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Oedipus Rex Sophocles Sophocles 495-406 B.C.E 495-406 B.C.E.

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Presentation on theme: "Oedipus Rex Sophocles Sophocles 495-406 B.C.E 495-406 B.C.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oedipus Rex Sophocles Sophocles 495-406 B.C.E 495-406 B.C.E

2 Achievements Sophocles wrote more than 120 plays Sophocles wrote more than 120 plays Only seven survived in their complete form Only seven survived in their complete form Sophocles introduced painted scenery Sophocles introduced painted scenery He also increased the size of the chorus to fifteen actors He also increased the size of the chorus to fifteen actors He was also politically and civically active: He served on the Delian League, commanded troops as a general, and worked as a diplomat during the Peloponnesian War He was also politically and civically active: He served on the Delian League, commanded troops as a general, and worked as a diplomat during the Peloponnesian War

3 When Sophocles died, Athens was under siege by the Spartans; but the Spartans respected Sophocles so much that they declared a truce so that he could be buried. When Sophocles died, Athens was under siege by the Spartans; but the Spartans respected Sophocles so much that they declared a truce so that he could be buried.

4 Greek Theatre Greek tragedy developed out of the choral lyric. These are hymns sung to honor the god Dionysius. Greek tragedy developed out of the choral lyric. These are hymns sung to honor the god Dionysius. Plots were taken from well known myths and legends. Plots were taken from well known myths and legends. All actors were male, and acting was mixed with singing done in a chanting tone. All actors were male, and acting was mixed with singing done in a chanting tone. Actors wore masks and elaborate costumes. Actors wore masks and elaborate costumes.

5 Tragedy was performed at the festival of Dionysius in late March. Tragedy was performed at the festival of Dionysius in late March. Citizens were obligated to attend the tragic performances Citizens were obligated to attend the tragic performances

6 The Chorus The chorus played the role of the ideal spectator, commenting on and interpreting the action. The chorus played the role of the ideal spectator, commenting on and interpreting the action. As time passed the importance of the chorus diminished As time passed the importance of the chorus diminished


8 The Theatre Theatres were quite large Theatres were quite large  Theatre of Dionysus in Athens sat 17,000 There was a wooden structure or skene, on which backdrops could be painted. There was a wooden structure or skene, on which backdrops could be painted. There was no stage. Action took place on the proscenium, a level area in front of the skene. There was no stage. Action took place on the proscenium, a level area in front of the skene.

9 There were some visual effects: There were some visual effects: Actors wore elaborate costumes and masks, masks were topped by tall wig-like protrusions. Actors wore elaborate costumes and masks, masks were topped by tall wig-like protrusions. Actors also wore platform shoes for height. Actors also wore platform shoes for height. A crane type advice was used to mimic the magical appearance of the gods who could swoop in thus leading to the origination of the term deus ex machina ( dey-uh s eks mah-kuh-nuh), or the god from the machine A crane type advice was used to mimic the magical appearance of the gods who could swoop in thus leading to the origination of the term deus ex machina ( dey-uh s eks mah-kuh-nuh), or the god from the machine

10 The Theatre of Dionysius


12 Stages of the Greek Tragedy 1. Prologue—Opening scene, background of the story 2. Parodos—Entrance of the chorus, chanting lyrics 3. Episode—Main scene in which plot is developed through action with chorus chiming in occasionally. 4. Stasimon—The choral ode. Time for the chorus to chime in on all the preceding events. 5. Exodus—the final action after the last stasimon ending with the exit of all actors.

13 Generally, this pattern was followed with only minor variations over the centuries. Generally, this pattern was followed with only minor variations over the centuries.

14 Oedipus Rex opens in medias res or in the middle of things! Oedipus Rex opens in medias res or in the middle of things!

15 The Riddle of the Sphinx Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at mid-day on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?” Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at mid-day on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?”

16 Think… For the Greeks, what had the ultimate importance? What is the model for everything else? What is the model for even the gods? For the Greeks, what had the ultimate importance? What is the model for everything else? What is the model for even the gods?

17 Answer: Humans! Humans! Babies walk on all fours Babies walk on all fours Adults on two legs Adults on two legs Elderly people walk with a cane! Elderly people walk with a cane!

18 The Sphinx is an animal, a beastly creature. The Sphinx is an animal, a beastly creature. Oedipus slays her with the answer to the riddle—humans! Oedipus slays her with the answer to the riddle—humans! It’s a battle of man vs. beast and man wins It’s a battle of man vs. beast and man wins So, Oedipus is the savior but he’s also the great polluter So, Oedipus is the savior but he’s also the great polluter

19 What does this mean? Humans are the answer and the problem. We are the doers, changers, and makers of the universe. The Greeks believed that humans have great power; we must always be aware to watch where we’re going! People can lead or they can misstep! Humans are the answer and the problem. We are the doers, changers, and makers of the universe. The Greeks believed that humans have great power; we must always be aware to watch where we’re going! People can lead or they can misstep!

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