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Initial Development of the Operation Decision Support System for the South Florida Water Management District By Alicia Fogg November, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "Initial Development of the Operation Decision Support System for the South Florida Water Management District By Alicia Fogg November, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 Initial Development of the Operation Decision Support System for the South Florida Water Management District By Alicia Fogg November, 2003

2 The Existing System Basins Monitoring Points Structures NHD

3 SFWMD Man-Made Canals Meandering Channels Structures Land Use

4 Operations Decision Support System (ODSS) The goal of the ODSS is to control the hydraulic head and water flow through Water Control Units (WCU) in a satisfactory manner. Water Control Unit (WCU) – one or more water bodies that are surrounded by control structures. The head at any point in the WCU is dependent on the head at every other point in the WCU.

5 Why Create the ODSS? The water is currently managed by a complex system; however, rainfall, land, and WCUs are not connected. The development of the ODSS for SFWMD will create a system that is geographically based and connect rainfall, land, and WCUs.

6 Creating a Schematic Network A Schematic Network was created to connect the land to the WCUs. Three types of Nodes were defined in the schematic network: WCUs (235), Basins (155), Control Structures (481). Two types of Links were also defined: from the Basin to the WCU, and from the WCU to the Structures.

7 The Schematic Network Prototype area of 9 WCUs, 11 Basins, 11 Structures. Located between Lake Okeechobee and Lake Istokpoga

8 Future Work Add a connection between rainfall (NexRAD data) and the Basins. Develop a stronger relationship between Basins and WCUs; the relationship is some what arbitrary. Not every WCU will have a relationship to a Basin; there are fewer Basins than WCUs. Expand the coverage of the schematic network from the prototype area to the entire SFWMD.

9 Thank You To Dr. Maidment SFWMD CRWR

10 Questions?

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