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The Real Truth Behind Branding. What is Branding? Why Do You Need It? How Do You Create It?

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Presentation on theme: "The Real Truth Behind Branding. What is Branding? Why Do You Need It? How Do You Create It?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Real Truth Behind Branding


3 What is Branding? Why Do You Need It? How Do You Create It?

4 Can You Stand Out and Fit In Simultaneously?

5 Fit In Connect & Communicate with Each Other & Audience Connect & Communicate with Each Other & Audience Move & Fit Seamlessly as Partners Move & Fit Seamlessly as Partners Navigate their Environment Navigate their Environment Know each other’s Role Know each other’s Role

6 Stand Out Confident, Visible Talent Confident, Visible Talent Knowledge & Expertise Knowledge & Expertise Influenced the World of Dance Influenced the World of Dance Leaders Leaders Passionate Head-to-Heart Passionate Head-to-Heart

7 Connection, Communication, Partnership

8 Confidence, Talent, Leadership

9 What is Branding?


11 We’re going to D………..!

12 “When you absolutely, positively have to get it there overnight.”

13 “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else there’s ….”

14 “Just Do It”

15 “ A brand is a set of differentiating promises that link a product to its customers.” ~Christopher Betzter Branding Strategist

16 What’s the Big Promise?


18 What’s the Big X

19 “A singular idea or concept that you own inside the mind of the customer.” ~Al Ries Marketing Strategist

20 Are Fred and Ginger a Brand?

21 Brangelina?


23 YOU?

24 BRANDING… it’s not just for products, companies or cattle.

25 1. Your Business or Organization 2. Human Resources Department 3. You – HR Professional

26 Name that Brand… Your Company, Business, Organization

27 Name that Brand… HR Department… First Impressions


29 “Can say no but not yes.” “Handles benefits and compensation issues.” “Equates equitable with equal making it difficult to keep top people.”

30 “HR is an administrative department, not a strategic business partner.” Do you agree with the statement…

31 51% of HR professionals agreed with the statement, “HR is an administrative department, not a strategic business partner.” Korn/Ferry 2008 McKinsey Study.

32 58% of line managers agreed with the statement… “HR lacks capabilities to develop talent strategies aligned with business objectives.” 2008 McKinsey & Co. Study Reported by Korn/Ferry Institute

33 …25% of HR professionals surveyed agreed!

34 What Capabilities Matter? …the two most highly rated competencies were… Effective Communication Effective Communication Strategic Thinking Strategic Thinking Poll of HR professionals across four countries/regions – US, Canada, India, Middle East/North Africa Source: What Senior HR Leaders Need to Know (SHRM, 2010 )

35 Top 5 of 18 Competencies for U.S. Effective Communication Effective Communication Strategic Thinking Strategic Thinking HR Knowledge HR Knowledge *Integrity *Integrity *Ethical Behavior *Ethical Behavior *only country to rank in the top 5 Source: What Senior HR Leaders Need to Know (SHRM, 2010 )

36 Other Top 4 Competencies Business Knowledge Business Knowledge Persuasiveness/influencing others Persuasiveness/influencing others Leading change Leading change Credibility Credibility Source: What Senior HR Leaders Need to Know (SHRM, 2010 )

37 Top 3 Competencies for U.S. Effective Communication 59% HR Knowledge 56% Strategic Thinking 57%

38 CEOs Demanding More Value from HR to become strategic in: Brand Brand Corporate Vision Corporate Vision Financial Performance Financial Performance Employee Performance Employee Performance PricewaterhouseCoopers Advice to Companies Source: PR Newswire

39 HR Challenges HR reputation/brand HR reputation/brand Need to align HR strategies with business strategy and brand Need to align HR strategies with business strategy and brand Failure to understand motives & drivers of C-Level Failure to understand motives & drivers of C-Level Lack of Partnership Lack of Partnership Mindset Mindset


41 Fit In

42 Connection & Communication Connection & Communication Strategic Thinking Strategic Thinking Access: C-Suite & other Sectors Access: C-Suite & other Sectors Understand Motivators/Drivers Understand Motivators/Drivers Partnership Partnership Knowledge -HR/Finance/Business Knowledge -HR/Finance/Business

43 Stand Out

44 Business Expertise & HR Knowledge Business Expertise & HR Knowledge Confidence & Credibility Confidence & Credibility Influence as a Change Agent Influence as a Change Agent Leadership Leadership Point-of-View/Personal Power Point-of-View/Personal Power


46 Personal Branding How You Market Yourself (and your Benefits) to Others How You Market Yourself (and your Benefits) to Others How Other’s Perceive You How Other’s Perceive You

47 How Do I Create It?

48 C-Level Key Components Confidence Confidence Credibility Credibility Communication Communication Competence Competence

49 Confidence “Is the first thing someone notices about you. It’s the energy that tells the world you are self-assured.”

50 “Confidence is the message that says I’m competent, capable and poised. Good communicators are confident communicators.”

51 Credibility “Is the sense and proof of believability you portray to others.”

52 3 Levels of Credibility Initial Initial Derived Derived Terminal Terminal

53 Initial Credibility Precedes you. Precedes you. Reputation - formed by what others say, read and hear. Reputation - formed by what others say, read and hear. Social Marketing – Levels the Playing Field Social Marketing – Levels the Playing Field

54 What to Do Monitor electronic reputation Monitor electronic reputation Balance social banter with business communication Balance social banter with business communication Create good character, trust, respect Create good character, trust, respect Once on the web-always in the head Once on the web-always in the head

55 Derived Credibility Created face-to-face Created face-to-face Dynamic flow Dynamic flow Presentation must match reputation Presentation must match reputation A word, gesture, or tone can shift how you are perceived A word, gesture, or tone can shift how you are perceived

56 What to Do Awareness -have a sense of how you are perceived Awareness -have a sense of how you are perceived Follow a positive reputation with posture, voice, words, gestures, dress, mannerisms Follow a positive reputation with posture, voice, words, gestures, dress, mannerisms Cultivate self-confidence Cultivate self-confidence

57 Terminal Credibility Not a disease Not a disease What you leave behind - promise What you leave behind - promise Legacy without the death part Legacy without the death part

58 If you don’t manage your credibility someone else will!

59 “A brand is a living entity—and it is enriched or undermined cumulatively over time.” ~Michael Eisner

60 3 Key Questions How Do YOU See Yourself? How Do You WANT others to See You? How DO Others See You?

61 Authentic, Masked, Disconnected?

62 3 Key Elements Visibility – Connections, Consistency Visibility – Connections, Consistency Values – Governing Principles Values – Governing Principles Voice – Viewpoint / Personal Power Voice – Viewpoint / Personal Power

63 The Formula for Creating Your Personal Brand

64 What do You See? What do You See?

65 Step 1. Intellectual Property Achievements Achievements Skills, Traits, Talents Skills, Traits, Talents Compliments Compliments

66 Achievements Create a Time Line Create a Time Line Note 3 Key Stand-Out Successes Note 3 Key Stand-Out Successes Note Accomplishments that Make You Grin with Pride Note Accomplishments that Make You Grin with Pride

67 Conquer the Zip Line

68 Talents Note innate, natural talents Note innate, natural talents What comes easy for you? What comes easy for you? What talents don’t you use? What talents don’t you use?

69 Traits Leadership Leadership Great Attitude Great Attitude Go Above and Beyond Go Above and Beyond Loyalty/Honesty/Integrity Loyalty/Honesty/Integrity Love to Learn Love to Learn Disposition Disposition

70 Skills Communication/Soft Skills Communication/Soft Skills Management Skills Management Skills Selling & Negotiation Skills Selling & Negotiation Skills Analytical Skills Analytical Skills

71 Compliments What do others say about you What do others say about you Ask friends/associates what you do well and why Ask friends/associates what you do well and why What position would they put you in? What position would they put you in?

72 Values/Principles Honesty / Integrity Honesty / Integrity Fun/Adventure Fun/Adventure Creative environment Creative environment Faith/Spirituality Faith/Spirituality Personal Development Personal Development


74 Resume Education, training, certifications Education, training, certifications I’m fluent in…. I’m fluent in…. I have broad experience in… I have broad experience in… I’m knowledgeable about… I’m knowledgeable about… I design and deliver programs… I design and deliver programs… I excel at collaboration… I excel at collaboration…

75 Turn Talents/Skills/Traits Features into Benefits “I love to learn and what that means to you (C-Execs) is an eagerness to take a rotation in other parts of the business, so I can learn exactly what kind of talent I need to be recruiting to support our brand.” “I love to learn and what that means to you (C-Execs) is an eagerness to take a rotation in other parts of the business, so I can learn exactly what kind of talent I need to be recruiting to support our brand.”

76 2. What is your BIG Promise? What 3 Adjectives Would Describe You? Practical, Fun, Effective Practical, Fun, Effective Creative, Problem-solver, Bold Creative, Problem-solver, Bold

77 Be Consistent

78 Portofino

79 Step 3. What’s Your Style? Create a Character I’m like the Dr. Oz of HR I have fun getting to the heart of the problem quickly and using all my know-how for healthy, effective solutions.

80 Branding Statement Because of /I’m driven to (passion, talent)…I (who you help)…to (do, become, achieve), so that (results, or outcome) and (lasting change.) Plus your style statement

81 “It takes time to get a dance right, to create something memorable.” ~ Fred Astaire

82 The Real Truth Behind Branding is… You Can’t Afford not to do it Your Success depends on it!

83 Communicating at Work Made Easy 30-60-90 Minute Presentations 30-60-90 Minute Presentations ½ - 1 Day Training Programs ½ - 1 Day Training Programs Corporate Coaching Corporate Coaching Contact Allie at 407-313-4967 Contact Allie at 407-313-4967



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