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Industrial Revolution. I.Industrial Revolution A.Origin in England.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Revolution. I.Industrial Revolution A.Origin in England."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Revolution

2 I.Industrial Revolution

3 A.Origin in England

4 1.Natural resources like coal and iron ore I’ve got natural resources like whoa!

5 A. Origin in England 2.Many rivers allow for water-power and water disposal


7 A. Origin in England 3.Invention of the steam engine


9 I. Industrial Revolution A.Origin in England B.Spread to Europe and the United States

10 I. Industrial Revolution A.Origin in England B.Spread to Europe and the United States C.Role of cotton textile, iron, and steel industries


12 1.Desire for textiles came from India

13 C. Role of cotton textile, iron, and steel industries 2.Steel is produced cheaply by Henry Bessemer

14 C. Role of cotton textile, iron, and steel industries 3.These industries helped refine industrialization

15 C. Role of cotton textile, iron, and steel industries 4.Made factories more efficient by becoming automated

16 I. Industrial Revolution A.Origin in England B.Spread to Europe and the United States C.Role of cotton textile, iron, and steel industries D.Relationship to the British Enclosure Movement

17 1.Farmers began to enclose their farms to keep other farmers and livestock out


19 D. Relationship to the British Enclosure Movement 2.By enclosing farms, many people lost their land and there is a huge migration to cities, which provides cheap labor

20 I. Industrial Revolution A.Origin in England B.Spread to Europe and the United States C.Role of cotton textile, iron, and steel industries D.Relationship to the British Enclosure Movement E.Rise of the factory system and demise of cottage industries


22 1.People begin buying and selling goods produced in bulk from factories rather than homemade goods produced in the home

23 E. Rise of the factory system and demise of cottage industries 2.Factory-created goods are cheaper and the quality is consistent

24 I. Industrial Revolution A.Origin in England B.Spread to Europe and the United States C.Role of cotton textile, iron, and steel industries D.Relationship to the British Enclosure Movement E.Rise of the factory system and demise of cottage industries F.Rising economic powers that wanted to control raw materials and markets throughout the world

25 F. Rising economic powers that wanted to control raw materials 1.Mercantilism is still important

26 F. Rising economic powers that wanted to control raw materials 2.This causes a greater need for colonies

27 I.Industrial Revolution II.Technological advances that produced the Industrial Revolution

28 II. Technological advances that produced the IR A.James Watt—Steam engine


30 II. Technological advances that produced the IR B.Eli Whitney—Cotton gin

31 II. Technological advances that produced the IR C.Henry Bessemer— Process for making steel

32 I.Industrial Revolution II.Technological advances that produced the Industrial Revolution III.Advancements in science and medicine

33 A.Edward Jenner—Developed smallpox vaccination






39 III. Advancements in science and medicine B.Louis Pasteur— Discovered bacteria

40 I.Industrial Revolution II.Technological advances that produced the Industrial Revolution III.Advancements in science and medicine IV.Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on industrialized countries

41 IV. Impacts of the IR on industrialized countries A.Population increase

42 IV. Impacts of the IR on industrialized countries B.Increased standards of living for many, though not all

43 IV. Impacts of the IR on industrialized countries C.Improved transportation

44 IV. Impacts of the IR on industrialized countries D.Urbanization

45 IV. Impacts of the IR on industrialized countries E.Environmental pollution

46 IV. Impacts of the IR on industrialized countries F.Increased education

47 IV. Impacts of the IR on industrialized countries G.Dissatisfaction of working class with working conditions

48 IV. Impacts of the IR on industrialized countries H.Growth of the middle class

49 I.Industrial Revolution II.Technological advances that produced the Industrial Revolution III.Advancements in science and medicine IV.Impacts of the Industrial Revolution on industrialized countries V.Competing Economic Theories

50 A.Capitalism

51 1.Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations

52 A. Capitalism 2.Role of market competition and entrepreneurial abilities

53 A. Capitalism 3.Impact on standard of living and the growth of the middle class

54 A. Capitalism 4.Dissatisfaction with poor working conditions and the unequal distribution of wealth in society

55 V. Competing Economic Theories A.Capitalism B.Socialism and Communism

56 1.Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto (written with Friedrich Engels) and Das Capital

57 B. Socialism and Communism 2.Response to the injustices of capitalism

58 B. Socialism and Communism 3.Importance of redistribution of wealth to the communists

59 VI.The nature of work in the factory system

60 A.Family-based cottage industries displaced by the factory system

61 VI. The nature of work in the factory system B.Harsh working conditions with men competing with women and children for wages

62 VI. The nature of work in the factory system C.Child labor that kept costs of production low and profits high

63 VI. The nature of work in the factory system D.considerable control over the lives of their laborers

64 VI.The nature of work in the factory system VII.Impact of the Industrial Revolution on slavery

65 A.The cotton gin increased demand for slave labor on American plantations.

66 VII. Impact of the Industrial Revolution on slavery B.The United States and Britain outlawed the slave trade and then slavery

67 VI.The nature of work in the factory system VII.Impact of the Industrial Revolution on slavery VIII.Social effects of the Industrial Revolution

68 A.Women and children entering the workplace as cheap labor

69 VIII. Social effects of the Industrial Revolution B.Introduction of reforms to end child labor

70 VIII. Social effects of the Industrial Revolution C.Expansion of education

71 VIII. Social effects of the Industrial Revolution D.Women’s increased demands for suffrage

72 VI.The nature of work in the factory system VII.Impact of the Industrial Revolution on slavery VIII.Social effects of the Industrial Revolution IX.The rise of labor unions

73 A.Encouraged worker-organized strikes to increase wages and improve working conditions

74 IX. The rise of labor unions B.Lobbied for laws to improve the lives of workers, including women and children

75 IX. The rise of labor unions C.Wanted worker rights and collective bargaining between labor and management

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