the case with quantitative research. Page 380 2
Grounded theory Not actually a theory in itself, it is rather an approach to generating theory from data Data collection and analysis are done hand-in-hand, with constant checking back and forth Useful in producing concepts Key concept 17.2 Page 387
Research methods used in qualitative research
Ethnography / participation observation prolonged immersion in the field Qualitative interviewing in-depth, semi- or un-structured Focus groups Discourse / conversation analysis Documentary analysis Focus groups and qualitative interviewing have become very attractive tools in qualitative research. They allow us to get closer to the precise perceptions that people have about issues of social concern. Page 383 4
The main steps of qualitative research
Qualitative research does not lend itself to the delineation of a clear set of linear steps. Figure 17.1 Page 384 5
Concepts in qualitative research
Blumer (1954) argued against the use of definitive concepts in qualitative research: because the indicators ‘fix’ the concept, because what phenomena have in common becomes more important than their variety. …and in favour of sensitizing concepts: giving a general sense of reference and guidance, allowing discovery of varied forms of phenomena, capable of being gradually narrowed down Theories and concepts emerge as outcomes of the research process, rather than operating as starting points. You can look at the text on page 388 to examine Blumer’s (1954) distinction between definitive and sensitizing concepts. You may also wish to show how a self-completion questionnaire could be utilized to produce qualitative data. Page 388 6
Approaches to reliability and validity
1. Adapting concepts from quantitative research little change of meaning quality, rigour and wider potential external reliability (replication) internal reliability (inter-observer consistency) internal validity (good fit between data and theory) better? external validity (generalization) raise the similarity between internal reliability and inter-observer consistency How relatively problematic are the forms of reliability and validity are for qualitative researchers? Page 389, 390 7
2. Alternative criteria (Guba & Lincoln, 1994)
Trustworthiness Credibility (a parallel for internal validity) Dependability (a parallel for reliability) Transferability (a parallel for external validity) Confirmability (a parallel for objectivity) Authenticity Ontological (better understanding of the social situation) Educative (better appreciation of others’ perspectives) Catalytic (impetus for change) Tactical (empowerment of participants) Does the research fairly represent different viewpoints? There is considerable unease about the simple application of the reliability and validity criteria associated with quantitative research to qualitative research. Indeed, some writers prefer to use alternative criteria that have parallels with reliability and validity. With regard to Credibility you should refer to respondent or member validation and triangulation. Page 8
What is action research?
An authentic research method dealing with real problems within an organization Designed to assist in their solution Involving an iterative process of problem identification, planning, action and evaluation Researcher plays an active role throughout More common in business and management research than in other fields Key concept 17.6 Page 397
The main preoccupations of qualitative researchers 1
Seeing through the eyes of those studied Taking the role of the other Understanding the meanings people attribute to their world Unexpected findings Description and emphasis on context Detailed account of the social setting ‘Thick descriptions’ of what is going on though respondent validation can confirm the validity of individual accounts and help to redress the power imbalance between researcher and the researched, these effects may be compromised when seeking validation from organizations rather than individuals. Page 10
The main preoccupations of qualitative researchers 2
Emphasis on social process How patterns of events unfold over time Social worlds characterized by change and flux Flexibility and limited structure No ‘prior contamination’ by rigid schedules Sensitizing concepts Concepts and theory grounded in the data Most qualitative researchers reveal a preference for seeing through the eyes of research participants. Pages 11
Criticisms of qualitative research
Too subjective Researcher decides what to focus on Difficult to replicate Unstructured format Problems of generalization Samples not ‘representative’ of all cases Lack of transparency Often unclear what researcher actually did suggestions of possible criticisms before revealing the points on the slide ? You may also wish to raise related issues such as that of anecdotalism. What qualitative researchers choose to focus upon while in the field is a product of what strikes them as significant, whereas other researchers are likely to empathize with other issues. The responses of participants to qualitative researchers are likely to be affected by the characteristics of the researcher. Interpretation will be profoundly influenced by the subjective leanings of a researcher. In terms of ‘lack of transparency’ – is it always like this? How can this be addressed? CAQDAS? Pages 405, 406 12
Is it always like this? Some qualitative research departs from these conventions: Focused on a specific research problem (rather than sensitizing concepts / grounded theory) More structured data collection (codified conversation analysis) More structured data analysis (CAQDAS) Greater transparency Many accounts of qualitative research can be less prescriptive and more descriptive in tone than those of quantitative research Page 407 13
Contrasting qualitative and quantitative research
This is a useful side-by-side checklist of the main focus or preoccupation of each strategy. Table 17.1 Page 408 14
Similarities between quantitative and qualitative research
The concern with data reduction The concern with answering research questions The concern with relating data analysis to the research literature The concern with variation The significance of frequency as a springboard for analysis The control of deliberate distortion The importance of transparency The question of error The appropriateness of research methods to questions There are a surprisingly large number of similarities, leading to a more contemporary emphasis on integrated approaches to research. Pages 409, 410 15
The feminist critique of quantitative research
It suppresses the voices of women; Women are turned into research objects; Controlling variables is viewed as a masculine approach; The use of predetermined categories in quantitative research results in …‘the silencing of women's own voices’ (Maynard 1998); Women are researched in a value-neutral way. Aspects of quantitative research are offensive to some feminist researchers. Page 410
The feminist preference for qualitative research
Women's voices can be heard Exploitation is reduced by giving as well as receiving in the course of fieldwork Women not treated as objects to be controlled by the researcher's technical procedures The emancipatory goals of feminism can be realized. Several writers have depicted qualitative research as having a far greater affinity with a feminist standpoint than quantitative research can exhibit. Page 411
However… Many of the worst excesses of discrimination against women might not have come to light were it not for the collection and analysis of statistics revealing discrimination (Maynard 1994; Oakley 1998). It is difficult to see why feminist research that combines quantitative and qualitative research would be incompatible with the feminist cause (Jayaratne and Stewart, 1991 & Maynard, 1994, 1998). Qualitative research is not ipso facto feminist in orientation and some writers have preferred to write about feminist research practice rather than about feminist methods (Maynard 1998). Discussion point: the discussion on feminist research practice vs. feminist methods could be extended further to ask whether the relation of feminism to research is in actuality mainly as a critique of mainstream methods and methodology and that the relationships between women and qualitative research proposed in the previous slide could be equally applied to any group suffering from unequal power relations in social or organizational settings. Pages 411,412
And finally …Mixed Methods Research
Mixed methods research has become one of the major areas of growth in social research methodology The divisions between quantitative and qualitative research have increasingly given way to imaginative ways of combining the two approaches and a growing acceptance of adopting a multi-method approach 19
A Practical Definition of Mixed Methods Research
Greene, Caracelli and Graham (1989) developed a conceptual framework that supported mixed-method evaluative inquiry and provided a definition for the approach: “…we defined mixed-method designs as those that include at least one quantitative method (designed to collect numbers) and one qualitative method (designed to collect words), where neither type of method is inherently linked to any particular inquiry paradigm.” (ibid, p. 256) Think: how could you make such an approach work for your research proposal? 20
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