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Regents Biology 2003-2004 Animals rely on two systems for regulation: Nervous System is a system of nerve cells called neurons. It consists of a central.

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1 Regents Biology 2003-2004 Animals rely on two systems for regulation: Nervous System is a system of nerve cells called neurons. It consists of a central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and peripheral nerves. Typical responses are fast and short lasting. Endocrine System is a system of ductless glands that secrete hormone into the blood. Hormones travel to target tissues. Typical responses are slow and long lasting. Progesterone Estradiol

2 Regents Biology 2003-2004 Human Endocrine Glands Ductless glands transport hormones in the blood Duct glands are exocrine glands that use tubes to carry the secretion (salivary, tears)

3 Regents Biology 2003-2004 Pituitary gland and Hypothalamus serve to link the nervous system other glands and metabolic functions.

4 4 Mechanisms of hormone release (a) Humoral: in response to changing levels of ions or nutrients in the blood (b) Neural: stimulation by nerves (c) Hormonal: stimulation received from other hormones

5 5 Pituitary__________ (hypophysis) Hypothalamus___________ Hypothalamus__ Anterior pituitary__ (adenohypophysis) _____________Posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) Learn the 3 endocrine organs on this slide: Hypothalamus Pituitary (hyophysis) Pineal

6 Regents Biology 2003-2004

7 Regents Biology 2003-2004

8 Regents Biology 2003-2004 Thyroid and Parathyroid help regulate calcium metabolism Feedback!

9 Regents Biology 2003-2004 Pancreas helps regulate blood glucose Insulin from Beta cells reduce blood sugar Glucagon from Alpha cells increase blood sugar feedback

10 Regents Biology 2003-2004 Female sex traits include the menstrual cycle and the changes seen during puberty LH and FSH from the pituitary Estrogen and progesterone from the ovary feedback

11 Regents Biology 2003-2004 Identify the Glands

12 Disorders of the Endocrine System Acromegaly –An enlargement of the bones of the hands, feet, and jaws Addison's disease –Caused by hyposecretion of the hormones produced by the cortex of the adrenal gland Cretinism –Condition resulting from a congenital deficiency of thyroid secretion or hypothyroidism

13 Disorders of the Endocrine System (continued) Cushing’s syndrome –Disorder that causes hyperactivity of the adrenal glands, which is triggered by the oversecretion of the pituitary hormone ACTH Diabetes insipidus –From an acquired or inherited decrease in the antidiuretic hormone secreted by the pituitary Diabetes mellitus –A disorder of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism resulting from insufficient insulin production by the pancreas

14 Disorders of the Endocrine System (continued) Dwarfism –Results from hyposecretion of the growth hormone of the pituitary gland, which has been caused by a tumor, infection, genetic factors, or trauma Gigantism –An excessive growth of the long bones caused by hypersecretion of the somatotropic hormone Graves’ disease –Caused by hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis

15 Disorders of the Endocrine System (continued) Hyperparathyroidism –Causes hypercalcemia, an increased calcium blood level Hypoglycemia –Results from increased insulin production by the pancreas Hypoparathyroidism –A decreased secretion of parathyroid hormone that causes tetany

16 Disorders of the Endocrine System (continued) Hypothyroidism –Also called Hashimoto's disease, results from an insufficient production of thyroxine Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIAD) –Involves water intoxication and the dilution of intracellular and extracellular body tissues, usually resulting from lung cancer Virilism –Results from increased secretion in the adrenal glands

17 17 Pathology, continued  Adrenal gland  Cushing’s syndrome (see next pic)  Usually caused by an ACTH-secreting pituitary tumor  Rarely by tumor of adrenal cortex  Iatrogenic  Addison’s disease  Hyposecretion (under secretion) of adrenal cortex  Usually involves cortisol and aldosterone: low blood glucose and sodium, severe dehydration, fatigue, loss of appetetie, abdominal pain (Jane Austin)

18 Thyroxin – increases metabolic rate Overactive Goitre Hyperthyroidism Grave’s Disease Underactive Goitre Hypothyroidism Hashimoto’s Disease Myxoedema (adults) Cretinism (kids) Calcitonin – Inc. Ca uptake by bones and dec. Ca level in blood Overactive Tetany Underactive Kidney Stones Osteoporosis

19 Parathormone (PTH) – inc. Ca level in blood, dec. Ca level in bone Overactive Kidney Stones Osteoporosis Underactive Tetany Insulin – dec. blood sugar levels Overactive Hypoglycemia Hyperinsulinism (insulin shock) Underactive Hyperglycemia Diabetes

20 Myxoedema Puffiness (swelling) Fatigue Obesity Dry, thickened skin Mental impairment Thin, brittle hair

21 Cretinism Protuberant abdomen Short Stature Infertility Neurological impairment Constant Fatigue Obesity Results from thyroid hormone insufficiency in infancy

22 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 20 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS 2 Categories: Abnormal hormone production Abnormal cellular sensitivity ACROMEGALY: Over production of growth hormone after the epiphyseal plates have fused Bone shape changes Cartilaginous areas of skeleton enlarge Broad facial features Enlarged lower jaw

23 Endocrine System…. Professor KS Satyapal 22 ENDOCRINE DISORDERS GOITER Enlarged thyroid gland Results from thyroid hormone hyposecretion Due to iodine insufficiency

24 Regents Biology Goiter: Iodine deficiency and feedback causes the thyroid to enlarge This people have a goiter, a condition that is easily preventable with iodized salt Results from thyroid hormone hyposecretion Due to iodine insufficiency

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