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3D Design IPHC Frédéric Morel - Grégory Bertolone - Claude Colledani.

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1 3D Design Flow @ IPHC Frédéric Morel - Grégory Bertolone - Claude Colledani

2 2 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Standard and IO cells (1) Building DfII libraries for ARM cells  symbols and cmos_sch views: use directly the dfII files  layout view: import of the gds file Use of the metal 5 top for IO cells (for having large VIA4 and no MET6)  verilog view: import and compile the verilog file vhdl file is available but not used  schematic view: import of the cdl netlist Use a skill function for changing VSS and VDD to VSS! and VDD! Device mapping between the devices of cdl netlist and Chartered DfII library (chrt013lp)  transistors and resistors, no diode was imported  abstract view: import of the lef file Change the lef file for metals and vias  METALx  METx, VIAxy  VIAx, and VIAxy_H/V  Mx_My By default layers used in abstract are invisible (LSW)

3 3 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Standard and IO cells (2) Test of the DfII ARM libraries against CAD tools  Simulations Analogue (spectre), mixte (ams) and digital (nc-verilog)  Synthesis, place & route, timing analysis and post- simulations tlf files exist to perform timing analysis RTL compiler, SOC Post-simulations and post-timing analysis (need handmade modifications, should be solved)  DRC and LVS These libraries are fully compatible within DfII Available for others users (NDA signed)

4 4 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Extraction Extraction made with Calibre and Hercules/STAR  Extraction with both tools have similar results  Modification of the original scripts necessary for creating a dspf extracted netlist  Simulations with spectre and ams in DfII Use directly this netlist with a config view  Does not work each time (complexity of the extracted cell) Import like a cdl netlist for generating a schematic  Need to modify the original netlist  PININFO are not present  Modifications are handmade but a script can be developed  Need to create a device map file  For mapping cdl netlist devices and Chartered devices (Transistors, parasitic and physical resistors and capacitors)  Once for the kit (not tested with physical resistors and capacitors) Future plans for a robust extraction flow?

5 5 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Scripts (1) MIM capacitances for Calibre LVS  With 2 top metals options 2 types of MIM cap are available For 6 metals layers: METTOP/MET5 and MET5/MET4  Only MIM cap between METTOP/MET5 are extracted Modification of the Calibre LVS extract rules  Extraction of MIM devices between METTOP/MET5  If 2 top metals options is not set  Default rules  Extraction of MIM devices between MET5/MET4  If 2 top metals options is set  METTOP/MET5 MIM cap are not extracted Calibre DRC rules take into accounts both types of MIM cap Are really two types of MIM caps available?

6 6 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Scripts (2) Verifications of connections between metal 6 BI  Assura DRC LvL of 2 tiers with specific rules  Check that all BIs are face to face in each tier  Check that BIs with the same label name are face to face in each tier  Check that BIs which enclose VIATOP are face to face in each tier  LvL must be done before the mirroring of the second tier BI VIATOP Label1 Label2

7 7 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Scripts (3) Array of labels generator  Arrays of pixels need 1-dim. vectorized labels Pix(x,y)  Label To perform a LVS To check connectivity between both tiers  This script allows us to create bus labels Labels are place as an array  different size of rows and columns  different horizontal and vertical pitches  Fully customizable  In Cadence 5.1.41 pin vector limit is set to 64k in schematic view Check and save is very slow cdl export is also very slow Lb

8 8 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Scripts (4) Check shapes in METx label  In Calibre METx drawing, dummy and label are extracted as nets In the manufacturing stream layer table METx labels are not exported  By default the display are the same for all of theses subtypes We create a Calibre rules to check if METx labels are used to create shapes  Shapes_label.Metalx{@ Shapes in Metal x COPY Metalx_Label} Dummy Filling  The filling in this technology is not obvious  We use the CMP filling script (with Assura)

9 9 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Miscellaneous (1) Stream Layer Map Table  Some marking layers are defined in marking and drawing with the same gds subtype LVS_PSUB2, SRAMCORE, DIODE_MK, …  Not easy to verify LVS and DRC in the import gds file  Source of mistakes ? AMS simulations  By default models are not load when ams simulator is chosen  file must be updated with the right path  Some models files must be also updated (syntax problems)

10 10 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Miscellaneous (2) Chip ID block  Placement understanding of the chip ID has been different from labs to labs  Should we have to clarify this point? Mailing at IPHC  For a better diffusion of information we have a new mailing list  People in this list G. Bertolone, G. Claus, C. Colledani, W. Dulinski, Y. Fu, C. Hu, F. Morel, O. Torheim, X. Wei and M. Winter  The management of the list is transparent for users  Please use it

11 11 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Kit version Issues with Chartered/Tezzaron kit versions  The first kit version has a conflict between Tezzaron and Chartered Both tech file containing identical layer info  Tezzaron rules have changed during the design  DRC with different rules release in IPHC and FNAL  Chartered kit configuration is complex There is a lot of options for DRC and LVS  Options for setting the right process  Options for setting the checks for the DRC An official procedure for verifying the version of the rules, the right options set up is necessary

12 12 18/03/2010 3D workshops (Marseille) Suggestions AssuraCalibreHercules/Star DRCStandard process only Yes LVSStandard process only Yes / MIM cap modification Yes / no MIM cap ExtractStandard process only dspf only 3D LvLYesYes / No check of labels name No FillingYesNo How can we have a homogeneous CAD flow? Same for standard and IO cells?  With Synthesis, Place and Route, pre- and post- timing analysis Example of CERN with IBM flow?

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