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Human Geography Group 4 Alison Wiltbank, Breanna Zundel.

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1 Human Geography Group 4 Alison Wiltbank, Breanna Zundel

2 Slavery in Rome  Slaves were an important part of the household  Did construction work, farmed, worked in factories as well as in houses of rich Romans

3 Slavery in Greece  As many or more slaves as civilians in Greece.  Household servants  Did jobs no one else would do.  Largest workforce in Greece

4 Role of Family in Confucian China  Family was considered very important  Family relationships were considered the backbone of society  There were 3 types of family relationships: 1.Hierarchal- One in charge of another (Parent/child relationships) 2.Husband/wife relationship 3.Older child/younger child relationships

5 Family in Imperial Rome  Family came first  Headed by the father  Families could be really diverse  Families were supposed to be very loyal to the other members in their family

6 The Indian Caste System  Class system in India  Highest caste: the Brahmans (Priests) then the warriors  Next highest: Merchants  Upper class commoners  Lower class commoners  Pariahs=Nobodies, social outcasts

7 Women in Ancient China  Property of men  Took care of everything in the home

8 Women in Ancient Athens  All women had a Kyrio, or guardian  Rich women took care of the house and servants  Poor women worked along with men  Few legal rights

9 Women in Ancient Sparta  Trained alongside the men  Supposed to be strong  They could own their own property  They were supposed to have strong children to be Spartan warriors

10 Women in Ancient India  Couldn’t own property  Couldn’t show their face in public  Owned by men  Weren’t allowed to get education

11 Women in Ancient Rome  Property of their fathers, then their husbands  Couldn’t have government offices  Only lower class women could work  Mostly treated well

12 Silk Road  Trading route from Central Asia to the west  silk, gold, ivory, exotic animals and plants  Brought silk, gold, ivory, exotic animals and plants  Silk was the most valued of the products to the people

13 The Silk Road’s Effect on Europe and Asia!  Made the Merchants rich  Spread animals and plants to other areas  Brought products from one place to another- good example of relocation diffusion

14 Cross-Saharan Migration  Trade routes that went across the Sahara  Salt-mining and gold collecting in the desert  Caused states forming along the boundaries between the deserts and grasslands in Africa  Helped spread Islamic religion

15 Consequences of the Crusades  Gave England power  Opened up the eyes of the Europeans in trade, state building and conquests of territory  People died  Made the relationship between Muslims and Christians worse  Artwork and cultural treasures destroyed

16 BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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